Update mongo array elements field from its other field - arrays

Let's assume following document
"companies": [
{"id": 1, "name": "Company 1", "new_name": "New company 1"},
{"id": 2, "name": "Company 2", "new_name": "New company 2"}
Is there a way I can reference element of array by itself to migrate to scheme
"companies": [
{"id": 1, "name": "New company 1", "new_name": "New company 1"},
{"id": 2, "name": "New company 2", "new_name": "New company 2"}
within a single call to update without scripting with forEach in mongo 4.2?
Something like
"companies.$[].name": "$companies.<???>.new_name"

To access another field's value in a query you need to use aggregation, taking advantage of executing aggregation pipeline in .update()'s which got introduced in MongoDB version 4.2, try below query :
$addFields: { // will replace existing field with new value
companies: {
$map: { // Iterates on an array & creates a new one
input: "$companies",
in: { $mergeObjects: [ "$$this", { name: "$$this.new_name" } ] } // `mergeObjects` will merge two objects `name` field will be replace in current object i.e; `$$this`
Test : You can test aggregation pipeline here : mongoplayground
Note : Seems to be using aggregation is only option to do this in one call, but downside could be only if your array is too huge, cause $map has to re-write entire array again.


How to project a specific index inside a multilevel nested array in mongodb

I have a particular field in my document which has a multilevel nested array structure. The document looks like something this
"_id" : ObjectId("62171b4207476091a17f595f"),
"data" : [
"id" : "1",
"content" : [
"id" : "1.1",
"content" : []
"id" : "1.2",
"content" : [
"id" : "1.2.1",
"content" : [
"id" : "",
"content" : []
"id" : "1.2.2",
"content" : []
(The ids in my actual data is a random string, I have added a more defined id here just for readability)
In my application code the nesting level is controlled so it won't go more than 5 levels deep.
I need to project a particular object inside one of the deeply nested arrays.
I have all the information needed to traverse the nested structure. For example if I need to fetch the object with id "1.2.2" my input will look something like this:
[{id: 1, index: 0}, {id: 1.2, index: 1}, {id: 1.2.2, index: 1}]
In the above array, each element represents one level of nesting. I have the Id and the index. So in the above example, I know I first need to travel to index 0 at the top level, then inside that to index 1 , then inside that to index 1 again to find my object.
Is there a way I can only get the inner object that I want directly using a query. Or will I need to get the whole "data" field and do the traversal in my application code. I have been unable to figure out any way to construct a query that would satisfy my need.
if you know the path, you can do it using a series of nested
you can do it in one stage with nested calls, or with many new fields like i did bellow, or with mongodb variables
*i am not sure what output you need, this goes inside to get the 2 using the indexes (if this is not what you need add if you can the expected output)
Test code here
"_id": ObjectId( "62171b4207476091a17f595f"),
"data": [
"id": "1",
"content": [
"id": "1.1",
"content": []
"id": "1.2",
"content": [
"id": "1.2.1",
"content": [
"id": "",
"content": []
"id": "1.2.2",
"content": [1,2]
{"field":"content", "input":{"$arrayElemAt":["$data", 0]}}}}},
{"field":"content", "input":{"$arrayElemAt":["$c1", 1]}}}}},
{"field":"content", "input":{"$arrayElemAt":["$c2", 1]}}}}},
{"$project":{"_id":0, "c4":{"$arrayElemAt":["$c3", 1]}}}])
"c4": 2

Return one array of data in sub-document of Mongodb

I'm using Nodejs with Mongoose package.
Given I've something like this:-
let people = [
"_id": 1,
"name": "Person 1",
"pets": [
"_id": 1,
"name": "Tom",
"category": "cat"
"_id": 2,
"name": "Jerry",
"category": "mouse"
I want to get only the data of Jerry in pets array using it's _id (result shown below)
"_id": 2,
"name": "Jerry",
"category": "mouse"
Can I get it without needing to specify the _id of person 1 when using $elemMatch? Right now I code like this:-
const pet = People.find(
{ "_id": "1"}, // specifying 'person 1 _id' first
{ pets: { $elemMatch: { _id: 2 } } } // using 'elemMatch' to get 'pet' with '_id' of '2'
And it gave me what I want like I've shown you above. But is there any other way I can do this without needing to specify the _id of it's parent first (in this case, the _id of the people array)
Assuming nested array's _id's are unique you can filter by nested array elements directly:
const pet = People.find(
{ "pets._id": 2 },
{ pets: { $elemMatch: { _id: 2 } } }

