X-DWM -- help me fix a bug in C source code - c

I am using dwm (6.2) window manager and I found a bug which I would love to solve.
Window manager uses "master area" and "stack area" where windows are put:
It is possible to move window at the top of the "stack area" to the bottom of the "master area" using ALT + i. It is also possible to move windows from the bottom of the "master area" back to the top of "stack area" using ALT + d.
Now in this case, if I use ALT + i, layout changes and after the key combination there are two windows in the "master area":
I repeat it again and now there are three windows in the "master area":
I repeat it yet again and now there are three windows in the "master area" which has 100% width:
If I would at this point decide to return windows from the "master area" to the "stack area" I would start pressing ALT + d and windows would imediately return back to the "stack area". This works okay.
But I intentionaly make a mistake and instead press ALT + i again for example three more times. It looks like nothing happens...
But now if I try to return windows from the "master area" to the "stack area" I first need to press ALT + d three more times and nothing will happen! And then finaly, when I press ALT + d for the fourth time, window manager will return the first window from the bottom of the "master area" to the top of the "stack area".
So this is not well thought out and should be considered a bug...
There must be some sort of a counter in the source code which was incremented three more times by pressing ALT + i but it should not increase after all windows are already in the "master area".
In config.def.h source file (www) there is a part of the code where keys are assigned. And here I can see that when user presses ALT + i function incnmaster() is called and is passed an argument .i = +1 (I don't understand this argument).
static Key keys[] = {
/* modifier key function argument */
{ MODKEY, XK_i, incnmaster, {.i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_d, incnmaster, {.i = -1 } },
Key is a structure inside dwm.c source file (www):
typedef struct {
unsigned int mod;
KeySym keysym;
void (*func)(const Arg *);
const Arg arg;
} Key;
Function incnmaster() is defined in dwm.c source file (www):
incnmaster(const Arg *arg)
selmon->nmaster = MAX(selmon->nmaster + arg->i, 0);
where arg is a pointer to Arg (Arg*) which is a union (I don't quite understand how to deal with the argument .i = +1):
typedef union {
int i;
unsigned int ui;
float f;
const void *v;
} Arg;
selmon is a structure Monitor:
struct Monitor {
char ltsymbol[16];
float mfact;
int nmaster;
int num;
int by; /* bar geometry */
int mx, my, mw, mh; /* screen size */
int wx, wy, ww, wh; /* window area */
unsigned int seltags;
unsigned int sellt;
unsigned int tagset[2];
int showbar;
int topbar;
Client *clients;
Client *sel;
Client *stack;
Monitor *next;
Window barwin;
const Layout *lt[2];
MAX is defined in a separate source file util.h (www) as:
#define MAX(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
and function arrange() is defined like this:
arrange(Monitor *m)
if (m)
else for (m = mons; m; m = m->next)
if (m) {
} else for (m = mons; m; m = m->next)
I don't think I have to dig any further...
Now I think I need to implement some sort of an if sentantce in the C code to prevent selmon->nmaster to increase too much, but I am a bit confused. Can anyone help?

Why are you holding number of clients when it's linked list? You cant obtain number of clients on demand. Similar code can be found monocle count patch. If you really have to keep that count yourself (for performance reasons), I would look at any place where is Client list modified by dwm and project that modification to counter.
Structure Client contains pointer to a "next" Client, implementation may depend on whenever you want to use multihead support, but using code similar to Client* c = nexttiled(c->next), where first reference can be obtained from Monitor by calling Client* c = nexttiled(monitor->clients). It you count these in loop that should be enough.
If you want to still keep count yourself, I would find functions within dwm.c working with Client (detach, attach, ...) and find which are modifying list where you can increment/decrement counter based on executed operation.

