Extjs 7.0 Calendar headers not aligned with columns - extjs

Using the Calendar component in Extjs 7.0 we noticed that the header cells didn't line up correctly with their columns if the language was set to Dutch:
When checking the source code I found the place where these values are added in the cell html;
In Ext.calendar.header.Base, in the setHeaderText function the following code exists:
var me = this,
D = Ext.Date,
value = me.getValue(),
format = me.getFormat(),
domFormat = me.domFormat,
cells = me.cells,
len = cells.length,
useDates = me.useDates,
cell, i;
if (!value) {
value = D.clone(value);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
cell = cells[i];
if (useDates) {
cell.setAttribute('data-date', D.format(value, domFormat));
cell.setAttribute('data-day', value.getDay());
cell.innerHTML = D.format(value, format);
value = D.add(value, D.DAY, 1);
The innerHtml is set by formatting the Date(D) object which results in the 3 characters of that day. If you change this to just setting a 4 char value like cell.innerHTML = 'Test' the headers line up just fine:
But for some reason this doesn't work when using the D.format value. If somebody has any idea what causes this, I would love to hear.
I can't seem to test if this also goes wrong in another language cause for some reason my packages can't be loaded in anymore.

You can set(or fix) localization override localization constants.
Calendar use Ext.Date.dayNames and Ext.Date.getShortDayName().
All constants list you can see in localization package.
Fiddle example


This script wont select elements/layers which thier names are between angle-brackets "<>"

Whenever I open a PDF-file in Illustrator for edithing, there are a lot of ungrouped and uncategorized Elemetns in it.
So I tried to select multiple elements with a spicific name with the below Script, but since the name of the elements are between Angle-brackets "<someName>" script wont select them:
function selectPageItemsByName(items, name) {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var item = items[i];
if (item.name === name) {
item.selected = true;
function main() {
var document = app.activeDocument;
var name = '<someFile>';
document.selection = null;
selectPageItemsByName(document.pageItems, name);
Femkeblanko from Adobe Community says: Items with angle brackets in their label (unless user-created) are unnamed. They correspond to an empty string, i.e. "".
If I remove the Brackets from the name of the Elemetns, the script works but I have a lot of Elements and it needs time.
So, isn't there a way to salve it?
this is a pretty creative way:
// Select->Objects->Clipping Mask
app.executeMenuCommand("Clipping Masks menu item");
// Edit->Clear
but it isn't really documented very well
some links for future reference:
Where is the perfect reference of adobe illustrator script?

Loop within STACK question in moodle using jsxgraph

I am trying to create a moodle-STACK question with an interactive element via jsxgraph.
Within the [[jsxgraph]] ... [[/jsxgraph]] tags, I am plotting a curve with two databases, each with 6 elements.
Since I would like students to add error bars for both scales, I added a loop within the jsxgraph-element:
var plot = function() {
var j, xr0, yr0, xr1, yr1, xr2, yr2, err1, err2;
for (j=0; j<6;j++) {
const v1 = Number(input1.Value());
const v2 = Number(input2.Value());
xr1 = dataX[j]-v1;
yr1 = dataY[j]+v2;
xr2 = dataX[j]+v1;
yr2 = dataY[j]-v2;
xr0 = dataX[j];
yr0 = dataY[j];
err1 = board.create('line',[[xr1,yr0],[xr2,yr0]],{straightFirst:false,straightLast:false, fixed:true});
err2 = board.create('line', [[xr0,yr1],[xr0,yr2]],{straightFirst:false,straightLast:false, fixed:true});
Since the jsxgraph code is within the HTML-text field of the STACK-question in moodle, the < sign is converted to < and now the loop cant be executed.
Is there a way to use a < sign within the HTML-field of moodle? If not, how can I get past this problem?
I already wrote a running Javascript-Code that shows what I want to create within moodle:

Matlab, AppDesigner-Convert image on a good type and use it in "imread" function

I use AppDesigner inMATLAB to show photos with changed RGB. But there is the problem with character of the photo.
When I switch on my own fuction "changeRGB", finally "choosenImage" has 20bytes, class "char" and size(1x10). OK!
There is no problem in using the "function OpenButtonValueChanged". OK!
There is the problem with "function UploadButtonPushed". OK!
When I click button which callback is "function UploadButtonPushed" I get the error:
"Error using imread>parse_inputs (line 502)
The file name or URL argument must be a character
vector or string scalar."
"Error in imread (line 342)
[source, fmt_s, extraArgs, was_cached_fmt_used] =
parse_inputs(cached_fmt, varargin{:});"
Because in the "function UploadButtonPushed" my choosenImage has 1977624bytes, class "uint8" and size(681x968x3). So it's too bug for "imread".
When in "function OpenButtonValueChanged" I convert a photo, adding "char": (myimage = char(app.clickedImage)); the class of the photo is changing from uint8 to char but the size.
When I use "num2cell", the claas of the photo is changing on "cell" but size and number of bytes are the same- so big. And I get the Error: "Error using imread>parse_inputs (line 502) The file name or URL argument must be a character vector or string scalar."
In my own function "changeRGB" I used "imread(image)" and here is the problem with the size of the photo. Do you know how to get the correct one?
%my own properties in AppDesigner- to use them in different functions
properties (Access = public)
addR = 1;
addG = 1;
addB = 1;
%first function in AppDeesigner
function OpenButtonValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.OpenButton.Value;
[file, howManyFiles] = chooseImagesFromComputer; %myown function
%I load 3 images which are showed as miniatures
myFile1 = imread(file{1});
imshow(myFile1, 'Parent', app.UIAxes1_1);
myFile2 = imread(file{2});
imshow(myFile2, 'Parent', app.UIAxes1_2);
myFile3 = imread(file{3});
imshow(myFile3, 'Parent', app.UIAxes1_3);
%take values of changed RGB from the slider
app.addR = app.SliderR.Value
app.addG = app.SliderG.Value
app.addB = app.SliderB.Value
%work only on one image to change its colors. app.clickedImage, app.addR, app.addG, app.addB are properties at the beginning of the code
app.clickedImage = file{1};
app.clickedImage = changeRGB(app.clickedImage,app.addR,app.addG,app.addB); %changeRGB- my own function- here is the problem. I add it bottom
%second function in AppDesigner
%here is the button to upload color of the photo
function UploadButtonPushed(app, event)
myimage = app.clickedImage;
myimage = changeRGB(myimage,app.addR,app.addG,app.addB);
%here is my own function in matlab, not in AppDesigner, which makes problem:
function [changedImage] = changeRGB(choosenImage, addR, addG, addB)
loadedImage = imread(choosenImage);
R = loadedImage(:,:,1); %extract one of the color channels
G = loadedImage(:,:,2);
B = loadedImage(:,:,3);
RBG = cat(3,R,G,B);
R_adj2 = R + addR;
G_adj2 = G + addG;
B_adj2 = B + addB;
changedImage = cat(3,R_adj2,G_adj2,B_adj2);
First, you make unnecessary operations in changeRGB
function [changedImage] = changeRGB(choosenImage, addR, addG, addB)
loadedImage = imread(choosenImage);
loadedImage = bsxfun(#sum, loadedImage, reshape([addR, addG, addB], [1 1 3]);
Then this function return an array (the modified image) so in UploadButtonPushed(app, event) when you run myimage = app.clickedImage;, you are passing the modified array instead of the image path, that you set here app.clickedImage = changeRGB(app.clickedImage,app.addR,app.addG,app.addB);
So you have to change the design of your variables, because app.clickedImage is saving either the image path, or the image itself. Consider having 2 different variables.
A good advice also is to use matlab debugger which is really good help to find the source of this kind of problems.

