CRUD: using mat-Dialog as UI - arrays

I'm having a list of a playlist using mat-card and I'm getting my data from an array list inside my PlaylistComponent
What I'm trying to do is to add another playlist that's why I added a new playlist button that will display a dialog
I've added a playlist service that contained my form group.
My problem is that I'm new and I got lost with the architecture of the program.
do I have to use two-way binding or do I have to find a way to implement it in my dialog component
if someone is familiar with this technique please give me an insight.

Your question is asking a lot and you don't give the underlying code so I am going to give an outline and point you to the documentation to follow for your specific implementation.
Basically you take the data from the form and pass it in mat-dialog-close. When you open the dialog from your playlist component you also subscribe to the afterClosed of the dialog. In this subscribe, you will get the data back from the mat-dialog-close. You then can push that data into your existing array.
The first example of mat-dialog in the documentation handles a form and returning the data Dialog | Angular Material


Is there a function for overriding the New Note buttons at the bottom of the action?

I want to remove the buttons for Share and Add to Records on the New Note action but I cannot find documentation that support this. I need this for a single object on the database. Is this possible? New Note page
I have tried to create a custom related list using Visualforce and creating a Notes custom object but neither one fits the usecase perfectly.

how to control list of timepickers in antd?

I have a list of time pickers in my application to let the user chose the opening times for his store, so he can chose from_time,to_time and the day as shown in the picture.
the problem is i want to control this list so i can add a new time, delete, modify
I am using Antd V3.
I'm not sure if I got your question, but here is what I have got
by the way, that snippet could help you to understand the use case of keys with list in React.

AngularJS Material reference field inputs

I'm new to AngularJS Material and am trying to create a form that includes a reference field input, but can't seem to find any documentation on if this is possible. The input I'm trying to incorporate looks like this:
When a user clicks on the magnifying glass, it would open up a pop up window that shows the different options. I'm not so tied down to this exact look but am interested more in the functionality. The input could be a drop down or whatever, but when clicked upon, I would like the different options to show. I'm using ServiceNow so the reference options would be tied to a table in the back end.
Any suggestions?
If you want to create a reference picker, ServiceNow offers an Angular directive for this.
The field object contains a JSON-Object with displayValue, value and name. I hope this will help you. You could find more directives provided by ServiceNow here:
<sn-record-picker field="FIELDOBJECT" table="'YOURTABLE'" default-query="'ENCODED QUERY'" display-field="'YOUR DISPLAYFIELD'" value-field="'VALUE'" search-fields="'SEARCHFIELD'" page-size="100"></sn-record-picker>

codename one transfer data between forms without stateMachine

Hi I am new to codename one and i want to transfer some data between the button clicked on one form and then doing something on the show of the second form.
Any example will be really helpful as i am not able to find anything on the web which is not using the GUI builder.
Usually I just use member variables on the StateMachine class. E.g. when the button is clicked, store whatever data you need in member variables on the statemachine class. Then when the second form shows, you can access this data in the on show form callback.

Salesforce Custom Objects

Hi I am trying to create a Custom Object in Developer Edition, because I would then like to use this Custom Object in a New Custom Tab say "Properties". Properties tab will contain information about Realestate Properties, like # of rooms, bath rooms etc.
The problem I cannot seem to get around is how do I create a Custom Object that has many attributes. When I go to Setup->Create->Objects it only has one Label in the Custom Object definition page. I am expecting many attributes/labels I can add so I can then put this into the new Tab.
I've been looking at this for a while and I do not see a solution, so I am assuming I am looking at this wrong. Could someone recommend a solution or a book, article that would show me what I am missing.
The custom objects page shows a list of all the custom objects you have created. If you click on the label, it takes you to the object definition. To add more attributes (called "fields" in Salesforce), go to the "Custom Fields & Relationships" section on the object detail page. Click to "New" button to add new fields from there.
Salesforce has a huge amount of publicly available training material available online.
The fundamentals doc should provide you with what you need immediately (
I also recommend looking at the training courses available on iTunes (search for Salesforce).