Special where on embedded relations - Laravel MongoDB

I have the following users collection:
"type": "provider",
"name": "user name",
"username": "username",
"password": "$2y$10$D3z0tLwOwB0tqPEnl63VuexOwqcR75QkVILemB1.TEsAJlk6Ixwim",
"specialties": [
"specialty 1",
"specialty 2"
and a specialties collection :
"_id": "5b26103b2df243228c0003ea",
"title": "specialty 1",
"description": "specialti 1 desc",
"_id": "5b26103b2df243228c0003ea",
"title": "specialty 2",
"description": "specialti 2 desc",
The relation between them is embedded-many and here is my relationship in User model,
public function specialties()
return $this->embedsMany(Specialty::class, 'specialties', 'title');
I want to filter the users by specialty. For example, the above JSON user object should be returned if the filtered specialty is "specialty 1".
I know about non-embedded collections but my data is saved on my database and I cannot not change the schema.
Are there any alternative solutions?
The solution was in the documentation, MongoDB specific operators,
In my case, the answer is,
$providers = User::where('specialties', 'all', ['specialty 1'])->with('s_specialties')->get();
This code simulates $in operator in MongoDB. More about operators.

How to do a NoSql linked query

I have a noSql (Cloudant) database
-Within the database we have documents where one of the document fields represents “table” (type of document)
-Within the documents we have fields that represent links other documents within the database
For example:
{_id: 111, table:main, user_id:222, field1:value1, other1_id: 333}
{_id: 222, table:user, first:john, other2_id: 444}
{_id: 333, table:other1, field2:value2}
{_id: 444, table:other2, field3:value3}
We want of way of searching for _id:111
And the result be one document with data from linked tables:
{_id:111, user_id:222, field1:value1, other1_id: 333, first:john, other2_id: 444, field2:value2, field3:value3}
Is there a way to do this?
There is flexibility on the structure of how we store or get the data back—any suggestions on how to better structure the data to make this possible?
The first thing to say is that there are no joins in Cloudant. If you're schema relies on lots of joining then you're working against the grain of Cloudant which may mean extra complication for you or performance hits.
There is a way to de-reference other documents' ids in a MapReduce view. Here's how it works:
create a MapReduce view to emit the main document's body and its linked document's ids in the form { _id: 'linkedid'}
query the view with include_docs=true to pull back the document AND the de-referenced ids in one go
In your case, a map function like this:
function(doc) {
if (doc.table === 'main') {
emit(doc._id, doc);
if (doc.user_id) {
emit(doc._id + ':user', { _id: doc.user_id });
would allow you to pull back the main document and its linked user document in one API by hitting the GET /mydatabase/_design/mydesigndoc/_view/myview?startkey="111"&endkey="111z"&include_docs=true endpoint:
"total_rows": 2,
"offset": 0,
"rows": [
"id": "111",
"key": "111",
"value": {
"_id": "111",
"_rev": "1-5791203eaa68b4bd1ce930565c7b008e",
"table": "main",
"user_id": "222",
"field1": "value1",
"other1_id": "333"
"doc": {
"_id": "111",
"_rev": "1-5791203eaa68b4bd1ce930565c7b008e",
"table": "main",
"user_id": "222",
"field1": "value1",
"other1_id": "333"
"id": "111",
"key": "111:user",
"value": {
"_id": "222"
"doc": {
"_id": "222",
"_rev": "1-6a277581235ca01b11dfc0367e1fc8ca",
"table": "user",
"first": "john",
"other2_id": "444"
Notice how we get two rows back, the first is the main document body, the second the linked user.

Restheart query for an nested array subdocument

I m working with mongodb and restheart.
In my nosql db i have a unique document with this structure:
"_id": "docID",
"users": [
"userID": "12",
"elements": [
"elementID": "1492446877599",
"events": [
"event1": "one"
"event2": "two",
"userID": "11",
"elements": [
"elementID": "14924",
"events": [
"event1": "one"
"event2": "two",
how can i build an url-query in order to get the user with id 11?
Using mongo shell it should be something like this one:
I cannot find anything similar on restheart.
Could someone help me?
Using this
restheart returns me all the documents: userID 11 and 12.
Your request is against a document resource, i.e. the URL is http://myHost:port/documents/docID
The filter query parameter applies for collection requests, i.e. URLs such as http://myHost:port/documents
In any case you need to projection (the keys query parameter) to limit the returned properties.
You should achieve it with the following request (I haven't tried it) using the $elementMatch projection operator:
