setState is not updating in my other method - reactjs

I'm very new to react and i'm confused why my state is not updated in another method of mine see example below.
fetchMovies = () => {
const self = this;
makeRow = () => {
if(this.state.collection.length !== 0) {
var movieRows = [];
this.state.collection.forEach(function (i) {
movieRow: movieRows
componentDidMount() {
When inside of fetchMovies function i can access collection and it has all the data but this is the part i can't understand in the makeRow function when i console log the state i would of expected the updated state to show here but it doesn't i'm even executing the functions in sequence.
Thanks in advance.

the collection is set after the async call is resolved. Even though makeRow method is called after fetchMoview, coz of async call, u will never know when the call will be resolved and collection state will be set.
There is no need to keep movieRows in the state as that is just needed for rendering. Keeping html mockup in the state is never a good idea.
So u should just call fetchMoviews in the componentDidMount and render the data in as follows:
render() {
const { collection } = this.state;
return (
{ => <p>{}</p>)
make sure the initial value for collection in the state is [] .

The setState() documentation contains the following paragraph:
Think of setState() as a request rather than an immediate command
to update the component. For better perceived performance, React may
delay it, and then update several components in a single pass. React
does not guarantee that the state changes are applied immediately.
To access the modified state you need to use the function signature setState(updater, [callback]), so in your case it should be;
}, () => { // Will be executed after state update
// Call your make row function here and remove it from componentDidMount if that is all it does.
} )


How to make React Suspense and pending promise working

Many articles writing about how to return pending promise and work with React suspense but it's not working in real world.
They don't consider if the component got visited second time, and it won't refetch the data from the server.
e.g. =>
The below example would only work for the first time we visit the component but not re-fetch data for the following times.
Any idea to let it work to prevent not doing re-fetching?
const dataFetchWithWrapPromise = (url) => {
return wrapPromise(window.fetch(url, {
const resource = dataFetchWithWrapPromise('http://localhost:3000/data');
function Articles() {
const data =;
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);
return (
{JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)}
export default Articles;
function wrapPromise(promise) {
let status = 'pending';
let response;
const suspender = promise.then(
async res => {
status = 'success';
response = await res.json();
err => {
status = 'error';
response = err;
const handler = {
pending: () => {
throw suspender;
error: () => {
throw response;
success: () => {
return response
default: () => {
throw suspender;
const read = () => {
const result = handler[status] ? handler[status]() : handler.default();
return result;
const reset = () => {
if(status!=='pending') {
status = 'pending';
response = undefined;
return { read, reset };
export default wrapPromise;
Ok, so I think I got you covered. It so happens that I liked <Suspense> ever since I heard of it. I stumbled with it in my learning of asynchronous JavaScript because I was coding wj-config. This preface is just to let you know that I'm no React master, but it so happens that I ended up creating a React example for wj-config v2.0.0, which is currently in BETA 2. This example does what you want.
So no more chit-chat. The code of interest is here.
It is a table component that loads person data from Mockaroo. The web page (parent) has two controls to specify the number of rows wanted as well as the minimum birth date wanted. Whenever the value of any of those controls change, the person data is re-fetched. The table itself uses <Suspense> in two places.
The component module starts by defining the fetching functions needed for person and country data. Then it declares some variables that are captured in scopes later on. The starting promise is required for the first render. Its resolver is exposed through startingResolver, and the starting promise is wrapped as per the <Suspense> mechanics that you clearly know.
Focus your attention now to the PersonsTable function. It sets up a useEffect call to re-trigger the data fetching operations based on changes of props. As I'm not a super master in ReactJS, maybe there's a better way than props. I just know props will trigger the effect automatically, so I used them.
On the first render, the starting promise is thrown, but it will never be fulfilled since it is a bogus promise. The code inside useEffect makes this promise resolve at the same time the fetching promise resolves. Then, using the fetching promise, the readPersons function is defined.
NOTE: I'm not a native English speaker. Pardon my horrible "persons" instead of "people" mistake. :-( I'll correct whenever I have time.
Anyway, with this set up, you'll have completed your goal. The linked code sample goes beyond this by having an inner <Suspense> that waits for country data, but I suppose an explanation is not needed since I believe the question is now covered.
Hope this helps!

