How to build a complex controlled gate in the Qiskit? - quantum-computing

I work on theory tasks in quantum computing, and make simple experiments with Qiskit. Unfortunately, I can't find a way how to make a complex control gates there, where control is in the quantum register.
I would like to have a "c_if" analogue, which can be chained and use quantum bits as a control.
Smth like
swap(q1, q2).c_if(q0,Zero).c_if(q3,One)
Is there such an operation in the qiskit? How could I emulate such an operation if it doesn't exist?

Check out Qiskit documentation for the MCXGate, know as the Multi-controlled-X Gate. This gate lets you define how many control qubits you would like to include (perhaps the majority of your quantum register) and define a control state.
from qiskit import *
my_circuit = QuantumRegister(3,3)
my_circuit.append(circuit.library.MCXGate(2, ctrl_state='10'), [0,1,2])
Check out the documentation here.
There are also variations that will do Y gate Z gate or whatever you like depending if the circuit sees the correct control gate.

Thanks #Dulah for his answer. I found my old samples and they're working pretty fine with the 0.18.2 qiskit version.
from qiskit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit, execute, Aer
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.x import XGate, MCXGate
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.swap import SwapGate
simulator = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
qreg = QuantumRegister(4)
creg = ClassicalRegister(4)
qc = QuantumCircuit(qreg, creg)
control1 = XGate().control(3, None, '110') #: old-style multy-controlled qubits
#control1 = MCXGate(3, None, '110') # fashion-style multi-controlled qubits
control2 = SwapGate().control(2, None, '10')
qc.append(control1, [0, 1, 2, 3])
qc.append(control2, [0, 1, 2, 3])
job = execute(qc, simulator, shots=1000)
result = job.result()
counts = result.get_counts(qc)
print("\nTotal count for 00 and 11 are:",counts)
The code gives me a result


Query on TFP Probabilistic Model

In the TFP tutorial, the model output is Normal distribution. I noted that the output can be replaced by an IndependentNormal layer. In my model, the y_true is binary class. Therefore, I used an IndependentBernoulli layer instead of IndependentNormal layer.
After building the model, I found that it has two output parameters. It doesn't make sense to me since Bernoulli distribution has one parameter only. Do you know what went wrong?
# Define the prior weight distribution as Normal of mean=0 and stddev=1.
# Note that, in this example, the we prior distribution is not trainable,
# as we fix its parameters.
def prior(kernel_size, bias_size, dtype=None):
n = kernel_size + bias_size
prior_model = Sequential([
lambda t: tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc=tf.zeros(n), scale_diag=tf.ones(n))
return prior_model
# Define variational posterior weight distribution as multivariate Gaussian.
# Note that the learnable parameters for this distribution are the means,
# variances, and covariances.
def posterior(kernel_size, bias_size, dtype=None):
n = kernel_size + bias_size
posterior_model = Sequential([
tfpl.VariableLayer(tfpl.MultivariateNormalTriL.params_size(n), dtype=dtype),
return posterior_model
# Create a probabilistic DL model
model = Sequential([
tfpl.IndependentBernoulli(1, convert_to_tensor_fn=tfd.Bernoulli.logits)
screenshot of the results executed the codes on Google Colab
I agree the summary display is confusing but I think this is an artifact of the way tfp layers are implemented to interact with keras. During normal operation, there will only be one return value from a DistributionLambda layer. But in some contexts (that I don't fully grok) may return both a distribution and a side-result. I think the summary plumbing triggers this for some reason, so it looks like there are 2 outputs, but there will practically only be one. Try calling your model object on X_train, and you'll see you get a single distribution out (its type is actually something called TensorCoercible, which is a wrapper around a distribution that lets you pass it into tf ops that call tf.convert_to_tensor -- the resulting value for that op will be the result of calling your convert_to_tensor_fn on the enclosed distribution).
In summary, your distribution layer is fine but the summary is confusing. It could probably be fixed; I'm not keras-knowledgeable enough to opine on how hard it would be.
Side note: you can omit the event_shape=1 parameter -- the default value is (), or "scalar", which will behave the same.