Nobody answered before I could figure this one out myself. Problem is that Suckless team never implemented any kind of mechanism to count a number of opened windows (they call them clients). This is why I added a int nclients; member to struct Monitor:
struct Monitor {
char ltsymbol[16];
float mfact;
int nmaster;
int nclients;
int num;
int by; /* bar geometry */
int mx, my, mw, mh; /* screen size */
int wx, wy, ww, wh; /* window area */
unsigned int seltags;
unsigned int sellt;
unsigned int tagset[2];
int showbar;
int topbar;
Client *clients;
Client *sel;
Client *stack;
Monitor *next;
Window barwin;
const Layout *lt[2];
And then I made sure it is initialized to 0 at boot time by adding m->nclients = 0; in createmon() function which I guessed is ran at the beginning:
Monitor *
Monitor *m;
m = ecalloc(1, sizeof(Monitor));
m->tagset[0] = m->tagset[1] = 1;
m->mfact = mfact;
m->nmaster = nmaster;
m->nclients = 0;
m->showbar = showbar;
m->topbar = topbar;
m->gappx = gappx;
m->lt[0] = &layouts[0];
m->lt[1] = &layouts[1 % LENGTH(layouts)];
strncpy(m->ltsymbol, layouts[0].symbol, sizeof m->ltsymbol);
return m;
Then I made sure that my counter nclients is increased when new window appears. I added ++selmon->nclients; and arrange(selmon); (to be able to move clients to stack/master imediately after you close one of them) statement at the beginning of the spawn() function:
spawn(const Arg *arg)
if (arg->v == dmenucmd)
dmenumon[0] = '0' + selmon->num;
if (fork() == 0) {
if (dpy)
execvp(((char **)arg->v)[0], (char **)arg->v);
fprintf(stderr, "dwm: execvp %s", ((char **)arg->v)[0]);
perror(" failed");
Counter should be decreased when window is closed. This is why I added a --selmon->nclients; and arrange(selmon); (to be able to move clients to stack/master imediately after you close one of them) at the top of the killclient() function:
killclient(const Arg *arg)
if (!selmon->sel)
if (!sendevent(selmon->sel->win, wmatom[WMDelete], NoEventMask, wmatom[WMDelete], CurrentTime, 0 , 0, 0)) {
XSetCloseDownMode(dpy, DestroyAll);
XKillClient(dpy, selmon->sel->win);
XSync(dpy, False);
Now that the counter was set up, I could use it to rewrite incnmaster() function like this:
incnmaster(const Arg *arg)
if((arg->i > 0) && (selmon->nmaster < selmon->nclients)){
if((arg->i < 0) && (selmon->nmaster > 0)){
Pay attention. My DWM is a bit patched, so some lines might be a bit
different than yours, but just stick to the same philosophy and you
can fix this.
This solution partialy works. It only fails to work when I:
A. use dmenu
dmenu when started can (a) open a client or (b) do nothing. In case (a) everything works as expected, but in case (b) nmaster and nclients become out of sync again.
So for example if I do scenario (b) once and use CTRL+i endless times, I will have to use CTRL+d once and nothing will happen, but if I use it once more one window is moved from master to stack area.
B. run any kind of windowed application from a terminal
It looks like DWM can't keep track of windows that are run from a terminal and treats them in a wrong way... In this case as well nmaster and nclients become out of sync.
Does anyone know if there is any other function besides spawn that is executed when any kind of window is opened?
This is still not solved!


