SQL Server linked server to Interbase - sql-server

I have created a linked server to an Interbase database with the OLE DB Provider from IBProvider.com. This worked really well, but apparently this IBProvider was only a test version which has expired. Instead of buying the full version I was wondering whether there is another way of fetching the data from that database or creating the linked server.
I know there is the OPENDATASOURCE() function allowing me to connect and query a remote data source.
But to use this function I need to enable DATA ACCESS on the server and I'm not sure what possible disadvantages this could have.
I could also use DTS and copy the tables to my SQL Server but I don't think this is best practise.
So, are there any other possibilites?

I did not found any solution to this so I bought the full version of this OLE DB Provider from IBProvider.com


Ingres to SQL Server DB

Don't know if anyone can help but i have been tasked with getting all the information out of an Ingres DB into a SQL Server DB. I have virtually no experience of Ingres apart from fumbling my way through looking at what it does and how it does it.
Ideally, what i would like to do is create a linked server (if possible) on a SQL Server and query the data that way. has anyone done this in the past previously and if so, any guidance/help would be appreciated
You're got two choices ODBC or the Ingres .NET Data Provider. I suspect the Ingres .NET Data Provider is more capable, but you may find ODBC meets your requirements.
The Ingres .NET Data Provider requires the Data Access Server process (iigcd) to be running in your Ingres installation.
What version of Ingres are you running?

SQL Server Backend, Access front end connection question

I transferred my Access Back-end to SQL Server and linked the tables. I used the SQL Server Migration Wizard. When I ran my Forms, Reports and Queries, I was surprised to see that it worked perfectly fine as if I did not even migrate.
How is it the JET SQL syntax of Access able to retrieve data from SQL Server which uses T-SQL language?
Because Jet doesn't need to use Transact-SQL, it just knows how the data is stored, the same way you can use an ODBC connection to pull data from an Oracle database without using PL-SQL. Also, you can write a stored procedure in the SQL database, using T-SQL, and you can fire it off via Jet: the proc lives and runs on the SQL side, and Jet doesn't need to know how it works, just how to fire it.

SQL server linked server to SAS(Statistical Analysis System)?

has anyone ever been able to create a sql server linked server to SAS?
I have created an ODBC connection (32bit) to SAS
This ODBC works for e.g. QlikView, Tableau etc.. but how would set it up for SQL server?
Product name?
Data Source?
If the DSN is already created, you can access it in SAS directly using:
libname myServer odbc dsn=PROD_PL0000 schema='dbo';
Then you'll see it as a SAS library that you can work with natively. If you do it via the GUI you can check a box to have it reconnect at start up.
I also have the same problem. The problem is in the SAS provider for OLE DB connections, it can't create a popular instance with SAS tables.
To create the linked server via OLE DB you need to go to the SAS website, download the files and install on the SQL server to set up the connection.

Compare SQL Server Database Schema with Oracle Database Schema

in my development environment we support the application both on MSSQL Server as well as Oracle. The database schema of both of these RDBMS are same.
while development we found that the developer made a mistake and forgot to change the oracle database for the last 1 yr. therfore the oracle script is quite behind in term of schema from SQL Server schema script.
now the question is how i can compare the two RDBMS systems to find the difference and make the oracle script updated
If there are no track log from which it's possible to find and reproduce all changes applied to SQL Server since first detected inconsistency with Oracle version, or that changes was applied, but only partially, you really need to compare objects presented in both databases.
In this case setup a link between databases on any side and use system dictionary views to compare table structures and other objects to find differences and, possible, to generate script for Oracle scheme rollup.
If you want to act from MS SQL Server side:
Install and configure Oracle Instant Client
Install Oracle ODAC
Follow Microsoft recomendations (64-bit version)
Connect as any user with dba role (or use same Oracle schema where object resides) to Oracle from MS SQL database
If you want to act from Oracle Server side:
Install and configure Oracle Database Gateway for SQL Server.
Create database link to MS SQL Server.
After successful configuration you may join Information schema views on SQL Server side with Data dictionary views on Oracle side to find differences.
Of course there are many troubles at this way like different data types, but it gives a chance to automate at least part of work.

Connecting data source to CRM in SSIS

Intern at a company. Learning SSIS. When I am connecting a data source to CRM 4.0. Am I to create connections for both OLE DB and ODBC or just ODBC?
Take a look at: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/crm/archive/2008/05/07/integrating-crm-using-sql-integration-services-ssis.aspx
To be able to make updates and create records you really need to use a web service as described in the blog above.
OLE DB Drivers would help you connect to the SQL Database that CRM 4.0 is using, but that would be no different than just connecting to a MS SQL Database. If you want to transfer data, manipulating the database directly is unsupported (and a bad idea).
