Ingres to SQL Server DB - sql-server

Don't know if anyone can help but i have been tasked with getting all the information out of an Ingres DB into a SQL Server DB. I have virtually no experience of Ingres apart from fumbling my way through looking at what it does and how it does it.
Ideally, what i would like to do is create a linked server (if possible) on a SQL Server and query the data that way. has anyone done this in the past previously and if so, any guidance/help would be appreciated

You're got two choices ODBC or the Ingres .NET Data Provider. I suspect the Ingres .NET Data Provider is more capable, but you may find ODBC meets your requirements.
The Ingres .NET Data Provider requires the Data Access Server process (iigcd) to be running in your Ingres installation.
What version of Ingres are you running?


what is the best way to migrate data from SQL Server to Oracle database

I have two remote databases, Oracle 19c and SQL Server 19. In my redhat linux, I have to read SQL Server table and write it to Oracle.
I wrote a Python code to read data from SQL Server and insert it to Oracle database. But, I think it is so slow. Since, the table has about 16 million records.
I search a lot and see this post:
It said that Oracle Transparent Gateway makes it possible to run a procedure for migrating data from extra database to Oracle in little time.
I can access to Oracle database using terminal and don't have any graphical accesses.
Would you please guide me if Oracle Transparent Gateway is the best way to migrate data from SQL Server to Oracle database, how to install Oracle Transparent Gateway and use it? If not, what is the best way?
Any help is really appreciated.
One solution would be to work from SQL Developer.
You can download SQL Developer for free from
SQL Developer provides a "migration workbench" that supports SQL Server.
The data migration can be done online or offline.
Online causes the table data to be moved by SQL Developer when you have completed the necessary information in the wizard; Offline causes SQL Developer to generate scripts after you have completed the necessary information in the wizard, and you must later run those scripts if you want to move the data. (Online moves are convenient for moving small data sets; offline moves are useful for moving large volumes of data.)

Microsoft Visio Database add-in - Reverse Engineer of Azure Sql Server only showing 'master' Database and no others

I'm attempting to use the Visio Reverse Engineer wizard, part of the database add-in for Visio, targeting one of our databases that's an Azure SQL Database.
I'm able to successfully connect using the same connection strings that I use for all of our other services, SSMS, SSIS, Python, etc..., however the only DB option it gives me is 'master' Master DB only Option. One connected it displays only objects in the master db which obviously I'm not trying to reverse engineer into a data model. Master DB objects available
Additionally, I've tried passing 'Catalog=' Parameter to point to the database in question but this gives me the same options.
All of our Azure SQL Databases have the connection string <databasename>
I've used the Reverse Engineer wizard before for our other SQL Server (which is on an Azure VM and not a Azure SQL Database itself) with no problems.
At this point, I'm not sure if this is an issue with the Visio Reverse Engineer wizard or if there is some setting that we are missing with our Azure SQL Databases.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
When choosing what Visio DB Driver I wanted to use, I figured I'd try to use SQL Server Native Client 11.0 and it allowed me to select the DB I wanted to Reverse Engineer instead of just master db. Driver Selection
I'm not certain why this worked for me, bit it did.

SQL Server linked server to Interbase

I have created a linked server to an Interbase database with the OLE DB Provider from This worked really well, but apparently this IBProvider was only a test version which has expired. Instead of buying the full version I was wondering whether there is another way of fetching the data from that database or creating the linked server.
I know there is the OPENDATASOURCE() function allowing me to connect and query a remote data source.
But to use this function I need to enable DATA ACCESS on the server and I'm not sure what possible disadvantages this could have.
I could also use DTS and copy the tables to my SQL Server but I don't think this is best practise.
So, are there any other possibilites?
I did not found any solution to this so I bought the full version of this OLE DB Provider from

Connecting data source to CRM in SSIS

Intern at a company. Learning SSIS. When I am connecting a data source to CRM 4.0. Am I to create connections for both OLE DB and ODBC or just ODBC?
Take a look at:
To be able to make updates and create records you really need to use a web service as described in the blog above.
OLE DB Drivers would help you connect to the SQL Database that CRM 4.0 is using, but that would be no different than just connecting to a MS SQL Database. If you want to transfer data, manipulating the database directly is unsupported (and a bad idea).

Insert rows into a SQL Server table from Oracle

I have an Oracle 10G database running on a Unix environmnent and have a requirement to write a PL/SQL job that will be running on the Oracle database that will populate tables in another database which is a microsoft SQL Server database running on a Windows platform.
Having looked around, it looks like this is possible via database links. Has anyone got any more information on this? For example how reliable is the connection and are there any disadvantages in having such a setup?
Chances are that i would have limited access to the SQL Server database. Is the above possible without having to make any changes to the SQL server database? (Assuming the DBA on the SQL server has configured the database to be accessed from other databases)
Use the Oracle feature DG4ODBC, it is as reliable as any normal DBLINK setup, to the SQL Server side it will look like any other sort of client connection. You only need to do anything more elaborate if you are planning to do distributed transactions between Oracle and SQL Server (i.e. 2 Phase Commit). You will probably also want UnixODBC and FreeTDS.
