Equation box in Quill is not completely visible - quill

enter image description here
Trying to use Quill in my project. I'm using Bootstrap class 'row' with two columns. Right hand side column has Quill, everything works fine except this equation box (see in the image). Can anybody help?

I solved this using bounds. Here is the code snippet:
let quill = new Quill('#editor-container', {
modules: {
formula: true,
syntax: true,
toolbar: '#toolbarOptions'
placeholder: 'Compose your question here...',
theme: 'snow',
bounds: '#editor-container'


How can I remove background lines from polar chart by react chart js 2?

I have this polar chart from react chart js 2. I want these (pointed with red arrow) background lines to be removed. Is it possible to remove these lines? I have tried several solutions like changing background lines image color to background etc. Here is codebox: https://codesandbox.io/s/agitated-wood-2xpk3p?file=/App.tsx. Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated.
As you can see you are getting TS errors because you are using V2 syntax, if you configure your options in the following way it works fine:
const chartOptions = {
scales: {
r: {
grid: {
display: false

Label in BarChart?

Is it anyhow possible to set the label into the bar chart?
Like this example:
I couldnt find an example on the official page: Official example page
Later I had other problems, but I was able to solve them by switching to Nivo Charts. Nivo Charts
You could do this using label options in this way:
options: {
scales: {
xAxes: [
ticks: {
autoSkip: false,
maxRotation: 90,
minRotation: 90,
padding: -110
The result is:
This is a codesandbox example.
You can use the LabelList component with a custom render, here is the link of the documentation:
also you can use the position property to center it inside the bar , here is an example of a customized LabelList :

How do I remove the legend, labels and all the numbers from the graphs from apex charts

I've tried everything I can. If anyone can help me out, it'll be great. I want the numbers on the graphs and the legend gone
Legend and data-labels can be disabled by
const options = {
dataLabels: {
enabled: false
legend: {
show: false
If you want to remove all the additional graphics, try using sparkline which will only keep the chart and hide everything.
sparkline: {
enabled: true

How to change the background to gradient using Rgraph open source tool

Anyone have an example of how to set the background to appear as a gradient in Rgraph? Something like this :
This was answered in the RGraph forum today:
[Formerly there was just a link, but here's some sample code instead]
new RGraph.Bar({
id: 'cvs',
data: [6,8,6],
options: {
colors: ['#888'],
backgroundColor: 'Gradient(white:purple)',
backgroundGrid: false,
marginInner: 80

Removing the toolbar from Sencha Picker

I am trying to remove the toolbar from Sencha Picker (I only need the scrolling area with the event 'pick') - but nothing seems to work. The problem is that we must copy the sencha docs code of Picker (WITH slotpicker code) and try to remove it from there. However - this doesn't work and removed the whole slot area.
Can anyone help?
Just set the toolbar invisible
toolbar: {
hidden: true
BTW why not just to do
doneButton: false,
cancelButton: false,
toolbar: {
ui: 'light',
title: 'My Picker!'
