React component for round slider with multiple range selection - reactjs

I need to implement a round slider in which we can select multiple ranges in same slider(attaching image below for the reference of how would it look like). I have found this great library rc-slider which supports selection of multiple ranges in single slider, but I could see examples for only horizontal and vertical slider and I couldn't find anywhere in the docs that it supports multiple shapes of slider. So, is there any way to implement round slider with this rc-slider or any react component library that you know of which supports round shape and multiple range selections?
Thanks in advance

I am not sure whether still you need this, but I believe the below solution will solve this requirement.
This can be customized through the roundSlider plugin. below I have updated the POC sample of your requirement. Check the demo:
Note: This can be integrated into React as well.
Swathi, based on your comments you can add any number of handles with roundSlider. Also you can customize the each handle behaviour. Through the beforeValueChange event you can decide all the handle behaviour.
Also if you want the range for each handle, then you can add your custom range on top of the slider path corresponding to each handle.
Check the below updated demo:


Marks in mui range Sliders gets duplicated because of two children with the same key

I am experiencing a bug from the range slider of mui wherein the marks get duplicated when both of the thumb slider reached the farthest right.
Initially my slider is like this:
Once I slide both of the thumbs to the farthest right an error will occur on the console:
Then the mark would get duplicated like this:
The cause was that the SliderUnstyled uses the value from marks as its key. Because of this, when both of the thumbs reach the farthest right, both of them would have a value of 100 which triggers the error of duplicate keys.
Here is also a link of a codesandbox from another developer facing the same issue:
I saw a similar issue from Github from this link:
One solution there was to modify the SliderUnstyled.js file from "material-ui/packages/mui-base/src/SliderUnstyled/SliderUnstyled.js" wherein you need to change the key to the mark's index instead of the mark's value.
I've tried the solution from this but I just want to ask if there is another solution to this issue wherein modifying the SliderUnstyled.js is not necessary.
Looking at the sandbox you linked and the mui documentation I believe you are using "marks" incorrectly. Marks appear to be used as static markers on the slider. You are instead assigning them to be the value, which does not appear to be necessary.
The developers of MUI already fixed this bug in their #mui/material#5.10.8 build. Updating to material 5.10.8 fixed the bug.

React Material UI: floating label on something else than input

I made a custom component that doesn't rely on Input (it is actually showing a path selection within a tree)
I want to integrate this component in my application with the very same look and feel than any other input component. What I actually want is the floating label that takes place within the editor if the value is null or undefined, and floats above the editor if the editor has a value.
I can't find any way that permits to achieve this on components that are not based on an Input. Am I missing something in material ui documentation?
Here is the code sandbox of my development:
Edit: the boolean property shrink that should help to do the trick, but still, the position of the label is still off.
Edit2: it seems that the related control must have a height of 64px for the position of the label to be fine. Needs to pilot the whole behavior depending on the value. Will post the fully corrected codesandbox later.

Select2 - multiple selection custom format selection

I'm using select2 in my angular web application, and i'm trying to achieve
a custom format selection for multiple selection mode, that as far as i know
is not supported by select2.
by default select2 in multiple selection mode, just puts in selection area all the selections side by side and when there is not enough space the selection area height is getting bigger.
what I'm trying to achieve is something like this:
"item1, item2, item3..." ("..." appears when there is not enough.)
I hope someone will suggest a reasonable solution for my needs,
as shown here: this directive is deprecated; there is a new directive here:, which appears to support multiple selections. Having said that, your question is not entirely clear and perhaps some more information would enable a better answer.

how to change the position of textfield in adf forms?

Hi friends i am using jdev 11g release2 ( want to create a registration form from dragging datas from data control and my question was how to change or move the position of textfield in that form into different areas?
You should be using various layout components to achieve the layout you want, and remember that layout components can be nested to create more complex layouts.
See some examples here:
You can use the view source menu to see how they achieved that.
Please be a bit more clear in your query. From what I was able to make out:
You can either use the "code view" of the JDev to move the code which represents the component to a different location or use the "Design view" to drag and move the component.
I would recommend the first approach as it makes it easier to manage the code/layout
You can change the position of the fields within the form or you can drag them out. However for this you should try out some tests and see which suits you best. I think if you surround each attribute with "Panel label and message" you will have a better view of your page.

Adobe CQ5.5 how to create multiple CustomMultiField to be used in a single component

I have a requirement which requires me to use a single dialog with two tabs. Each tab should have a CustomMultiField (multiple sets of four fields). I do not know anything about EXT JS. Can some one point me to right direction where I can find something about requirement as above.
I have built custom components without any explicit understanding of Ext JS. To understand how to set up a dialog with tabs, look at the code for the page component in /libs/foundation/component/page. A directory of all the xytpes you can use, like MultiField, is here.
If you need something that behave like one, but is not necessarily huge specific ExtJS component or custom xtype, and you do not want to dig hundreds of Adobe ‘support’ pages, trying to find some piece of useful doc.
You can simply use multifield xtype and write 4 pure JS listeners, that does what you need.
