Connecting a Database to a Xamarin iOS and Android mobile app - database

I am building my own app to learn a new skill. I have a database of "Tickets" I just want to be able to press a certain button, which will then send a SQL statement to the DB, and return with all of the tickets it calls for. I understand this can be done with Web Services but that seems like overkill for just viewing a one table. The problem is, I cannot figure out where to put the connection strings to set up the connection. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.


How to choose the right database for lyrics

I am new in mobile app development and I am developing an application in React Native, which will contains the lyrics of songs. Now, I am in a situation where I am thinking about the best way to make database for it.
I would like the basic lyrics to be downloaded to the device with the app, but also that the user can add other songs that would only be visible to him. Which way is the best? I think, that all songs could be saved into some database (for example in device storage or SD-card). I think about SQLite or Firebase, but is this the right way?
Thank you for all your advice ;)
Whole solution seems like a good use case for Firebase/Firestore.
Firestore seems to integrate well with mobile apps. It's also managed so it's a simple way to run a database for a mobile app given you can provide the customer with direct access to the database without the need for a backend.

Flutter app and web site connected to a same database

I want to create an app with Flutter and also a web site with WordPress. However, I don't know if it is possible to connect both oh my site and app to a unique database and I don't find any document on it. Indeed, I want my customers to be able to log in them on both. Do you know if it is possible or not and have you any document that could help me ?
Thank you for your help
there is actually a very good article on how to proceed to make a Wordpress connection throught your app made with Flutter:
Also, don't forgot, that every wordpress have a public API (by accessing {wordpressWebsiteUrl}/wp-json) where you can get your post etc...

How can I share local database of an existing app with a new app and make both work on it simultaneously?

One of my client's inventory management project supports online as well as offline mode to manage huge inventory data and is built using Xamarin.Forms & sqlite-net. Now, the client wants to create another similar kind of app and wants us to use the same local db of the first app.
The actual functionality he needs is that if I have data in one app then it can be shared to the second app and vice-versa. Like, if I'm logged into the first app then user automatically gets logged in to second app when it is launched. For that reason being, we need to have a shared database among both these apps. So, that both apps can read and write in a shared database. How can I achieve this? What will be the best and most efficient approach in Xamarin?
After some research I've found things like shreduserid for data sharing among android apps and App Groups for data sharing for iOS app. If anyone can help me with how to work around with them and best approach to follow.
Anyone having any idea or have done such thing is requested to provide your suggestions/links/code etc.

Database app, accessible from Mac, iPad and Web

I feel very out of my depth with this query, but not being able to do it isn't really an option so I am going to have to learn how one way or another.
I have been tasked with building an application / database for a Chauffeur company. I have done similar things before in Microsoft Access for other customers, hence getting this request, but this customer wants to be able to run the app on their Mac, and not install Windows. My only real experience of coding is HTML/CSS and some VBA when using Microsoft Access. For these Access DBs I have created separate front and back end files to allow multi user access and also remote access (the back end file being kept on the company server).
So onto my query (apologies for dragging it out)...
I need to be able to build something that the single user can open and run on his Mac, so he can view, add, change jobs and their details. He also needs to have the same access on his iPad, although purely viewing would suffice.
As regards the web access, basically he wants to be able to go onto his "Booking System" application, go to "New Job" and send a link to his client, where they would click the link in a browser, fill in the details (Name, Contact Number, collection and drop off addresses, collection date and time etc...) and when they submit this form the details be updated on his booking system.
My issue is I do not really know where to start. I just need some pointers as to where to get started. Is it an issue of building a MySQL database back end and then hosting this somewhere and linking different front ends to it etc...
Yes, with multiple clients, the web is your best answer. For the cheapest hosting route, you can find good, inexpensive PHP and MySQL hosting that will provide what you need. You can design the front end with HTML/CSS, use PHP to develop the logic and data access, and use MySQL to host the data.
The Mac and iPad can access the application via the web URL--you will not be building an iOS app, rather the user will access the web site through a web browser. You can use some pretty neat tools like jQuery UI Mobile to create an app-like experience, but if you need to support multiple clients on a small budget, an iOS app and separate web site is not the way to go.
Make sure you have some PHP expertise available or figure this part out. There are tons of great resources on the web to get started. Good luck!

How to create a User based Website supported by a Database

I have experience developing in MS Access and some Java programming with Adobe Flash Builder.
I would like to create a website where a user can sign in and share and post things similar to Facebook, i.e a social network. I would like to know what is the best program for developing a website (for someone who does not come from an html background) and what is the best database to support this type of website i.e ( Oracle, Mysql ... )
If you have any advice or input please let me know. All advice is effective for me.
A user based website should be implemented both at the front end and the back-end of the application. Components such as username, login, and other information should be obtained upon sign in in order to implement a user-based website. The back end of the site should be on a production server that consists of both php and a sql server system of some sort.
