disable blinking in ace editor for codility code editor - cursor

I need help in disabling the blinking cursor. What is the custom CSS I should use? I am looking at Chrome -> Inspect I see something like .ace_animate-blinking. If I uncheck that it seems to work, but how to encode that in CSS style sheet?
I am using a chrome extension 'stylebot' to insert custom CSS

you can use
.ace_cursor {
animation: none!important


How to use the dark mode and selection modifier together in TailwindCSS?

I'm attempting to set the text highlight colors in my project that uses TailwindCSS. This can be done fairly easily using the "selection" modifier that Tailwind provides. This works fine except when I try to set different colors for dark mode. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong but I can't find anything online regarding how to correctly use the "dark" and "selection" modifiers in conjunction.
I tried the following syntax in attempt to get it to work correctly:
<html className="selection:bg-blue selection:text-purple dark:selection:bg-pink dark:selection:text-blue">
However, this only picks up the selection:bg-blue selection:text-purple styles and not the dark mode selection styles (dark:selection:bg-pink dark:selection:text-blue) when dark mode is activated.
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
The colors do exist in my tailwind config:
I figured this out. I wasn't thinking and realized what I was doing wrong was putting the selection classes on the HTML tag. The HTML tag is where the dark mode class gets applied and due to this, the selection class wasn't a descendant of the .dark mode class. To fix it, I moved the selection classes to the body tag.

Quill editor popUp is being cutoff in the left when we try to add link

When I try to add link to very left text in quill editor the popUp opened is hiding in the left side.And I am using Snow theme.
The below image shows my issue.
Not the most elegant solution, but you may need to override the css:
.ql-tooltip {
left: 0!important;
Sometimes quilljs doesn't play nice with theming libraries like certain versions of bootstrap (which was the issue in my case).

How do I reload md-icon in AngularJS?

I've got some colorful md-icon and wanna change it to a grayscale one (replace with a different grayscale basically) when it's disabled (and in reverse).
I can definitely use .css to see whether a button's disabled: button[disabled]:hover, but I'm struggling to see how to combine it together with angular directives (I found a similar demo which works on click: https://codepen.io/elishaterada/pen/mDCEl).
¿wich file you use for the md-icon, svg or another img file?
you can use ng-style,
if is SVG you do delete 'fill' inside xml svg,and play with the css propertys
but if you need change the color to div o another the next example work perfect!
i hope hel you
enter code here

Webstorm template string html format with Angular 2

In the WebStorm 2016.1 release notes they have this image.
See here
But when I try to type this mine looks like this
Do I have to manually enter the tabs to make this happen? Shouldn't it auto format? If so, how do I set up auto formatting?
You can use the Angular2HTML Fragment editor. With your cursor positioned inside your inline template, you should see an orange exclamation popup. In this should be an option to "Edit Angular2HTML Fragment".
I'm using the latest version of WebStorm 2016.1

Ext.get('myPanel').el.setOpacity(0.65) is not working in IE 8 compatibility mode

I'm trying to set opacity for extjs (4.2.1) panel (whose id is myPanel) as Ext.get('myPanel').el.setOpacity(0.65). It works fine in firefox and chrome but not in IE 8. The ultimate goal is to make the panel transparent so that the user can see through it. Could any one please help me with this...
Ext will simply apply the CSS property "opacity" or alpha transparency to an HTML element. In IE8 this is almost in no case supported.
You could however use a plugin or hack to make IE 8 compatible with it.
Check http://css3pie.com/ or http://modernizr.com/ for example.
Also check http://www.electrictoolbox.com/opacity-internet-explorer-css3-pie-alpha-transparency/ for an example of your issue, and how it is solved using PIE
When you dont want to use 3rd party plugins, you can also try this:
Add the following rules to the CSS of your property
/* IE8 */-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=50)";
/* IE 5-7 */ filter: alpha(opacity=50);
You can also do this with Ext.js using Ext.get('myPanel').el.setStyle()
Finally..after breaking my head for as while..I came up with 2 solutions...
1) Apply x-panel-ghost (which is an extjs in build css applied during the drag process) for baseCls or componentCls gave the transparency. But all the other default css for a extjs panel are lost and so we have to manually write them up..
2) The best solution would be to set an image which is made transparent (through photoshop or something) as a background image for the panel header and body and apply it to the cls config of the panel as below:
In panel:
cls: 'transparency',
In css file:
.transparency .x-panel-header{
background: transparent url('../image.png') no-repeat center !important;
And in the same way, for the body as well..
Hope this helps someone...
