Username field should come pre-filled with the username of the most recent user - codenameone

I would like my app to retrieve the most recent signed-in username on the login page. Instead of the username field coming when it's blank, I would like it to come when it is pre-filled with the username of the most recent user.

Do something like this when initializing the text field:
myTextField.setText(Preferences.get("lastLogin", ""));
Then in the logged-in event processing code:
Preferences.put("lastLogin", myTextField.getText());


Meteor sendVerificationEmail

I'm currently working on revising the registration procedure of our recruitment ATS, made with AngularJS and Meteor, and I need to verify the new user's email during the registration procedure.
The logic would go as followed:
1- User fills in a form on the 'get-started' page and when clicking on 'sumbit', the ATS sends a verification email(I'll be using 'sendVerificationEmail' from Meteor)
2- After the user clicks on the link from the email, they'll get redirected to the 'register' page where additional information is required and the registration procedure is concluded.
As mentioned above, I'm planning to use 'sendVerificationEmail' to verify the user but I also want to use it to send back the userID.
From what I read on the Meteor API, I can pass extra data to the token with 'extraTokenData'
Accounts.sendVerificationEmail(userId, [email], [extraTokenData])
Now how do I declare the 'extraTokenData' object?
Could I do it like this: Accounts.sendVerificationEmail(userId, "", { _id: userId })
And how do I retrieve the 'userId' with 'Accounts.onEmailVerificationLink'?
your help will be greatly appreciated.
The email and the extra tokens are optionals, but if you want to send them send it as a string.
If you want to send the extra token but no emails you can try using Accounts.sendVerificationEmail(userId, undefined, "extra token") or if it doesn't work you can request the user's deatil user Meteor.user(). then call user.emails[0].address.
To retrieve information you have to get user by token and all data are there on user document under services.password.reset field. Look here how Accounts.generateResetToken is implemented

Get email address of logged-in user if multiple emails are associated with same account

Often, users associates multiple email addresses with the same account. But question is, is there any way to know using which email user has logged in into the system?
Note : We are strictly using email for log in and not username.
Mongodb users emails array structure:
"emails" : [
"address" : "",
"verified" : true
"address" : "",
"verified" : true
"address" : "",
"verified" : true
Problem statement -
One need to order X item, while putting order in system we need email address of logged in user to save in this particular order. So that one can receive notifications related to this particular order.
If we save email address of logged in user to custom database field while logging in it may work but issue is if another user owning same account logs in then second users email will be updated to database and his/her email will get save in order placed by user 1.
Thanks in advance.
The best way to achieve this is to store the last email used for each user while logging in in a custom field in the user model.
Using the Account.onLogin hook on the server side or your custom login form you can have the user's last email used. Then you should save this email address for each user in a custom field such as user.lastEmail.
If you do so and need then the lastEmail on the user side, do not forget to publish the custom field to your client such as described in the documentation.

validate certain fields of a form depending upon type of user logged in

i have a form which contain 10 fields, if user type 1 is logged in only one field should be validated else all the fields should be it possible to validate certain fields depending upon user logged in?
You can use $scope.required = true; in your controller.Now change the value of $scope.required as per your user who is login. like if login by admin : if(admin){ $scope.required=false; } if(user){ $scope.required=true;}

Salesforce- Creating contact and user by importing CSV file & send notification email to User

I want to create the contact & user related to account by importing csv file.After creating user, generated username & password should be send to the respective user's email address.
I am planning to use Vf page for accepting the csv file & the Contact & User API for adding contacts & Users. But I am not sure regarding the email notification to user through API.
So can anyone please provide me the best solution for this?
You'll need to use Database.insert() flavor instead of straightforward insert users;
Check out the DML options help topic, especially the "emailHeader" property
Something like this should do the trick:
List<User> users = new List<User>(); // fill in with data from your CSV
Database.DMLOptions dlo = new Database.DMLOptions();
dlo.EmailHeader.triggerUserEmail = true;
database.insert(users, dlo);
Be aware though that you can't insert an inactive user. You can deactivate them straight after the insert but then they can't login so you'll probably want to suppress the sending of email, not enforce it. Make sure you have sufficient amount of licenses before you start!
Last but not least - you can cheat by setting the same password for them with System.setPassword('user id', 'new password') :) It's not recommended to expose this functionality to your end users though, can process only 1 user at a time and wastes 1 DML statement...

is FB's db (Oracle?) of "available username" in 'real-time' or gets updated dayly/wekly or never?

there is FB user with Facebook (FB) ID and personal profile.
that FB ID also has one Page.
Now that ID wants to assign an available username "Myusername" to its Page (not assigning that available "Myusername" to ID itself).
Error occurred and available "MyUsername" got assigned to ID .
In order to correct that, and to release "MyUsername" to the availability status,
ID's username "MyUsername" is changed to "NewReplacingUseername" .
However, when then trying to assign "MyUsername" (expected to be now AGAIN availabe) to the ID's Page, FB returns "Username not availabe".
"error": {
"message": "(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: MyUsername",
"type": "OAuthException"
which should mean that "MyUsername" IS available !
Any help ?
thanks for pointing to that FAQ.
But that FAQ use terminology
"securing" a username
"diffrent account".
But this is NOT "different" account.
Page belong to the same ID account to which username was initially (arroneously) given but later that username to ID itself was replaced with NewUserName in order to free original Username to be given to the Page of same account to which ID belongs to.
As for "securing" , it is not anymore "secured" as it was replaced with NewUsername.
I need tech confirmation: Does FB store FOREVER any 'username' ever typed, even in error,
even if an account, who typed it in the first place, REPLACED it with something different, i.e. it is not used anymore / it is abandon ?
And, once again, this is within SAME account !
You cannot transfer a user name. Once it has been assigned it cannot be re-assigned so that is why you are getting that error message. This is documented on their FAQ:
Can I transfer my username to another account? Once you have secured a
username, it is not possible to transfer it to a different account on
Facebook. Also, when an account is removed from the site, its username
will be unavailable. Facebook does this for security reasons, namely
to prevent username squatting.
