How to generate hourly weather data for 8760 (Entire Year) using PvLib Python - forecasting

Instede of reading TMY file in to PvLib, I wants to generate weather data using PvLib function, class or modules.
I have found some of function to generate weather forecast using "from pvlib.forecast import GFS, NAM, NDFD, HRRR, RAP" these modules.
Above mention method/algorithm has some limitation. It generate data for limited period. Some of the modules are generating only for 7 days or 1 months.
Also it gives data for 3 hourly time stamp difference.
Is there any possibility to interpolate weather data for entire year using PvLib?

Forecast is generally meant to be used for future prediction, and is limited in time and accuracy inversely proportionate: longer future forecasts have less accuracy, and accuracy decreases the further in the future it is. For example, the forecast for today is more accurate than forecast for tomorrow, and so on. This is the reason that forecast is limited as you are forecasting for seven future days.
Forecast providers as GFS may or may not provide data for historic forecasts; it depends on the provider and their services.
As I remember, GFS gives prediction in old file fashion, so I moved to providers that gives online REST services forecast, as I become first a programmer and then a data scientist and never a meteorologist.
When timeseries period is not in your required period, you can do some resampling. Extra values will be mathematically calculated with some formula that—as long you don't know the original provider's formula—resample formula will be likely different.


Time series database "metrics limit"?

I'd like to know if a time-series database will crumble with this scenario:
I have tens of thousands of IoTs sending 4 different values each 5min.
I will query those values for each IoT, for certain time spans. My question is:
Is a tsdb approach feasible and scalable up to, e.g., a million IoTs, having metrics like:
? Or are they way too much "amount of metrics"?
The retention policy will be 2 years, with possible roll ups maybe after (TBA) months. But I think this consideration only matters for disk size afaik.
Right now I'm using graphite
A reporting frequency of five minutes that should be fairly manageable, just be sure to set your storage schema to five-minutes being the smallest resolution data in order to save space, as you won't be needing to hold on to data at shorter periods.
With that said, scaling a graphite cluster to meet your needs isn't easy as Whisper isn't optimized for this. There are several resources/stories where others have shared their dismay trying to achieve this, for example: here and here
There are other limitations to consider too, Whisper is configured in such a way that it can record only one datapoint per timestamp, and the last datapoint received "wins". This might not be an issue to you now, but later down the road you might find that you need to increase the datapoint reporting requency to get a better insight into your data.
Therein comes the question, how can I get around that? Often, StatsD is the answer - it's an aggregator that takes your individual metrics over a defined period of time, and churns out a histogram-like set of metrics with different statistical derivatives of your data (minimum, maximum, X-percentile, and so on). Suddenly you're then faced with the prospect of managing a Graphite instance or cluster, one (or more) StatsD service, and that's before you even get to the fun part of visualising your data: Grafana is often used here and also requires you to set up and maintain.
Conversely, assuming you will maintain that reporting frequency, but increase the number of devices (as you mentioned), you might find another component of your Graphite stack - Carbon-relay - running into some bottlenecking issues (as described here).
I work at MetricFire, formerly Hosted Graphite, where we had a lot of these considerations in mind when building our product/service. Collectively we process millions of datapoints per second across hundreds of accounts. Data is rolled up and stored at four resolutions: 5-seconds, 30-seconds, 5-minute, 1-hour, where each resolution is available for 24 hours, 3 days, six months and two years, respectively.
A key component of our set-up is that our storage is not built on the typical Whisper backend - instead we use a custom-built data store using Riak allowing us to do many things: scale easily and aggregate datapoints per metric into Data Views, to name a few. That article about Data Views was written by one of our engineers and goes into some detail about the decisions we made when building our storage layer.

DynamoDB: How to distribute workload over the month?

I have a table with about 2 million WRITEs over the month and 0 READs. Every 1st day of a month, I need to read all the rows written on the previous month and generate CSVs + statistics.
How to work with DynamoDB in this scenario? How to choose the READ throughput capacity?
Long description
I have an application that logs client requests. It has about 200 clients. The clients need to receive on every 1st day of a month a CSV with all the requests they've made. They also need to be billed, and for that we need to calculate some stats with the requests they've made, grouping by type of request.
So in the end of the month, a client receives a report like:
I've already come to two solutions, but I'm not still convinced on any of them.
1st solution: ok, every last day of the month I increase the READ throughput capacity and then I run a map reduce job. When the job is done, I decrease the capacity back to the original value.
Cons: not fully automated, risk of the DynamoDB capacity not being available when the job starts.
2nd solution: I can break the generation of CSVs + statistics to small jobs in a daily or hourly routine. I could store partial CSVs on S3 and on every 1st day of a month I could join those files and generate a new one. The statistics would be much easier to generate, just some calculations derived from the daily/hourly statistics.
Cons: I feel like I'm turning something simple into something complex.
Do you have a better solution? If not, what solution would you choose? Why?
Having been in a similar place myself before, I used, and now recommend to you, to process the raw data:
as often as you reasonably can (start with daily)
to a format as close as possible to the desired report output
with as much calculation/CPU intensive work done as possible
leaving as little to do at report time as possible.
This approach is entirely scaleable - the incremental frequency can be:
reduced to as small a window as needed
parallelised if required
It also, makes possible re-running past months reports on demand, as the report generation time should be quite small.
In my example, I shipped denormalized, pre-processed (financial calculations) data every hour to a data warehouse, then reporting just involved a very basic (and fast) SQL query.
This had the additional benefit of spreading the load on the production database server to lots of small bites, instead of bringing it to its knees once a week at invoice time (30000 invoiced produced every week).
I would use the service kinesis to produce a daily and almost real time billing.
for this purpose I would create a special DynamoDB table just for the calculated data.
(other option is to run it on flat files)
then I would add a process which will send events to kinesis service just after you update the regular DynamoDB table.
thus when you reach the end of the month you can just execute whatever post billing calculations you have and create your CSV files from the already calculated table.
I hope that helps.
Take a look at Dynamic DynamoDB. It will increase/decrease the throughput when you need it without any manual intervention. The good news is you will not need to change the way the export job is done.

How to store and retrieve large numbers of data points for graphical visualization?

I'm thinking about building a web-based data logging and visualization service. The basic idea is that at some timed interval something (e.g. a sensor) reports a value (e.g. temperature) to the server. The server records this value into a database. There would be a web-based UI that allows me to view this data on a time-based graph. Ideally this graph would have various resolutions (last 30 seconds, last week, last year, etc). In a super ideal world, I would be able to zoom into the data for any point in time.
The problem is that the sensors are going to generate enormous amounts of data. For example, a sensor that reports a value every 5 seconds will generate about 18k values a day. I'm imagining a system that has thousands of sensors. Over time, this becomes lots of data.
The naive solution is to throw this data into a relational database and retrieve it in the various ways I want, but that won't scale.
The simple solution is to reduce the amount of data by performing periodic roll-ups of the data. New data might go into a table that has data points every 5 seconds. Every hour, some system pumps this data into another table that has data points every minute and the original data is deleted. This repeats for a few levels. The downside to this is that the further back in time you go, the less detailed the data is. That's probably fine. I would imagine that I would need enormous amounts of hardware to support full resolution of data over all time as compared to a system with this sort of rollup.
Is there a better way to do this? Is there an existing solution? I have to imagine this is a fairly common problem.
You probably want a fixed sized database like RRDTool:
Also Graphite is built on top of a similar datastore implementation:

Best way to access averaged static data in a Database (Hibernate, Postgres)

Currently I have a project (written in Java) that reads sensor output from a micro controller and writes it across several Postgres tables every second using Hibernate. In total I write about 130 columns worth of data every second. Once the data is written it will stay static forever.This system seems to perform fine under the current conditions.
My question is regarding the best way to query and average this data in the future. There are several approaches I think would be viable but am looking for input as to which one would scale and perform best.
Being that we gather and write data every second we end up generating more than 2.5 million rows per month. We currently plot this data via a JDBC select statement writing to a JChart2D (i.e. SELECT pressure, temperature, speed FROM data WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN startTime AND endTime). The user must be careful to not specify too long of a time period (startTimem and endTime delta < 1 day) or else they will have to wait several minutes (or longer) for the query to run.
The future goal would be to have a user interface similar to the Google visualization API that powers Google Finance. With regards to time scaling, i.e. the longer the time period the "smoother" (or more averaged) the data becomes.
Options I have considered are as follows:
Option A: Use the SQL avg function to return the averaged data points to the user. I think this option would get expensive if the user asks to see the data for say half a year. I imagine the interface in this scenario would scale the amount of rows to average based on the user request. I.E. if the user asks for a month of data the interface will request an avg of every 86400 rows which would return ~30 data points whereas if the user asks for a day of data the interface will request an avg of every 2880 rows which will also return 30 data points but of more granularity.
Option B: Use SQL to return all of the rows in a time interval and use the Java interface to average out the data. I have briefly tested this for kicks and I know it is expensive because I'm returning 86400 rows/day of interval time requested. I don't think this is a viable option unless there's something I'm not considering when performing the SQL select.
Option C: Since all this data is static once it is written, I have considered using the Java program (with Hibernate) to also write tables of averages along with the data it is currently writing. In this option, I have several java classes that "accumulate" data then average it and write it to a table at a specified interval (5 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 1 hour, 6 hours and so on). The future user interface plotting program would take the interval of time specified by the user and determine which table of averages to query. This option seems like it would create a lot of redundancy and take a lot more storage space but (in my mind) would yield the best performance?
Option D: Suggestions from the more experienced community?
Option A won't tend to scale very well once you have large quantities of data to pass over; Option B will probably tend to start relatively slow compared to A and scale even more poorly. Option C is a technique generally referred to as "materialized views", and you might want to implement this one way or another for best performance and scalability. While PostgreSQL doesn't yet support declarative materialized views (but I'm working on that this year, personally), there are ways to get there through triggers and/or scheduled jobs.
To keep the inserts fast, you probably don't want to try to maintain any views off of triggers on the primary table. What you might want to do is to periodically summarize detail into summary tables from crontab jobs (or similar). You might also want to create views to show summary data by using the summary tables which have been created, combined with detail table where the summary table doesn't exist.
The materialized view approach would probably work better for you if you partition your raw data by date range. That's probably a really good idea anyway.

Architecture and pattern for large scale, time series based, aggregation operation

I will try to describe my challenge and operation:
I need to calculate stocks price indices over historical period. For example, I will take 100 stocks and calc their aggregated avg price each second (or even less) for the last year.
I need to create many different indices like this where the stocks are picked dynamically out of 30,000~ different instruments.
The main consideration is speed. I need to output a few months of this kind of index as fast as i can.
For that reason, i think a traditional RDBMS are too slow, and so i am looking for a sophisticated and original solution.
Here is something i had In mind, using NoSql or column oriented approach:
Distribute all stocks into some kind of a key value pairs of time:price with matching time rows on all of them. Then use some sort of a map reduce pattern to select only the required stocks and aggregate their prices while reading them line by line.
I would like some feedback on my approach, suggestion for tools and use cases, or suggestion of a completely different design pattern. My guidelines for the solution is price (would like to use open source), ability to handle huge amounts of data and again, fast lookup (I don't care about inserts since it is only made one time and never change)
Update: by fast lookup i don't mean real time, but a reasonably quick operation. Currently it takes me a few minutes to process each day of data, which translates to a few hours per yearly calculation. I want to achieve this within minutes or so.
In the past, I've worked on several projects that involved the storage and processing of time series using different storage techniques (files, RDBMS, NoSQL databases). In all these projects, the essential point was to make sure that the time series samples are stored sequentially on the disk. This made sure reading several thousand consecutive samples was quick.
Since you seem to have a moderate number of time series (approx. 30,000) each having a large number of samples (1 price a second), a simple yet effective approach could be to write each time series into a separate file. Within the file, the prices are ordered by time.
You then need an index for each file so that you can quickly find certain points of time within the file and don't need to read the file from the start when you just need a certain period of time.
With this approach you can take full advantage of today's operating systems which have a large file cache and are optimized for sequential reads (usually reading ahead in the file when they detect a sequential pattern).
Aggregating several time series involves reading a certain period from each of these files into memory, computing the aggregated numbers and writing them somewhere. To fully leverage the operating system, read the full required period of each time series one by one and don't try to read them in parallel. If you need to compute a long period, then don’t break it into smaller periods.
You mention that you have 25,000 prices a day when you reduce them to a single one per second. It seems to me that in such a time series, many consecutive prices would be the same as few instruments are traded (or even priced) more than once a second (unless you only process S&P 500 stocks and their derivatives). So an additional optimization could be to further condense your time series by only storing a new sample when the price has indeed changed.
On a lower level, the time series files could be organized as a binary files consisting of sample runs. Each run starts with the time stamp of the first price and the length of the run. After that, the prices for the several consecutive seconds follow. The file offset of each run could be stored in the index, which could be implemented with a relational DBMS (such as MySQL). This database would also contain all the meta data for each time series.
(Do stay away from memory mapped files. They're slower because they aren’t optimized for sequential access.)
If the scenario you described is the ONLY requirement, then there are "low tech" simple solutions which are cheaper and easier to implement. The first that comes to mind is LogParser. In case you haven't heard of it, it is a tool which runs SQL queries on simple CSV files. It is unbelievably fast - typically around 500K rows/sec, depending on row size and the IO throughput of the HDs.
Dump the raw data into CSVs, run a simple aggregate SQL query via the command line, and you are done. Hard to believe it can be that simple, but it is.
More info about logparser:
Coding Horror
What you really need is a relational database that has built in time series functionality, IBM released one very recently Informix 11.7 ( note it must be 11.7 to get this feature). What is even better news is that for what you are doing the free version, Informix Innovator-C will be more than adequate.