Pthreads and shared memory in C

Can anyone tell me why my shared memory data structure (implemented using sys/shm.h) is not being read correctly by pthreads? This is an edited version of my question, with a reduced amount of code. Hopefully its easier to navigate.
Initially, the structure being referenced is created in shared memory space, so two different applications can read and write to it. The aim: to have one application update the shared structure, and the other read it using pthreads. So far everything things are working to an extent. Both applications can read and write to the shared memory, except the pthreads. they don't seem to pick up the modified shared structure?
An overview of the code is below. It is based on a basic runtime system, however, it is not overly complicated. The function executed within the pthreads is:
void* do_work(void *p)
The shared structure is:
typedef struct WL_CTRL_T
Currently all i am trying do is print out the elements of the array. Initially all elements are set to true. Halfway through the execution, using GDB to halt the process, i update the structure from outside, using the other application, by changing elements 0 and 1 to false, then continue to the process. At this i also print out the state of the array from each application via the sequential code, and the print out is correct. However, when the threads are set off, they print the original state of the array, all true...
The structure contains an array of structs, where the active bool field is read by the pthread
I have tried many ways to try and correct this problem, but no joy.
Any advice appreciated, thanks :-)
/*controller api.h*/
typedef struct WL_CTRL_T
int targetNumThreads;
int sizeBuf;
int numEntries;
int nextIdx;
thread_state_control_t volatile thread_state_control[THREAD_NUM];
mon_entry_t buffer[];
} wl_ctrl_t;
typedef struct THREADPOOL_T
int num_threads;
int qsize;
pthread_t *threads;
todo_t *qhead;
todo_t *qtail;
pthread_mutex_t qlock;
pthread_cond_t q_not_empty;
pthread_cond_t q_empty;
int shutdown;
int dont_accept;
typedef struct TODO_T
void (*routine) (void*);
void * arg;
int lock;
struct todo_t* next;
} todo_t;
The function assigned to the pthread
* do_work:
* this is the reusable thread, assigned work via the dispatch
* function.
void* do_work(void *p)
int c = 0;
thread_args_t *thread_args = (thread_args_t*)p;
threadpool_t *pool = thread_args->threadpool;
todo_t* workload;
wl_ctrl_t volatile *wcc = thread_args->wl_ctrl;
pool->qsize = pool->qsize;
/* while work que is empty, spinlock */
while( pool->qsize == 0)
printf("thread: %d spin-lock \n", thread_args->thread_id);
/* update the threadpool, minus current workload */
workload = pool->qhead;
if(pool->qsize == 0)
pool->qhead = NULL;
pool->qtail = NULL;
pool->qhead = workload->next;
/* execute workload */
(workload->routine) (workload->arg);
/* check this threads wait state */
printf("In thread: %d\n",wcc->thread_state_control[thread_args->thread_id].active);

Is there a Linux equivalent of SetWindowPos?

A while ago I wrote a script in C that used the Windows API functions EnumWindows, SetWindowPos and SetForegroundWindow to automatically arrange windows (by title) in a particular layout that I commonly wanted.
Are there Linux equivalents for these functions? I will be using Kubuntu, so KDE-specific and/or Ubuntu-specific solutions are fine.
The best way to do this is either in the window manager itself (if yours supports extensions) or with the protocols and hints designed to support "pagers" (pager = any non-window-manager process that does window organization or navigation things).
The EWMH spec includes a _NET_MOVERESIZE_WINDOW designed for use by pagers. http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-1.3.html#id2731465
Raw Xlib or Xcb is pretty rough but there's a library called libwnck specifically designed to do the kind of thing you're talking about. (I wrote the original library long ago but it's been maintained by others forever.) Even if you don't use it, read the code to see how to do stuff. KDE may have an equivalent with KDE-style APIs I'm not sure.
There should be no need to use anything KDE or GNOME or distribution specific since the needed stuff is all spelled out in EWMH. That said, for certain window managers doing this as an extension may be easier than writing a separate app.
Using old school X calls directly can certainly be made to work but there are lots of details to handle there that require significant expertise if you want to iron out all the bugs and corner cases, in my opinion, so using a WM extension API or pager library would be my advice.
#andrewdotn has a fine answer there but you can do this old school as well fairly simply by walking the tree starting at the root window of the display using XQueryTree and fetching the window name with XFetchName then moving it with XMoveWindow. Here is an example that will list all the windows and if any are called 'xeyes' they get moved to the top left. Like most X programs, there is more to it and this should probably be calling XGetWindowProperty to fetch the _NET_WM_NAME extended window manager property but the example works ok as a starter. Compile with gcc -Wall -g -o demo demo.c -lX11
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
static int
EnumWindows(Display *display, Window window, int depth)
Window parent, *children;
unsigned int count = 0;
int r = 1, n = 0;
char *name = NULL;
XFetchName(display, window, &name);
for (n = 0; n < depth; ++n) putchar(' ');
printf("%08x %s\n", (int)window, name?name:"(null)");
if (name && strcmp("xeyes", name) == 0) {
XMoveWindow(display, window, 5, 5);
if (name) XFree(name);
if (XQueryTree(display, window, &window, &parent, &children, &count) == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: XQueryTree error\n");
return 0;
for (n = 0; r && n < count; ++n) {
r = EnumWindows(display, children[n], depth+1);
return r;
main(int argc, char *const argv[])
Display *display = NULL;
if ((display = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: cannot connect to X server\n");
return 1;
EnumWindows(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), 0);
return 0;
Yes, you can do this using the X Windows protocol. It’s a very low-level protocol so it will take some work. You can use xcb_query_tree to find the window to operate on, and then move it with xcb_configure_window. This page gives some details on how to do it. There’s a basic tutorial on using the library those functions come from, but you’ll probably want to Google for a better one.
It may seem daunting, but it’s not too bad. Here’s a 50-line C program that will move all your xterms 10px to the right:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <xcb/xcb.h>
void handle(xcb_connection_t* connection, xcb_window_t window) {
xcb_query_tree_reply_t *tree = xcb_query_tree_reply(connection,
xcb_query_tree(connection, window), NULL);
xcb_window_t *children = xcb_query_tree_children(tree);
for (int i = 0; i < xcb_query_tree_children_length(tree); i++) {
xcb_get_property_reply_t *class_reply = xcb_get_property_reply(
xcb_get_property(connection, 0, children[i], XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS,
char* class = (char*)xcb_get_property_value(class_reply);
class[xcb_get_property_value_length(class_reply)] = '\0';
if (!strcmp(class, "xterm")) {
/* Get geometry relative to parent window */
xcb_get_geometry_reply_t* geom = xcb_get_geometry_reply(
xcb_get_geometry(connection, window),
/* Move 10 pixels right */
uint32_t values[] = {geom->x + 10};
xcb_configure_window(connection, children[i],
/* Recurse down window tree */
handle(connection, children[i]);
int main() {
xcb_connection_t *connection;
const xcb_setup_t *setup;
connection = xcb_connect(NULL, NULL);
setup = xcb_get_setup(connection);
xcb_screen_iterator_t screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(setup);
handle(connection, screen.data->root);
return 0;
There’s no error-checking or memory management, and what it can do is pretty limited. But it should be straightforward to update into a program that does what you want, or to turn it into a general-purpose helper program by adding command-line options to specify which windows to operate on and which operations to perform on them.
As it seems you are not looking specifically for a solution in code, but rather in a desktop environment, you need to take a look at one of the window managers that handle the window placement in such a desktop environment.
KDE's KWin's Window Attributes
Compiz (GNOME) has "Window Rules" and "Place Windows" in the CompizConfig Settings Manager application. See e.g. here
Openbox seems a lot harder to get right, although they link to a GUI tool at the bottom of this page.
The problem with using X directly is that X in itself knows nothing about your desktop environment (panels, shortcuts, etc.) and you'll have to compensate manually.
After googling for this, I'm surprised KDE is the only one that has a simple way to do this.