How to re-render a component when a non state object is updated

I have an object which value updates and i would like to know if there is a way to re-render the component when my object value is updated.
I can't create a state object because the state won't be updated whenever the object is.
Using a ref is not a good idea(i think) since it does not cause a re-render when updated.
The said object is an instance of
The observer class doesn't seem to play well with your use case since it's just sugar syntax to manage the updates with mutable objects. The documentation already has a section for React, and I suggest following that approach instead and using the SDK directly to retrieve the document by observing it.
You can implement this hook-observer pattern
import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import kuzzle from "./services/kuzzle";
const YourComponent = () => {
const [doc, setDoc] = useState({});
const initialize = useCallback(async () => {
await kuzzle.connect();
await kuzzle.realtime.subscribe(
{ ids: ["document-id"] },
(notification) => {
if (notification.type !== "document" && notification.event !== "write")
// getDocFromNotification will have logic to retrieve the doc from response
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
// clean up
if (kuzzle.connected) kuzzle.disconnect();
}, []);
return <div>{JSON.stringify(doc)}</div>;
useSyncExternalStore, a new React library hook, is what I believe to be the best choice.
StackBlitz TypeScript example
In your case, a simple store for "non state object" is made:
function createStore(initialState) {
const callbacks = new Set();
let state = initialState;
// subscribe
const subscribe = (cb) => {
return () => callbacks.delete(cb);
// getSnapshot
const getSnapshot = () => state;
// setState
const setState = (fn) => {
state = fn(state);
callbacks.forEach((cb) => cb());
return { subscribe, getSnapshot, setState };
const store = createStore(initialPostData);
useSyncExternalStore handles the job when the update of "non state object" is performed:
const title = React.useSyncExternalStore(
() => store.getSnapshot().title
In the example updatePostDataStore function get fake json data from JSONPlaceholder:
async function updatePostDataStore(store) {
const response = await fetch(`${Math.floor(Math.random()*100)+1}`)
const postData = await response.json()
My answer assumes that the object cannot for some reason be in React as state (too big, too slow, too whatever). In most cases that's probably a wrong assumption, but it can happen.
I can't create a state object because the state won't be updated whenever the object is
I assume you mean you can't put that object in a React state. We could however put something else in state whenever we want an update. It's the easiest way to trigger a render in React.
Write a function instead of accessing the object directly. That way you can intercept every call that modifies the object. If you can reliably run an observer function when the object changes, that would work too.
Whatever you do, you can't get around calling a function that does something like useState to trigger a render. And you'll have to call it in some way every time you're modifying the object.
const myObject = {};
let i = 0;
let updater = null;
function setMyObject(key, value) {
myObject[key] = value;
if (updater !== null) {
Change your code to access the object only with setMyObject(key, value).
You could then put that in a hook. For simplicity I'll assume there's just 1 such object ever on the page.
function useCustomUpdater() {
const [, setState] = useState(0);
updater = setState;
return () => {
updater = null;
}, [setState]);
function MyComponent() {
return <div>I re-render when that object changes</div>;
Similarly, as long as you have control over the code that interacts with this object, you could wrap every such call with a function that also schedules an update.
Then, as long as your code properly calls the function, your component will get re-rendered. The only additional state is a single integer.
The question currently lacks too much detail to give a good assessment whether my suggested approach makes sense. But it seems like a very simple way to achieve what you describe.
It would be interesting to get more information about what kind of object it is, how frequently it's updated, and in which scope it lives.

Can't set state with axios get request?

So I want to set my state for my bookings to be my, the request is working and I can console.log( However when I try to set the state and then check that state, it's empty.
What is going on? Does it have something to do with my params I'm passing to axios?
My initial state looks like: this.state = {bookingArrayByDate: []}
Tried setting the state outside "then" but that didn't work either
componentDidMount() {
let today = moment(new Date())
let dateToSend = today.format('YYYY-MM-DD')
{ params: { res_date: dateToSend } }
.then((result: any) => {
console.log('this is outside', this.state.bookingArrayByDate)
The array at the bottom will be empty when i console log it.
Your code is fine. What you are experiencing is the standard asynchronous behavior ofthis.setState(). When you console.log() your state, there is no guarantee that it was updated in the time between your setState() and the console.log() execution.
In fact, its almost 100% unlikely that it was changed within that time, because React actually batches setState() requests by putting them in a queue until the entire event is completed. In your case, the setState() wouldn't actually occur until after the componentDidMount() logic finishes.
What you can do is pass a call-back as the 2nd argument to this.setState(), that call-back is executed directly after the state has finished updating, thus ensuring you are printing the updated state.
componentDidMount() {
let today = moment(new Date())
let dateToSend = today.format('YYYY-MM-DD')
{ params: { res_date: dateToSend } }
.then((result: any) => {
}, () => console.log(this.state.bookingArrayByDate)) <-- you can swap this whatever function you need.

