How can I delete a technical indicator without re-rendering the chart? - anychart

How can I delete a built-in technical indicator without re-rendering the chart in Anychart?

Every technical indicator is a single or set of usual series. So, you can remove them as a series using removeSeries() and removeSeriesAt() methods.
For details, check the sample.


How to create custom tooltip on node hover in React Force Graph

I'm working with React Force Graph (2D - and trying to display custom tooltip on node hover.
This custom Tooltip (dummy component) would display data that's not returned by node - I'd like to add some details to the tooltip, and those are not stored in node data that's returned for example by onNodeHover).
I've seen that I could use nodeLabel which displays simple text label... but it accepts only strings and some simple string interpolations. Unfortunately I can't pass a component as params.
Does anyone know what would be a good approach to this? How this could be handled? Extra points for working examples :D
So here's the answer:
nodeLabel doesn't accept React Node but can easily accept string. So workaround for that problem is just passing the whole stringified html code to nodeLabel and RFG will handle that! This is the best solution I believe (althou native RFG tooltip doesn't support left/right - top/bottom switching in case tooltip would be cut by the edge of screen, but thats minor problem).
other solution that I wouldn't recommend would be to create useCursorPosition and whenever onNodeHover returns something else than null we can set state of displayNode to true (and display it conditionally based on this state) in positions returned by useCursorPosition. This solution is flaky thou, because sometimes onNodeHover doesn't return null I user scrolls fast outside the canvas boundaries (hence the tooltip stays displayed forever). In this solution it's also recommended to use requestAnimationFrame to limit the listener on cursor position.

Create an iterative table for react

So, im working on a web app to help parents track their children's vaccination schedule. For that I may need some type of table where operations can occur in the cell level, for example clicking in a cell and show a place to set the vaccine as taken and reflect that in the specific cell of the dose of that vaccine and set it as green. Is there a library or anything that can help me accomplish that?
react-table offers headless utilities for managing your tables state. Here is an example implementing editable data. Link

How to refresh ag-grid frequently with React?

I have an ag-grid instance, which have to be updated continuously, every few seconds, with fresh data by calling a service.
I want the grid to update only the cells with changed data.
Is there any way to achieve this using React?
Thanks in advance.
assuming you bind the grid data correctly, and don't alter the rowBuffer, or otherwise force the grid to render all its data to the DOM (thereby turning off virtualization), you should be fine.
the grid will test for changes in the data and only render what was updated (see the docs on change-detection).
if you still find you need some boost (like when you have real large datasets) you can try batch-transactions.
all of the above is correct regardless of framework; these are core features of ag-grid.

React component for round slider with multiple range selection

I need to implement a round slider in which we can select multiple ranges in same slider(attaching image below for the reference of how would it look like). I have found this great library rc-slider which supports selection of multiple ranges in single slider, but I could see examples for only horizontal and vertical slider and I couldn't find anywhere in the docs that it supports multiple shapes of slider. So, is there any way to implement round slider with this rc-slider or any react component library that you know of which supports round shape and multiple range selections?
Thanks in advance
I am not sure whether still you need this, but I believe the below solution will solve this requirement.
This can be customized through the roundSlider plugin. below I have updated the POC sample of your requirement. Check the demo:
Note: This can be integrated into React as well.
Swathi, based on your comments you can add any number of handles with roundSlider. Also you can customize the each handle behaviour. Through the beforeValueChange event you can decide all the handle behaviour.
Also if you want the range for each handle, then you can add your custom range on top of the slider path corresponding to each handle.
Check the below updated demo:

Chartjs - Dataset colors are getting overloaded with angular-chartjs

I am using the angularjs wrapper of the Chartjs. I am updating the graph when the new data receive from a push event program. Also I am coloring in-between selected graph data sets.
When I go to another page and come back to the graph page again, the opacity of the color of the dataset getting increased and ultimately opacity goes away.
It seems to me that the data set colors are doesn't get cleared when I revisit the page. However this issue get solved when I refresh the page.
How can I clear the previous data set details when I revisit.
I tried the chart.clear() but didn't work
angular-chartjs is outdated and don't really work with the newer versions of chartJS.
Check this issue out: #677.
The issuer gives an example on how to implement chartJS with a wrapper. You need to be aware of the fact that chartJS alone don't handle the colors anymore. You need to set them on your own.
On the other hand if you really don't want to do it on your own you could try my wrapper implementation for chartJS.