Updtaing a QProgressbar from a different Thread

I have developed my own hybrid stream cipher and for the GUI i am using Qt. Initially i wrote it on a single thread but it being a stream cipher was making GUI dysfunctional when operating on large files. So i shifted the encryption/decryption to a separate Qthread. Also to show the progress i included a standard QProgressbar onto the GUI. But when I run the File I/O the encryption/decryption works perfectly but the progress bar doesn't update properly. After the whole operation completes, the progress bar suddenly goes from 0% to 100% showing that it didn't get the chance to update during the operation. For the code, I emitted the completed percentage from the FileCrypto to the main GUI thread onto the QProgressbar's setValue(int) slot. Since it didn't work I also tried to sent a int poitner over to the FileCrypto thread whilst updating the pointer with the percentage and using a QTimer on the GUI thread to check the value of the int value locally and update the progress bar but still I got the exact same result.
Here is my code:
The FileCrypto class:
#include <QThread>
#include <QFile>
#include <PolyVernam.h> //my algo header
class FileCrypto : public QThread
FileCrypto(QString, QString, int);
bool stopIt;
void run();
void completed(int);
void msg(QString);
void pathMsg1(QString);
void pathMsg2(QString);
void keyMsg(QString);
QFile src, dest;
QString tag;
int mode;
qint64 length;
PolyVernam pv;
The Code:
#include <FileCrypto.h>
FileCrypto::FileCrypto(QString input, QString keyFile, int mode)
stopIt = false;
this->mode = mode;
if(mode == 1)
emit msg("Current Encryption/Decryption status: Encrypting file... :D:D");
tag = "-encrypted";
pv.setMode("encrypt", "");
emit msg("Current Encryption/Decryption status: Decrypting file... :D:D");
tag = "-decrypted";
pv.setMode("decrypt", keyFile);
dest.setFileName(QFileInfo(src).absolutePath() + "/" + QFileInfo(src).baseName()
+ tag + "." + QFileInfo(src).completeSuffix());
length = src.bytesAvailable();
void FileCrypto::run()
qint64 done = 0;
quint8 r, outChar;
char ch;
QDataStream in(&src);
QDataStream out(&dest);
while(!in.atEnd() && !stopIt)
in >> r;
ch = char(r);
if(mode == 1)
outChar = pv.encrypt(QString(ch)).at(0).toAscii();
outChar = pv.decrypt(QString(ch)).at(0).toAscii();
out << outChar;
emit completed(int((done / length) * 100));
if(mode == 1)
emit pathMsg1(QFileInfo(src).absoluteFilePath());
emit pathMsg2(QFileInfo(dest).absoluteFilePath());
emit pathMsg1(QFileInfo(dest).absoluteFilePath());
emit pathMsg2(QFileInfo(src).absoluteFilePath());
emit keyMsg(pv.keyFilePath);
emit msg("Current Encryption/Decryption status: Idle... :'(");
This is how I am making the thread and connecting it on the main GUI thread:
FileCrypto *fc = new FileCrypto(ui->lineEdit_4->text(), "", 1);
connect(fc, SIGNAL(completed(int)), ui->progressBar, SLOT(setValue(int)));
connect(fc, SIGNAL(msg(QString)), ui->statusBar, SLOT(showMessage(QString)));
connect(fc, SIGNAL(pathMsg1(QString)), ui->lineEdit_4, SLOT(setText(QString)));
connect(fc, SIGNAL(pathMsg2(QString)), ui->lineEdit_5, SLOT(setText(QString)));
connect(fc, SIGNAL(keyMsg(QString)), ui->lineEdit_2, SLOT(setText(QString)));
connect(fc, SIGNAL(keyMsg(QString)), this, SLOT(done()));
If I don't update the progress bar i.e. don't emit the percentage, the process happens much faster. I also tried printing the percentage. It slows it down like hell but the values are fine. Also can you suggest a way to change it to buffered IO....
Any sort of help is much appreciated here.......
The problem does not lie in the fact that you are calling from a different thread. It is located in:
emit completed(int((done / length) * 100));
Since done and length are int types, and done <= length, done/length == 0. So change it to:
emit completed(100 * done / length);
(it can lead to arithmetic overflow).

Compile Lua script to unsigned char buffer

Im working on a server in C that dynamically generating Lua commands on the fly and send them by socket to the clients. Right now the server is using plain text, but I would like the server to pre-compile the script before sending it to the clients.
I check luac.c but couldn't find how to be able to do something like this:
char lua_commands[ 1024 ] = { "a = 123; b = 456; c = a + b;" };
int socket
unsigned int send_buffer_size
unsigned char *send_buffer
/* Compile lua_commands and store the binary script into send_buffer without
having to write first the .out on disk then read it again in order store the content
into send_buffer */
send( socket, send_buffer, send_buffer_size, 0 );
Anybody can help me to achieve this?
[ Update ]
Ok, I think I figure it out:
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "ldo.h"
#include "lfunc.h"
#include "lmem.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "lopcodes.h"
#include "lstring.h"
#include "lundump.h"
#define toproto(L,i) (clvalue(L->top+(i))->l.p)
static int writer( lua_State *L, const void *p, size_t size, void *u ){
unsigned int i = 0;
unsigned char *d = ( unsigned char * )p;
// Print all the bytes on the console.
while( i != size ) {
printf("%d ", d[ i ] );
return 0;
void compile( lua_State *L, char *command ){
const Proto* f;
if (luaL_loadstring( L, command ) !=0 ) {
printf( "%s\n", lua_tostring( L, -1 ) );
f = toproto( L,-1 );
lua_lock( L );
luaU_dump( L, f, writer, NULL, 1 );
lua_unlock( L );
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
lua_State *L = lua_open();
compile( L, "a = 123; b = 456; c = a + b; print( c );" );
lua_close( L );
return 0;
However that leads me to another question, do I have to close and reopen (lua_open, lua_close) the Lua state every time I'm calling my compile() function with other Lua commands or the output will only be the result of the latest luaL_loadstring?
Im not sure but look to me from the toproto macro definition that the top most stack will be returned am I correct?
You should use lua_dump() instead of internal toproto() + luaU_dump() functions. As an added bonus, this way your code will support LuaJIT 2.
It is not necessary to recreate the state each time you get the dump.
BUT. I would avoid executing Lua bytecode that came from the untrusted source (and server often is untrusted to the client). It is not safe, and may lead to severe security issues. (No such problems with source code — but you still have to sandbox it, of course.)
In general, always make sure that you check that the code you load from untrusted source is not bytecode (it is, if first byte is 27 decimal). Always execute such code in a sandbox.
If all that you need is to pass data in Lua-friendly way, pick some proper data serialization library instead. Aside of sandboxing and portability problems, loadstring() is rather slow.
For example, we're using using my luatexts library for similar purposes (make sure to pore through this list for alternatives). Luatexts supports tuples, which plays nicely with function calls. For example (in pseudocode):
my_send(luatexts.lua.save("myMethod", { param = true }, 42))
local actions = { }
function actions.myMethod(params, number)
print(params.param, number) --> true, 42
local function handle_action(ok, name, ...)
assert(ok, name) -- name would contain error message if not OK
local handler = assert(actions[name], "unknown action")
return handler(...)
local str = my_receive()
Open a ticket if you want luatexts.save or streaming support implemented in C.

