Conversion of list of JSON array to a single object in Angular - arrays

I have an array list which needs to be converted to a single object with few of the values from array list using TypeScript in Angular 8. Below is the array:
"arrayList": [{
"name": "Testname1",
"value": "abc"
"name": "Testname2",
"value": "xyz"
This needs to be converted to the below format,
data: {
"Testname1": "abc",
"Testname2": "xyz",
No matter how much i try, i end up creating a list instead of a single object. Can you please help on the same?

You can use as follows,
var arr = [
"name": "Testname1",
"value": "abc"
"name": "Testname2",
"value": "xyz"
var result = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
result[arr[i].name] = arr[i].value;

Try with using .reduce() as the following:
const arrayList = [{ "name": "Testname1", "value": "abc" }, { "name": "Testname2", "value": "xyz" }];
const data = arrayList.reduce((a, {name, value}) => {
a[name] = value;
return a;
}, {});
const result = { data };

Use to get a list of [name, value] entries, then use Object.fromEntries() to convert to an object:
const arrayList = [{ "name": "Testname1", "value": "abc" }, { "name": "Testname2", "value": "xyz" }];
const result = Object.fromEntries({ name, value }) => [name, value]));

Please use the below code
const rawData = {
"arrayList": [{
"name": "Testname1",
"value": "abc"
"name": "Testname2",
"value": "xyz"
const updatedData = {
data: {}
for (const item of rawData["arrayList"]) {[] = item.value;


Javascript .includes method on an array within an object

I want to filter through an array and retrieve items if their filters match. However it does not work.
const wanted=["apple"]
const items = [
"name": "Iphone"
"filters": ["phone","apple"]
"name": "samsung12"
"filters": ["samsung12","samsung"]
let desiredList = items.filter((val) => wanted.includes(val.filters));
Any ideas on how i could get this to work?
You would need to use some to check if any of the filters contains a value in wanted:
const wanted = ["apple"]
const items = [{
"name": "Iphone",
"filters": ["phone", "apple"]
}, {
"name": "samsung12",
"filters": ["samsung12", "samsung"]
let desiredList = items.filter((item) => item.filters.some((f) => wanted.includes(f)));
const wanted="apple"
const items = [
"name": "Iphone"
"filters": ["phone","apple"]
let desiredList =
val.filters.includes(wanted) )
simply you need to filter your items searching the required field, then map the result using .map for each result
here you can check it
let abc = document.querySelectorAll('div')
const wanted=["apple"]
const items = [{
"name": "Iphone",
"filters": ["phone","apple"]
"name": "Iphone",
"filters": ["phone","sony"]
"name": "Iphone",
"filters": ["phone","samsung"]
items.filter((val) => val["filters"].includes(wanted[0])).map((item) => { item? abc[0].innerHTML +="<br />"+item.filters : console.log("none") })

Get key and value from Nested Object

I want to show the key and value from nested object with data :
const obj = {
"success": true,
"data": {
"data1": {
"label": "label1",
"value": "value1"
"data2": {
"label": "label2",
"value": "value2"
And want to show the data to object like this:
{data1: "value1", data2: "value2"}
I already try this:
const init = Object.entries([key, value]) => {
const data = `${key}: ${value.value}`;
return data;
But I got wrong format.
Use the reduce function
const obj = {
"success": true,
"data": {
"data1": {
"label": "label1",
"value": "value1"
"data2": {
"label": "label2",
"value": "value2"
const list = Object.keys(, key) => {
acc[key] =[key].value
return acc
}, {})
console.log( list)
You could use Array#reduce for it.
const obj = {success:true,data:{data1:{label:"label1",value:"value1"},data2:{label:"label2",value:"value2"}}};
const res = Object.entries(, [key, obj]) => ({
[key]: obj.value,
}), {});

Logic App - Refer and map fields on different JSON data sources

I have two JSON data sources:
Source Data 1:
"result": [
"resource_list": "7961b907db9253045fbdf1fabf9619d4,55617907db9253045fbdf1fabf9619d2",
"project": "11216",
"project_manager": {
"value": "55617907db9253045fbdf1fabf9619d2"
Source Data 2:
"result": [
"sys_id": "7961b907db9253045fbdf1fabf9619d4",
"email": ""
"sys_id": "55617907db9253045fbdf1fabf9619d2",
"email": ""
I want to reference "resource_list" and "project_manager" from Source Data 1 to "sys_id" in Source Data 2 and get "email" out from Source Data 2 and then compose a final Output like below:
"uri": "ProjectCode"
"externalProject": "11216",
"uri": "projectCodeAssignment"
"externalProjectAssignee": ""
"uri": "projectCodeAssignment"
"externalProjectAssignee": ""
Is this possible to get this done entirely in Logic App without using Function App or anything to perform it rather.
I write a js script for you. For a quick demo, I omitted some data related to __metadata, seems that is some hard code, not so important here. Try Logic below:
Code in JS code action:
var body = workflowContext.trigger.outputs.body
var data1 = body.data1;
var data2 = body.data2;
var result = [];
data1.result.forEach(item =>{
var resultItem = {};
resultItem.externalProject = item.project;
resultItem.projectCodeAssignment =[];
var resourceIds = item.resource_list.split(',');
resourceIds.forEach(id =>{
var user = data2.result.find( ({ sys_id }) => sys_id === id );
return result;
Request Body(your 2 data set are named as data1 and data2 here ):
"data1": {
"result": [{
"resource_list": "7961b907db9253045fbdf1fabf9619d4,55617907db9253045fbdf1fabf9619d2",
"project": "11216",
"project_manager": {
"value": "55617907db9253045fbdf1fabf9619d2"
"data2": {
"result": [{
"sys_id": "7961b907db9253045fbdf1fabf9619d4",
"email": ""
}, {
"sys_id": "55617907db9253045fbdf1fabf9619d2",
"email": ""

Parse Objects and Arrays in Json data in AngularJs

I am trying to build an array of objects using the data I get from backend service using angularjs. Here is how I get the data
"mylist": [
"name": "Test1",
"moreInfo": {
"moreInfoText": "More test",
"companyInfo": {
"companyNameInfo": "ABC",
"url": "",
"name": "Test2",
"moreInfo": {
"moreInfoText": "More test2",
"companyInfo": {
"companyNameInfo": "ABC2",
"url": "",
I want to parse it so I can combine it all in one array of objects like
[{"name": "Test1", "moreInfoText": "More test","companyNameInfo": "ABC", "url": ""},{ "name": "Test2", "moreInfoText": "More test2","companyNameInfo": "ABC2", "url": ""}]
Try this:
var flatten = function(object) {
var newObj = {};
for (var key in object) {
var item = object[key];
if (typeof item !== 'object') {
newObj[key] = item;
else {
var flattened = flatten(item);
for (var k in flattened) {
newObj[k] = flattened[k];
return newObj;
var newList = [];
myList.forEach(function(object) {
console.log(newList) //this should be what you want

$filter with custom function in angular

How I can create a $filter with custom function to determining if match ?
This is a json sample with structure:
$scope.routes =[
"id": 0,
"name": "Rosa Barnes",
"origin": [
"address": [
"locality": "Madrid",
"country": "ES"
"id": 1,
"name": "Wright Montoya",
"origin": [
"address": [
"locality": "London",
"country": "UK"
"id": 2,
"name": "Pearson Johns",
"origin": [
"address": [
"locality": "London",
"country": "UK"
I want a $filter that passing one country, match in , is possible?
I proved this code but not works:
$scope.routesToShow = $filter('filter')($scope.routes, { "UK"});
Here there are a demo:
What you need is a custom filter. It also looks like you might need to tweak your data structure too.
Take a look at this:
app.filter('CustomFilter', function () {
function parseString(propertyString) {
return propertyString.split(".");
function getValue(element, propertyArray) {
var value = element;
propertyArray.forEach(function (property) {
value = value[property];
return value;
return function (input, propertyString, target) {
var properties = parseString(propertyString);
return input.filter(function (item) {
return getValue(item, properties) == target;
You could use this filter, like this:
$scope.routesToShow = $filter('CustomFilter')($scope.routes, '', 'UK');
Here is an updated jsfiddle (notice the updated data structure):
You can find more information on creating custom filters here:
var filter = function(obj){
return obj.origin[0].address[0].country === 'UK';
$scope.routesToShow = $filter('filter')($scope.routes, filter);
