Discord.Js Problem adding a space after a + - discord.js

ok so ik this is preety rookie but can someone help me out here. How do i add spaces in between +'s in code. message.channel.send("you baked" + random + "Cookies! :3 :cookie:")
} It outputs BakedCookies all together due to the +'s

You can use + " " + to add spaces for these cases. However, I would prefer using Template strings like this:
message.channel.send(`You baked ${random} cookies! :3 :cookie`)
which would not require so many + and " ".
If your project is really slow though, using template literals actually slow speeds. Not by a lot but its something to note

If you had three variables and needed spaces between them, you'd do:
message.channel.send(num1 + " " + num2 + " " + num3);
In your case, you're already using string literals, so you can just do:
message.channel.send("you baked " + random + " Cookies! :3 :cookie:");
Although, as Alex already mentioned, you can use ${random} in your string with Javascript. To do that, you can do this:
message.channel.send(`you baked ${random} Cookies! :3 :cookie:`);

Try this:
message.channel.send(`you baked ${random} Cookies! :3 :cookie:`)


Why does DOORS `isBaseline` seem to always return FALSE?

I created a new major baseline in a DOORS module and then ran a small DXL script which includes lines
Module mp = current
Baseline bp = getMostRecentBaseline(mp)
int majorVersion = major(bp)
int minorVersion = minor(bp)
print "major " majorVersion " minor " minorVersion "\n"
string suff = suffix(bp)
print "suffix " suff "\n"
bool bstat
bstat = isBaseline(mp)
print "bstat " bstat "\n"
ModuleVersion mv = moduleVersion(mp)
string basind = baselineIndex(mp)
print "baseline index " basind "\n"
bool otherbstat = baseline(mp)
print "otherstat " otherbstat "\n"
bool basv = isBaseline(mv)
print "version base " basv "\n"
All of these return FALSE, indicating the module is not currently baselined. I have not done any edits to any attributes since baselining. I have done things like creating new Views. If I run the IBM DXL macro to compare the latest baseline against the "Current" version, it reports there are zero differences.
So my question is - what do the various isBaseline functions look at that is causing them to return FALSE? Or, am I going about this the wrong way - all I really need is a Q&D bit of DXL code to check that my module hasn't been edited for content since the last baseline was established.
The primary issue is that when your code gets a ModuleVersion (line 11), it uses a form of the function that gets the current version of the module. Line 14 should invoke isBaseline, not baseline, making the last two lines redundant.
See p310 of the current version (9.6.1) of the DXL Reference Manual for full details of the moduleVersion function.
The minimally modified version of your code that gets the result I think you were expecting, follows:
Module mp = current
Baseline bp = getMostRecentBaseline(mp)
int majorVersion = major(bp)
int minorVersion = minor(bp)
print "major " majorVersion " minor " minorVersion "\n"
string suff = suffix(bp)
print "suffix " suff "\n"
bool bstat
bstat = isBaseline(mp)
print "bstat " bstat "\n"
ModuleVersion mv = moduleVersion(uniqueID(mp), bp)
string basind = baselineIndex(mp)
print "baseline index " basind "\n"
bool otherbstat = isBaseline(mv)
print "otherstat " otherbstat "\n"
bool basv = isBaseline(mv)
print "version base " basv "\n"
In the version below, I've renamed variables, reordered some lines, and removed some content that wasn't required, for clarity:
Module modCurrent = current
Baseline blLatest = getMostRecentBaseline(modCurrent)
int iMajorVersion = major(blLatest)
int iMinorVersion = minor(blLatest)
string sBLSuffix = suffix(blLatest)
print "last baseline: major " iMajorVersion " minor " iMinorVersion " suffix " sBLSuffix "\n"
bool bIsBaseline = isBaseline(modCurrent)
print "bIsBaseline = " bIsBaseline "\n"
ModuleVersion mv = moduleVersion(uniqueID(modCurrent), blLatest)
Module modBaselined = load(mv, false)
string basind = baselineIndex(modBaselined)
print "baseline index = " basind "\n"
bIsBaseline = isBaseline(modBaselined)
print "bIsBaseline = " bIsBaseline "\n"
Looks like isBaseline returns TRUE only if the current module View is set to display a selected baseline, as opposed to the "current" working view. `isBaseline and its brethren do not look at module contents, and thus won't see any potential differences between a baseline version and the current working view.
I'm aware of various DXL tools which perform a 'compare' on the contents, so that can be dealt with separately. As noted at this question, there are enhanced versions of the default "compare" script, such as one posted at this DOORS forum

Concatenate a character to a TextBox value

How to concatenate a character after the field value in a text box in Telerik Reporting?
I tried the below way. Its not working. Is there any way to achieve this task?
= {Fields.OlderThan} + " Days"
= {Fields.OlderThan} + Days
= {Fields.OlderThan} Days
textBox24.Value expression [= {Fields.OlderThan} "Days"] is not valid:
If Fields.OlderThan = 10
Result should be "10 Days"
You should get rid of those {}. It should work just fine without them: = Fields.OlderThan + " Days".
I also like to handle the case where the field might be null, because if Fields.OlderThan is null nothing will get printed in your text box:
= IsNull(Fields.OlderThan,"") + " Days"