How do I implement a controlled Rx in Cirq/Tensorflow Quantum?

I am trying to implement a controlled rotation gate in Cirq/Tensorflow Quantum.
The at states:
"Gates can be converted to a controlled version by using Gate.controlled(). In general, this returns an instance of a ControlledGate. However, for certain special cases where the controlled version of the gate is also a known gate, this returns the instance of that gate. For instance, cirq.X.controlled() returns a cirq.CNOT gate. Operations have similar functionality Operation.controlled_by(), such as cirq.X(q0).controlled_by(q1)."
I have implemented
I get the following error:
~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cirq/google/ in
serialize_op(self, op, msg, arg_function_language)
193 return proto_msg
194 raise ValueError('Cannot serialize op {!r} of type {}'.format(
--> 195 gate_op, gate_type))
197 def deserialize_dict(self,
ValueError: Cannot serialize op cirq.ControlledOperation(controls=(cirq.GridQubit(0, 3),), sub_operation=cirq.rx(sympy.Symbol('theta_0')).on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 0)), control_values=((1,),)) of type <class 'cirq.ops.controlled_gate.ControlledGate'>
I have the qubits and symbols initialized as:
q = cirq.GridQubit.rect(1, 4)
symbol_names = x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, theta_0, theta_1, z_2, z_3
I do re-use the circuits with various circuits.
My question: How do I properly implement a controlled Rx in Cirq/Tensorflow Quantum?
P.S. I can't find a tag for Google Cirq
Follow up:
How does this generalize to the similar situations of Controlled Ry and controlled Rz?
For Rz I found a gate decomposition at, involving H.on(q1), CNOT(q0, q1), H.on(q2), but this is not yet an CRz with an arbitrary angle. Would I introduce the angle before the H?
For the Ry, I did not find a decomposition yet, neither the CRy.
What you have is a completely correct implementation of a controlled X rotation in Cirq. It can be used in simulation and other things like cirq.unitary without any issues.
TFQ only supports a subset of gates in Cirq. For example a cirq.ControlledGate can have an arbitrary number of control qubits, which in some cases can make it harder to decompose down to primitive gates that are compatible with NiSQ hardware platforms (This is why cirq.decompose doesn't do anything to ControlledOperations). TFQ only supports these primitive style gates , for a full list of the supported gates, you can do:
In your case it is possible to come up with a simpler implementation of this gate. First we can note that cirq.rx(some angle) is equal to cirq.X**(some angle / pi) offset by a global phase:
>>> a = cirq.rx(0.3)
>>> b = cirq.X**(0.3 / np.pi)
>>> cirq.equal_up_to_global_phase(cirq.unitary(a), cirq.unitary(b))
Lets move to using X now. Then the operation we are after is:
>>> qs = cirq.GridQubit.rect(1,2)
>>> a = (cirq.X**0.3)(qs[0]).controlled_by(qs[1])
>>> b = cirq.CNOT(qs[0], qs[1]) ** 0.3
>>> cirq.equal_up_to_global_phase(cirq.unitary(a), cirq.unitary(b))
Since cirq.CNOT is in the TFQ supported gates it should be serializable without any issues. If you want to make a symbolized version of the gate you can just replace the 0.3 with a sympy.Symbol.
Answer to follow up: If you want to do a CRz you can do the same thing you did above, swapping out the CNOT gate for the CZ gate. For CRy it's not as easy. For that I would recommend doing some combination of: cirq.Y(0) and cirq.YY(0, 1).
Edit: tfq-nightly builds and likely releases after 0.4.0 now include support for arbitrary controlled gates. So on these versions of tfq you could also do things like cirq.Y(...).controlled_by(...) to achieve the desired result now too.