Retrieving datas within an Array

This is probably easy but I just cannot get the answer. Here is a simple Array:
I want the information to be distributed from an Input textBox to different dynamic textBox after a click. I am OK with buttons.
var ERLQ1:Array = ["ERLQ1", "N09°02.61 / E100°49.11", "ErawanLq"];
InputText = "ERLQ1";
//I want to display:
Txt1 = "ERLQ1" //Being first part of the array as main reference.
Txt2 = "N09°02.61 / E100°49.11" // Should be: String(ERLQ1[1])
Txt3 = "ErawanLq" // Should be: String(ERLQ1[2])
First time I write in a forum like this. Please forgive if not perfect. Thanks in advance.
If I understand correctly, an array of objects would work well. Since you have a set number of textfields I assume that you also have a set number of details that you want to display in them. If that is the case, this solution should work fine.
arr:Array = [{_name:"ERLQ1",ans1:"N09°02.61 / E100°49.11",ans2:"ErawanLq"},
{_name:"ERLQ2",ans1:"question 2 answer 1",ans2:"ques2ans1"}];
So, I don't really "get" your application, but if it were some sort of a quiz, you'd have a new array element for each question, and that element has a name, and two answers. Easy to modify it to grab answers from an answer pool. Now to find the element in the array that has ._name == "ERLQ1" you will need to loop through all the elements and return the one that has the ._name property that matches your search. Here is an example function:
private function matchName(arr:Array, term:String):int{
for (var i:int = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if (arr[i]._name == term){
return i;
return -1;
This function will return the array index number of the matching term. If no match exists, it returns -1. So you could use it like this (pseudocode):
// on submit search{
// find the index number in the array of the element that matches the search term
var ind:int = matchName(arr, searchTerm);
// assign the textfield texts to the corresponding associated values
textBox1:text = arr[ind]._name;
textBox2:text = arr[ind].ans1;
textBox3:text = arr[ind].ans2;
I perhaps misunderstood (because of my English), but :
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
var ERLQ1:Array = ["ERLQ1", "N09°02.61 / E100°49.11", "ErawanLq"];
var Txt1 : TextField = new TextField();
Txt1.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
Txt1.border = true;
var Txt2 : TextField = new TextField();
Txt2.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
Txt2.border = true;
var Txt3 : TextField = new TextField();
Txt3.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
Txt3.border = true;
Txt1.x = 20, y =40;
Txt2.x = 180, y =40;
Txt1.x = 300, y =40;
Txt1.text = ERLQ1[0]; // is now : first part of the array as main reference (String(ERLQ1[0]).
Txt2.text = ERLQ1[1]; // is now : String(ERLQ1[1]);
Txt3.text = ERLQ1[2]; // is now : String(ERLQ1[2]);
This will display 3 TextFiels as input text like this :
If I misunderstood your question, please tell me more about what You expect!
Best regards.

Actionscript 3.0 Get all instances of a class?

I got a ton of movieclips in a class. Is there a more efficient way to apply a function to every instance in the class other than this?
var textArray:Array = [
//... ... ...
for each (var interludeText:MovieClip in interludeBeginText)
interludeText.alpha = 0 //clear all text first
Also for some reason this doesn't work:
interludes.interludeIntro.alpha = 0;
It permanently turns that class invisible, even if I try to make specific instances visible later with:
interludes.interludeIntro.interludeBegin1.alpha = 1;
I have NO idea why the above doesn't work. I want to turn every single instance in the class interludeIntro invisible, but I want to turn specific instances visible later.
(btw I have no idea how to insert code on this website, pressing "code" doesn't do anything, so pardon the bad formatting)
I'm not really sure what you're asking, but what may be useful is that, in ActionScript you can refer to properties by name, like myObject["someProperty"].
Using that, you can iterate over properties if they follow some naming scheme, so for example:
for (var i:int = 1; i <= 15; i ++)
interludes.interludeIntro["interludeBegin" + i].alpha = 0;
That iterates over interludes.interludeIntro.interludeBegin1 through ...15 and sets their alpha properties to 0.
When you do that:
interludes.interludeIntro.alpha = 0;
you turn the movie clip and all its children invisible.
So later when you do that:
interludes.interludeIntro.interludeBegin1.alpha = 1;
You make the movie clip visible, but since its parent is still invisible, you don't see anything. The solution is to loop through the movie clips and make each of them invisible/visible.
// Keep the parent visible at all time
interludes.interludeIntro.alpha = 1;
for (var i:int = 0; i < textArray.length; i++) {
textArray[i].alpha = 0;
// Now this will work:
interludes.interludeIntro.interludeBegin1.alpha = 1;
