Consent Scope for Dynamics 365 Discovery Web Api - azure-active-directory

Does anybody know what consent scope is required to call the Dynamics 365 Global Discovery Web API ( from a SPA?
I'm able to authenticate and call the actual Dynamics 365 Web API but not the globaldiscovery web API because I don't have the correct consent scopes set

Based on the Global Discovery Authentication document, it will finally redirect you to Create an application registration.
The required delegated permission is user_impersonation:
And based on Giving access to Common Data Service:
If your app will use Server-to-Server (S2S) authentication, this step
is not required. That configuration requires a specific system user
and the operations will be performed by that user account rather than
any user that must be authenticated.


Office-Addin Single Sign On and API Scopes

The Office Addin for Excel provides the method:
to call the Azure Active Directory, log in the user and gain access to the users profile. The method brings up a dialog box asking the users consent for the Office App to access their profile. The consent box also includes the grants to my Web App (Angular web site that runs in the Excel Taskpane) and includes the words "If you accept, will also have access to your user profile information"
All good. But my Web App communicates with my API, which requires an additional granting of consent for my API to access the users profile.
Is there any way to cause the dialog box invoked by 'getAcccessToken' to also grant permission to my API?
When I login using MSAL as a fallback method (not getAccessToken(), but using an excel dialog box with MSAL configured as per the various Microsoft Walkthoughts), the consent box DOES include both my WebApp and my WebAPI. And authentication works correctly.
I note that the Manifest file has a tag. I had hoped that adding the Scope to my API in here would cause the Office-Addin to request consent to it, but no banana, it does nothing.
Any Ideas?
I do note that getAccessToken() deliberately does not return an access token to MS Graph, with the Microsoft Documentation citing 'security concerns', and such access to Graph must be via Server Side Code using the On-Behalf-Of flow, perhaps similar reasoning does not permit me to gain consent to any API using getAccessToken(), but what then are these section in the manifest file for? I have really struggled to get SSO working with Office Addins, there are so many nuances and unexpected behaviours.
The getAccessToken method calls the Azure Active Directory V 2.0 endpoint to get an access token to your add-in's web application. That enables add-ins to identify users. Server-side code can use this token to access Microsoft Graph for the add-in's web application by using the "on behalf of" OAuth flow. This API requires a single sign-on configuration that bridges the add-in to an Azure application. Office users sign-in with Organizational Accounts and Microsoft Accounts. Microsoft Azure returns tokens intended for both user account types to access resources in the Microsoft Graph. Read more about that in the Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow article.
In answer to my own question,
It is NOT possible to cause the dialog box invoked by 'getAcccessToken' to also grant permission to my API
I have written a lengthy response to this in my answer to this question
Office-Addin MSAL Single Sign In SSO: How to Refresh the Access Token?

Validating tenant in multitenant React apps using MSAL

We're working on moving some apps from Razor Pages to React, and we'd like to use Microsoft Identity Platform for authentication via MSAL.
Some of these apps are multi-tenant, and we want to be able to validate that a given tenant is set up and authorized when a user logs in. Today, we do that in .NET via the OnTokenValidated event by pulling the email domain or tenant ID from the token claims and comparing it to our app's list of authorized tenants in our databases.
In MSAL, I'm not entirely clear how to accomplish that. The MS docs say, "If you allow multi-tenant authentication, and you do not wish to allow all Microsoft account users to use your application, you must provide your own method of filtering the token issuers to only those tenants who are allowed to login" (in
Where in the React login or token acquisition process can I inspect the claims in order to perform this filtering? How are others handling these kinds of checks with MSAL on a SPA front-end framework like React?

knownClientApplications in Azure AD App doesn't work

I have a problem with consenting to my API. I have 2 apps in my tenant (Client, API). Client app is SPA and implicit flow is enabled and it calls API, so I added Client application's id into knownClientApplications in API application. For both applications multi-tenant is enabled.
But when I try to login in my SPA from different tenant I'm only asked for Client application consent and get an error that I don't have service principal for my API application.
What should be configured in order for this to consent implicitly to API application too?
I use MSAL.js library and Azure AD 2.0. Scope:
For the SPA application to prompt consent combined with your API consents, your scope should be
You can read about ./default scope here.
If you need a sample to clarify this concept, I would suggest this one

When should I select openid or email as scope in msal.js executin in browser

I have an entirely client side web page that makes ajax calls to Microsft ASP.NET Core client REST services. Both this UI application and the web service are registered in Azure ActiveDirectory tenants. I have successfully used another ASP.NET Core app registered in the directory to do user authentication and then request a JWT token for the web service and authenticate against that. Nowhere is the ASP.NET Core Authentication code did I have to specify scopes anywhere. If I wanted to call the graph API, I requested a token for and used that.
Looking at this sample, which I made work in my AD, requesting a token for '' seems to be necessary. However, other samples just use ['openid'] or ['openid', 'email']?
I know that is the AzureAd pernmission to read my entire user profile with the graph api. Does that imply whatever openid and email gives me?
The openid and email scopes are used in Azure AD v2 applications to get access to different info. They are not needed in v1 applications.
Quoting from documentation:
If an app performs sign-in by using OpenID Connect, it must request the openid scope. The openid scope shows on the work account consent page as the "Sign you in" permission, and on the personal Microsoft account consent page as the "View your profile and connect to apps and services using your Microsoft account" permission. With this permission, an app can receive a unique identifier for the user in the form of the sub claim. It also gives the app access to the UserInfo endpoint.
And about the email scope:
The email scope can be used with the openid scope and any others. It gives the app access to the user's primary email address in the form of the email claim.
User.Read is a scope for the Microsoft Graph API. Actually the fully qualified form is But MS Graph API is a special case :)

Accessing Intune graph api using send-on-behalf authorization gives response as unauthorized

I Followed the Active Directory .NET WebAPI onBehalfOf sample.
In the web api created another endpoint to access Intune app protection policy from url,
in azure provided permission to app to access Graph API.
In the call to AquireTokenAsync changed the resource Id to
This returned the JWT token that contained:
"aud": "",
"scp": "DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All User.Read",
However fetching the endpoint
Returns an HTTP response of 401 Unauthorized.
What is missing?
This generally implies one or both of the following issues:
You need to obtain Admin Consent. The DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All scope requires that an Admin consent to the permissions before a normal user can can authorize the scope.
You're app's registration doesn't have the correct scopes defined in Azure. Make sure your registration is selection scopes for Microsoft Graph and not Azure AD Graph API. These are two distinct APIs and the differences are greater than simply the resource URI.
Also note that the Client Credentials grant (aka Application scope) isn't supported by the Intune APIs. You can only call these endpoints using Delegated permissions (Authorization Code or Implicit grants).