Program hangs with no output

I've been poring over this program for ages, and have no idea why it doesn't work. I'm reasonably sure it's doing everything right but instead of actually working it just hangs indefinitely after printing the first prompt, and I just can't figure out why. I'm pretty much at my wit's end now, so if any can suggest what I'm doing wrong, I'd be much obliged...
It's C99, and you'll need the mhash library to compile it (uses for the CRC32 calculation). It's pretty portable but I developed it on Linux. Do not run in a VM!
#define _BSD_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <mhash.h>
/* WARNING: Do not debug this program. Halting on breakpoints at the wrong
* time can be extremely hazardous. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. */
/* Structures used to define our layout. Note the careful use of volatile;
* we don't want the compiler optimising away part of the invocation. */
typedef struct
const char name[7]; /* sigil at focus */
volatile int target; /* summoning point */
volatile char invocation; /* current char of invocation */
} focus_t;
typedef struct node
const char name[4]; /* name of node */
focus_t* center; /* points to the evocation focus */
struct node* cw; /* clockwise binding ring */
struct node* ccw; /* counterclockwise binding ring */
struct node* star; /* next node of star */
const char* linkname; /* name of star linkage */
volatile uint32_t angel; /* protective angel for this node */
} node_t;
/* The pentacle nodes are circularly linked in both directions to form
* a binding perimeter. In addition, they are singly linked to form a
* classic 'daemon trap' five-pointed star. Each node points towards the
* evocation focus (but not the other way around!) to enforce the geometry
* we want. The design is based heavily on the Pentagram of Solomon. */
focus_t focus;
node_t node[5];
S =
/* None of the symbols for the pentacle are in Unicode. So we have to make
* do with Latin transcriptions. */
.focus = { "SOLUZEN", 0 },
.node = {
[0] = { "TE", &S.focus, &S.node[1], &S.node[4], &S.node[2], "BELLONY" },
[1] = { "TRA", &S.focus, &S.node[2], &S.node[0], &S.node[3], "HALLIY" },
[2] = { "GRAM", &S.focus, &S.node[3], &S.node[1], &S.node[4], "HALLIZA" },
[3] = { "MA", &S.focus, &S.node[4], &S.node[2], &S.node[0], "ABDIA" },
[4] = { "TON", &S.focus, &S.node[0], &S.node[3], &S.node[1], "BALLATON" }
/* Name of spirit to summon --- rot13'd for safety.
* (#65 from Crowley's translation of SHEMHAMPHORASH.)
* This is Andrealphus, he that has dominion over menusuration, astronomy and
* geometry. He seems fairly non-threatening. */
const char spiritname[] = "NAQERNYCUHF";
int rot13(int c) { return 'A' + (((c - 'A') + 13) % 26); }
/* We invoke the following names around the circle as a protective measure.
* Strictly these should be in Hebrew script, but as the computer is a dumb
* instrument we're relying on the symbolism rather than the actual literal
* meaning themselves. Plus, working in RTL is a pain. */
const char* angels[] = {
"Kether", "Eheieh", "Metatron", "Chaioth ha-Qadesh",
"Rashith ha-Gilgalim", "Chokmah", "Jah", "Ratziel", "Auphanim",
"Masloth", "Binah", "Jehovah Elohim", "Tzaphkiel", "Aralim",
"Shabbathai", "Chesed", "El", "Tzadkiel", "Chasmalim", "Tzadekh",
"Geburah", "Elohim Gibor", "Khamael", "Seraphim", "Madim",
"Tiphareth", "Eloah Va-Daath", "Raphael", "Malachim", "Shemesh",
"Netzach", "Jehovah Sabaoth", "Haniel", "Elohim", "Nogah", "Hod",
"Elohim Sabaoth", "Michael", "Beni Elohim", "Kokab", "Yesod",
"Shaddai El Chai", "Gabriel", "Cherubim", "Levanah"
const int angelcount = sizeof(angels)/sizeof(*angels);
/* Place the next angel on the pentacle. */
static void updatepentacle()
static int angelnode = 0;
static int angelindex = 0;
const char* angel = angels[angelindex++];
angelindex %= angelcount;
/* Hash the angel's name to reduce its essence to 32 bits (which lets us
* copy the angel bodily into the pentacle node. */
uint32_t angelhash;
MHASH td = mhash_init(MHASH_CRC32);
mhash(td, angel, strlen(angel));
mhash_deinit(td, &angelhash);
S.node[angelnode].angel = angelhash;
angelnode = (angelnode + 1) % 5;
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
/* Lock the evocation into memory, to prevent it from being paged out
* while the spirit has manifested --- which would be bad. */
int e = mlock(&S, sizeof(S));
if (e != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to lock evocation, refusing to run\n");
/* Actually perform the invocation: continually cycle the spirit's
* name into the evocation focus (while maintaining our pentacle
* integrity!) until something shows up in the target of the
* evocation focus. */
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(spiritname)-1; i++)
S.focus.invocation = rot13(spiritname[i]);
usleep(100); /* don't CPU-starve our spirit */
while (S.focus.target == 0);
printf("Summoning successful! %d\n", S.focus.target);
/* Our spirit's arrived! Dismiss it immediately by using a null
* invocation. Keep going until the evocation focus remains empty.
* FIXME: a particularly mean spirit might find a way to hide. Until
* we can sort this out, only summon relatively benign ones. This is
* probably safe anyway, as when the process terminates the spirit's
* address space will be nuked, taking the spirit with it. */
S.focus.target = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
S.focus.invocation = 0;
while (S.focus.target != 0);
return 0;
Incidentally, shouldn't there be a goetic tag?
Edit: Sorry I haven't gotten back earlier --- after I posted my query last night I ran some more tests and then my computer started making funny burning smells which didn't go away when I switched it off, so I spent the rest of the night tearing it down trying to find which part was faulty. (Didn't find anything.) I'm going to grab some sleep and get back to you. Thanks for the replies!
Edit: I'm posting this from a web café. My house has burnt down. Don't have time to post more but have to warn you: do not run this program for any reason! Really! Not joking! Have to go now, must find sanctuary somewhere---
Edit: 𝕳𝖔𝖈 𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖘 𝖒𝖊𝖚𝖘 𝖊𝖘𝖙. 𝕹𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖕𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖖𝖚𝖎 𝖓𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖊𝖗𝖊.
Crux sacra sit mihi lux!
Nunquam draco sit mihi dux.
Vade retro Satana!
Nunquam suade mihi vana!
Sunt mala quae libas.
Ipse venena bibas!
You are definitely lacking a lot of evil features. You should switch to C++ and have a look at the Comp.lang.c++-FAQ on evil features.
I don't know enough about demons and angels, but you must be summoning them incorrectly, since nothing is changing S.focus.target for you.