Multiple outputs with a for loop in praat

I have a script where I have multiple folders each with three audio files in them ID#_1, ID#_2, and ID#_3. The user can input a string of different ID#s, one after the other, and then the script recognizes the different IDs and runs the code for each of them.
I have a for loop set up for this -
form Settings
comment Enter the IDs of the different subjects
sentence subjectIDs
numOfSubjects = length(subjectIDs$)/4
for i from 0 to (numOfSubjects - 1)
subjectID$ = mid$(subjectIDs$, 1 + 4*i, 4 + 4*i)
outFile$ = subjectID$ + "/SubjectResponseOnsets" + subjectID$ + ".txt"
path$ = subjectID$ + "/" + subjectID$
Each of these procedures is defined previously in the code, and they basically output certain ranges from the audio files out to a text file.
The code seems to work fine and generate the output file correctly when one ID is given, but when I try to run it with more than one ID at a time, only the text file for the first ID is outputted.
The for loop does not seem to be working well, but the code does work fine in the first run.
I would greatly appreciate any help!
I don't know if I understood well what your script was trying to do, since the snippet you pasted was incomplete. It's best if you provide code that is executable as is. In this case, you were missing the closing endfor, and you were calling some procedures that were not defined in your snippet (not even as placeholders). I had to write some dummy procedures just to make it run.
Since you also didn't say how your script was failing, it was unclear what needed to be fixed. So I took a stab at making it work.
It sounded as if your ID splitting code was giving you some problems. I took the split procedure from the utils plugin available through CPrAN, which makes inputting the IDs easier (full disclosure: I wrote that plugin).
form Settings
comment Enter the IDs of the different subjects
sentence subjectIDs 01 02 03
#split: " ", subjectIDs$
numOfSubjects = split.length
for i to numOfSubjects
subjectID$ = split.return$[i]
path$ = subjectID$
outFile$ = path$ + "/SubjectResponseOnsets" + subjectID$ + ".txt"
# Make sure output directory exists
createDirectory: path$
procedure firstOutput ()
appendFileLine: outFile$, "First"
procedure secondOutput ()
appendFileLine: outFile$, "Second"
procedure thirdOutput ()
appendFileLine: outFile$, "Third"
# split procedure from the utils CPrAN plugin
# http://cpran.net/plugins/utils
procedure split (.sep$, .str$)
.seplen = length(.sep$)
.length = 0
.strlen = length(.str$)
.sep = index(.str$, .sep$)
if .sep > 0
.part$ = left$(.str$, .sep-1)
.str$ = mid$(.str$, .sep+.seplen, .strlen)
.part$ = .str$
.length = .length+1
.return$[.length] = .part$
until .sep = 0
If this is not what you are having trouble with, you'll have to be more specific.

How to receive variables in a post in google app engine that contains string with chars like: õ á?

email = self.request.get('email')
name = self.request.get('name')
mail.send_mail(sender="myemail", email=email, body=name, subject="sss " + name + "sdafsaã")
// added ã: the problem was that "sdafsaã" should be u"sdafsaã". with a "u" before the string. and now it works
then i get this
main.py", line 85, in post
subject="sss " + name + "sdafsa",
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 36: ordinal not in range(128)
the might have chars like õ ó and something like that.
for more details:
the code to run the worker(the code before)
the name is the one that is received from the datastore and contains chars like õ and ó...
taskqueue.add(url='/emailworker', params={'email': e.email, 'name': e.name})
Try reading a little about how unicode works in Python:
Dive Into Python - Unicode
Unicode In Python, Completely Demystified
Also, make sure you're running Python 2.5 if you are seeing this error on the development server.
You should use:
email = self.request.get('email')
name = self.request.get('name')
subject="hello " + name.encode('utf-8') + " user!")
The variable name is a unicode string and should encoded in utf-8 or in the kind of encode you are using in you web application before concatenating to other byte strings.
Without name.encode(), Python uses the default 7 bits ascii codec that can't encode that specific character.
the problem is joining 2 strings: ||| body = name + "ã" => error ||| body = name + u"ã" => works!!! |||
Try with encode
t ='việt ứng '
m = MyModel()
m.data = t.encode('utf-8')
m.put() #success!

Compact C Folding in Vim

I'm trying to make a simple Vim script that would create very compact top-level folds for c files. Ideally, if it was run on this code:
static void funca(...)
/* Example comment */
static void funcb(...)
Then it would create folds which would look like this when closed:
+-- x Lines: static void funca(...)----------------------
+-- x Lines: static void funcb(...)----------------------
So basically it would be like foldmethod=syntax with foldlevel=1, except that each fold would start one line further up, and would extend further down to include all following blank lines.
I know how to make one of these folds (assuming foldmethod=manual):
But I'm not sure how to put it into a function. This is my effort:
function Cfold()
set foldmethod=manual " Manual folds
ggzE " Delete all folds
while (/^{<cr>) " Somehow loop through each match
kVnn?^$<cr>zf " This would work fine except for the last function
map <Leader>f :call Cfold()<cr>
But it isn't valid, I'm not entirely sure how functions work. Also, it won't work for the last function in the file, since it won't find '^{' again. If someone could help me get this working, and somehow add a case for the last function in a file, I would be extremely grateful.
Thanks in advance :)
You can create folds programmatically using the foldexpr and foldtext. Try this, though you may have to tweak CFoldLevel so it doesn't swallow non-function parts of the code:
function! CFoldLevel(lnum)
let line = getline(a:lnum)
if line =~ '^/\*'
return '>1' " A new fold of level 1 starts here.
return '1' " This line has a foldlevel of 1.
function! CFoldText()
" Look through all of the folded text for the function signature.
let signature = ''
let i = v:foldstart
while signature == '' && i < v:foldend
let line = getline(i)
if line =~ '\w\+(.*)$'
let signature = line
let i = i + 1
" Return what the fold should show when folded.
return '+-- ' . (v:foldend - v:foldstart) . ' Lines: ' . signature . ' '
function! CFold()
set foldenable
set foldlevel=0
set foldmethod=expr
set foldexpr=CFoldLevel(v:lnum)
set foldtext=CFoldText()
set foldnestmax=1
See :help 'foldexpr' for more details.
