Customization of existing smart errors - google-smart-home

We have customized error messages that do not match well with the list of errors described on Is it possible to add additional errors to Smart Home or customize existing errors in any way?

The errors provided by the platform are tied to responses returned to the user through voice and touch Assistant surfaces. The platform does not currently provide a mechanism to customize these user-facing responses.
If you simply want to provide custom errors for the purposes of debugging, you can use the debugString field in an intent response to correlate this information in the cloud error logs for your project.


Enhanced Domains - What to Check in your Org?

As you know Salesforce is enforcing Enhanced Domains. I found from Salesforce help that:
Custom components in your org must be evaluated in order to check
whether they use domain name/static URLs
Some embedded content stored in Salesforce might no longer appear
Third-party applications can lose access to your data
Single sign-on integrations can fail
However, I'm struggling with finding out which particular Salesforce elements/configurations should be checked in order to detect potential gaps? Do you know which areas exactly can be affected and shall be evaluated (like Apex Codes, Email Templates and so on)? Is there any guide on that?
Your biggest concern should be inbound integrations. Things that log in over REST/SOAP API, get response with session id back, ignore the "url to use for all subsequent requests" and just use hardcoded url, whether it's prod or sandbox.
Look at this guy, he's victim of either enhanced domain or "disable api versions < 30" thing: The requested resource no longer exists with rest PHP. Look at these guys, they had hardcoded url: how to solve python code error (TooManyRedirects: Exceeded 30 redirects), Salesforce API via postman error INVALID_SESSION_ID.
As for stuff inside Salesforce itself - best would be to download whole project with sfdx and run a text search for your domain name (and site/community name if you have these). Email templates that use merge fields for forgot password etc should be fine, merge fields with record link should be fine... But if you manually craft email body in apex - might be a problem. A lot depends how creative the developer was. If you find getsalesforcebaseurl().toexternalform() it should still work. If it's hardcoded / read from custom setting / custom label / custom metadata it might be more fun.
If you have external apps that display pieces of salesforce (embedded live chat? some iframe with FAQ? CMS Connect) - the domain change might mean they need to be updated, both in terms of updating url and changing security rules (CSP for example)

How send notification into ms teams user from custom tab

I'm designing a custom team tab using React that calls third party API, I need after executing the API successfully, user gets notified . What is the best way to achieve this? I used Bot in my project, but not sure how can I call it from my custom tab class. I'm aware of the existence of proactive messaging, is it the only way to do it? If it is, a pointer on how to implement it to a custom tab would be appreciated.
If you're wanting to message the user 1-1 (like in the personal app), then proactive messaging is definitely what you need (inside a Team, there are other options), and considering you have the bot already in place that's perfect. The only thing you might be missing are the details required to send the actual proactive message (the best time to get them is when the bot is first installed by the user). In particular, you need ConversationId and ServiceUrl.
With regards the concept of Proactive Messaging, basically once the bot is installed, and you have the required values, you can -send- the message from any backend code at all. That can include, for example, custom tab's backend api. You need to identify the user, which you can do using the Teams Context (it's not the safest way but it's the easiest), and then look up the values in your own backend store (e.g. database or whatever) to get the ConversationId and ServiceUrl, then just message the user in your backend.

Where do I find my fullfillment URL to the google home action?

I've just been started integrating assistant to smarthome project that i'm working on. And I've initially experimenting the assistant by implementing account linking flow and sync intent. I tested the account linking by testing with the google developer tool for oauth flow and confirmed it worked. Whereas, in the smarthome app, upon account linking, as soon as it completes the account linking flow I keep receiving an error message stating "Couldn't update your settings, Check your connection". Didn't find much clue with the logs for troubleshoot. And also, the solutions they were on the other posts does not seem to be working out for me as well. Would appreciate if anyone could help resolve this.
Also, I'd like to know the place where I can find the fulfillment URL that needs to be entered when creating the smarthome action. I've been using firebase to deploy my cloud functions. Moreover, I suspect weather the fulfillment URL I entered that was provided by codelabs sample were invalid thus assisant unable reach the fulfillment.
Your fulfillment URLs are the functions that you've created. For Firebase, there's a specific pattern that you can follow. If you visit your Firebase console, in the functions section, you'll see the full URL which you can copy and paste into the Fulfillment URL input.
In my example, I have a cloud function named "about_info" with the pattern So you can use a similar scheme to identify what your function names will be.

Looking for suggestions on web hosting solution (Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, for following

I want to host a clean, branded site that allows users to submit data which I will post process on some regular cadence and send custom emails based on data processing results. I can write code and have extensive experience with AWS, but am looking for the fastest solution.
Any experienced web developers have suggestions of which hosting solution to use? Wix, Squarespace, WordPress. I would prefer Squarespace but am not finding clear documentation stating I can create a form which writes to a database (I.e. DynamoDB, Redshift).
Any suggestions would be great! Thanks!
Having a good deal of experience with Squarespace, I will address the question "Is it possible to connect a Squarespace form to a third-party database and, if so, by what means?". While I won't address Wix or Wordpress, hopefully it will provide some objective answers and provide some help to your larger context/question.
Squarespace doesn't support any server-side code; it only supports supports the addition of HTML, CSS and Javascript within Code Injection, Code Blocks, and Developer Mode.
Therefore, your options are:
Send the data client-side with JavaScript. Write your own HTML form and insert it via code block, markdown block, of developer mode. Then write the corresponding JavaScript to send the data, on submit, to your external database. Alternatively, use a Squarespace form block, prevent the default submission from executing and use your own methods instead.
Connect the Squarespace form block to a Google Sheet and the sheet to the external DB via Apps Script. Once connected, use Apps Script (set to trigger when a row is added to the sheet) to obtain the submission from the sheet and send it to your external database (similar to this or this, but you'll be going "the other way", sending data to the external DB from Apps Script).
Use Zapier (or similar service) to bridge the gap, either using Squarespace's built-in integration or setting up Zapier on your own and setting the Zapier email address as the email recipient. You can use Zapier to send form submissions to a new item in DynamoDB, for example. It appears that, at a minimum, you'd have to pay for Zapier as that is a "Premium Integration". For Squarespace, if you were to use their built-in Zapier integration, you'll have to pay for a higher-cost plan (which could be avoided by using the email storage option instead, as mentioned previously).
I think you should choose WordPress, they have a huge documentation, a big community, you can get a ton of support from Wordpress's users when you run into a problem.

Alternative logging system for drupal

I need to log some actions in Drupal. i.e: published content type of type X, deleted comment y, assigned role W to user Z etc.
It could be very easy to do this using watchdog, but i don't want to do it because i want to keep this logs without deleting rows and because i don't want to mix business actions with error logs.
I think there must be a module that does this, maybe also only an API module.
Ideally it should use a new entity to store logs and it should be integrated vith the views module.
Thank you in advance
I've been looking for something similar. But I just don't see anything with that type of subscription. I did find this: . It adds e-mail logging and allows rules to add watchdog statements.
With the idea of rules a heartbeat monitor may actually do the job as well. It is supposed to give you Facebook style home feeds but you can choose what is logged to it with rules so it will only log node creation info etc.
Just some thoughts that I was going through when I stumbled upon this question in google.