Jest test does not resolve a promise as it should. Is there a problem with my syntax or logic?

I am trying to test that a promise resolves and sets state properly according to what the asynchronous call returns. I have been trying to figure out this conundrum for days to almost no avail.
I have tried everything from runAllTimers() to runOnlyPendingTimers() to setTimeout() to simulate the time for the asynchronous call to finish. However, I didn't want to rely on setTimeout(), as that depends on real time instead of fake timers. While the test technically "passes" with setTimeout, I'm not so sure it's valid because when I console-log the state after the setTimeout, it does not update as it should and remains the same after I await the asynchronous call.
import 'item' from '../getItem'
it('should update state after fetchItemData fires', async () => {
const locationOfItem = {
pathname: '/item/path',
search: `?id=${itemId}`,
const props = {
// The true is here because I use mobx for the store
const wrapper = createWrapper(ItemDataPage, props, true);
getItem.mockImplementationOnce(() =>
Promise.resolve({ item }),
await wrapper.fetchItemData();
// jest.runAllTimers();
// jest.runOnlyPendingTimers();
// setTimeout(() => {
expect(wrapper.state.item).toEqual({ item });
// }, 1000);
fetchItemData = async () => {
const { locationOfItem } = this.props;
const { search } = locationOfItem;
const id = search.replace('?id=', '');
try {
const item = await getItem(id);
} catch {
this.state.hasError = true;
} finally {
this.setState({isLoading: false, hasError: false, item,});
The expected results are that all assertions should be as stated in the code snippet. However, when I run this in any context outside of setTimeout(), it fails. Specifically, while getItem gets called properly, and hasError's state is false, the state of isLoading does not get set to false as it should after the promise resolves, and the state of item does not go from an empty object to a populated object as it should. In the method I'm testing, namely fetchItemData(), the method calls a service and sets the state of item to whatever data the service returns, which is an object. The original state of item is always an empty object. In short, isLoading remains true, and item remains an empty object. There is an error message saying "cannot read property "isInStock" of undefined. isInStock is a key inside of the item object, so I would expect that this property is not yet defined because item is still an empty object and does not get updated.
When testing react components, don't test methods. Test the desired implementations inside.
componentDidMount automatically runs once you create your wrapper. If fetchItemData is run inside componentDidMount, the test will do it automatically.
Mock the api call. Personally, I find it easier to understand when setting a return using mockMeturnValue or mockReturnValueOnce, as opposed to mockImplementation. Ultimately, at your discretion
// api test setup
jest.mock('./api/apiFile') // mocks every function in file
const getItem = jest.fn()
getItem.mockImplementationOnce(() =>
Promise.resolve({ item }),
const wrapper = createWrapper(ItemDataPage, props, true);
expect(wrapper.state.item).toEqual({ item });
You need to mock const getItem = jest.fn() before you create your wrapper.

React-router history.listen not running in componentWillMount

I'm trying to make a SearchResults component which shows search results based on what's in the query string, which is updated by a SearchForm component. It has been recommended here that I use history.listen. Great idea, except for some reason when called in componentWillMount, history.listen is not being triggered:
componentWillMount() {
let location;
this.props.history.listen(routerState => {
console.log('current location:' + routerState); //never logs anything...
location = routerState;
console.log(location); //'undefined'
let search = location;
console.log(search); //'undefined'
this.setState({ search: }); //throws "Cannot read property search of undefined error
This seems strange, since I use history.listen here pretty much exactly as the previous poster did in that link. I have also tried putting this logic in componentDidMount with the same results.
My component is wrapped by withRouter here.
Solved this by implementing logic inside the listen call, as well as putting initialization logic inside of componentDidMount--this is necessary because history.listen is only triggered on change, not on the initial render.
My code:
componentWillMount() {
this.unlisten = this.props.history.listen(location => {
console.log('current location:' + location);
let query = qs.parse(;
console.log(query) //logs an object with attributes based on the current query string
componentWillUnmount() {
componentDidMount() {
let query = qs.parse(;
console.log(query); //logs an object with attributes based on the current query string