CNN with RGB input and BW binary output

I am a beginner to deep learning and I am working with Keras built on top of Tensorflow. I am trying to using RGB images (540 x 360) resolution to predict bounding boxes.
My labels are binary (black/white) 2 dimensional np array of dimensions (540, 360) where all pixels are 0 except for the box edges which are a 1.
Like this:
[[0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0]
[0 1 1 1 1 0 ... 0]
[0 1 0 0 1 0 ... 0]
[0 1 0 0 1 0 ... 0]
[0 1 1 1 1 0 ... 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0]]
There can be more than one bounding box in every picture. A typical image could look like this:
So, my input has the dimension (None, 540, 360, 3), output has dimensions (None, 540, 360) but if I add an internal array I can change the shape to (None, 540, 360, 1)
How would I define a CNN model such that my model could fit this criteria? How can I design a CNN with these inputs and outputs?
You have do differentiate between object detection and object segmentation. While both can be used for similar problems, the underlying CNN architectures look very different.
Object detection models use a CNN classification/regression architecure, where the output refers to the coordinates of the bounding boxes. It's common practice to use 4 values belonging to vertical center, horizontal center, width and height of each bounding box. Search for Faster R-CNN, SSD or YOLO to find popular object detection models for keras. In your case you would need to define a function that converts the current labels to the 4 coordinates I mentioned.
Object segmentation models commonly use an architecture referred to as encoder-decoder networks, where the original image is scaled down and compressed on the first half and then brought back to it's original resolution to predict a full image. Search for SegNet, U-Net or Tiramisu to find popular object segmentation models for keras. My own implementation of U-Net can be found here. In your case you would need to define a custom function, that fills all the 0s inside your bounding boxes with 1s. Understand that this solution will not predict bounding boxes as such, but segmentation maps showing regions of interest.
What is right for you, depends on what precisely you want to achieve. For getting actual bounding boxes you want to perform an object detection. However, if you're interested in highlighting regions of interest that go beyond rectangle windows a segmentation may be a better fit. In theory, you can use your rectangle labels for a segmentation, where the network will learn to create better masks than the inaccurate segmentation of the ground truth, provided you have enough data.
This is a simple example of how to write intermediate layers to achieve the output. You can use this as a starter code.
def model_360x540(input_shape=(360, 540, 3),num_classes=1):
inputs = Input(shape=input_shape)
# 360x540x3
downblock0 = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), padding='same')(inputs)
# 360x540x32
downblock0 = BatchNormalization()(block0)
downblock0 = Activation('relu')(block0)
downblock0_pool = MaxPooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2))(block0)
# 180x270x32
centerblock0 = Conv2D(1024, (3, 3), padding='same')(downblock0_pool)
centerblock0 = BatchNormalization()(center)
centerblock0 = Activation('relu')(center)
upblock0 = UpSampling2D((2, 2))(centerblock0)
# 180x270x32
upblock0 = concatenate([downblock0 , upblock0], axis=3)
upblock0 = Activation('relu')(upblock0)
upblock0 = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), padding='same')(upblock0)
# 360x540x32
upblock0 = BatchNormalization()(upblock0)
upblock0 = Activation('relu')(upblock0)
classify = Conv2D(num_classes, (1, 1), activation='sigmoid')(upblock0)
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=classify)
model.compile(optimizer=RMSprop(lr=0.001), loss=bce_dice_loss, metrics=[dice_coeff])
return model
The downblock represents the block of layers which perform downsampling(MaxPooling2D).
The centerblock has no sampling layer.
The upblock represents the block of layers which perform up sampling(UpSampling2D).
So here you can see how (360,540,3) is being transformed to (360,540,1)
Basically, you can add such blocks of layers to create your model.
Also check out Holistically-Nested Edge Detection which will help you better with the edge detection task.
Hope this helps!
I have not worked with keras but I will provide a solution approach in more generalized way which can be used on any framework.
Here is full procedure.
Data preparation: I know your labels are edges of boxes which will also work but i will recommend that instead of edges you prepare dataset marking complete box like given in sample (I have marked for two boxes). Now your dataset have three classes (Box,Edges of box and background). Create two lists, Image and label.
Get a pre-trained model (RESNET-51 recommended) solver and train prototxt from here, Remove fc1000 layer and add de-convolution/up-sampling layers to match your input size. use paddding in first layer to make it square and crop in deconvolution layer to match input output dimensions.
Transfer weights from previously trained network (Original) and train your network.
Test your dataset and create bounding boxes using detected blobs.

Changing Choregraphe Dialog Confidence Interval for Nao

I am currently working with a Nao robot using Choregraphe and am trying to lower the confidence interval required to act upon a request made through QiChat from the default 50% to 30%.
I have found this solution,, but unfortunately the scripting functionality for Dialog boxes is deprecated in Choregraphe v2.1. Does anyone know what the "new" way to do this is?
I have found the solution. Scripting for Dialog boxes is not allowed but you can add a Python script before the Dialog box to change this interval. The code that should go in this box is below.
class MyClass(GeneratedClass):
def __init__(self):
def onLoad(self):
#put initialization code here
def onUnload(self):
#put clean-up code here
def onInput_onStart(self):
# Lower confidence threshold from 50% to 30%
ALDialog = ALProxy('ALDialog')
self.onStopped() #activate the output of the box
def onInput_onStop(self):
self.onUnload() #it is recommended to reuse the clean-up as the box is stopped
self.onStopped() #activate the output of the box
Two solutions to increase recognition rate:
1) Add more variants to your input - for example, if you're listening for "yes", you should also make sure you listen for "yep", "yup", "yeah", "sure", "okay", "fine", etc. - concepts are useful for that, see the qichat doc.
1) as you suggest, set the confidence threshold - for a more compact version (I prefer less boilerplate):
class MyClass(GeneratedClass):
def onInput_onStart(self):
# Lower confidence threshold from 50% to 30%
self.onStopped() # activate the output of the box
HOWEVER, note that this is not very elegant; you will need to reset it, and it greatly increases the risk of false positives, so you should only use this if you can't solve it just by adding more variants.
setASRConfidenceThreshold is for Nao V5; in Pepper and Nao V6 you should use setConfidenceThreshold:
class MyClass(GeneratedClass):
def onInput_onStart(self):
# Lower confidence threshold from 50% to 30%
ALProxy('ALDialog').setConfidenceThreshold("BNF", 0.3)
self.onStopped() # activate the output of the box

Theano: Restoring broadcastable settings after dense -> sparse -> dense transformation

Background: I'm working on a project that historically has relied on sparse matrices for a lot of the math, and developing a plugin to outsource some of the heavy lifting to theano. Since theano's sparse support is limited, we're building a dense version first -- but hopefully that explains why we're interested in the approach below.
The task: apply some operator to only the nonzero values of a matrix.
The following subroutine works most of the time:
import theano.sparse.basic as TSB
def _applyOpToNonzerosOfDense(self,op,expr):
sparseExpr = TSB.clean(TSB.csr_from_dense(expr))
newData = op(TSB.csm_data(sparseExpr)).flatten()
newSparse = TS.CSR(newData, \
TSB.csm_indices(sparseExpr), \
TSB.csm_indptr(sparseExpr), \
ret = TSB.dense_from_sparse(newSparse)
return ret
The problem comes when expr is not a canonical matrix tensor, but a row tensor (so, expr is 1xN and expr.broadcastable is (True, False)). When that happens, we need to be able to retain or restore the broadcast status in the returned tensor.
Some things I've tried that don't work:
dense_from_sparse doesn't support broadcastable settings
Theano 0.9 doesn't support assignment to ret.broadcastable
ret.dimshuffle( ('x',1) ) fails with "You cannot drop a non-broadcastable dimension."
ret has (ought to have) exactly the same shape as expr, so I wasn't expecting this to be hard. How do I get my broadcast settings back?
LOL, it's in the API: T.addbroadcast(x,*axes)
