#flutter dart connection to ODBC driver issue - sql-server

I am trying to get a working method to connect flutter project with mssql but none of those tries really worked such as (https://github.com/MoacirSchmidt/dart_mssql), I've found a complete ODBC from gitHub (https://github.com/jcmellado/dart-odbc) but it had this error as shown in the picture attached , any one can help me with that ; thanks in advance ^_^
enter image description here


Getting 404-Not Found Error on running Oracle APE X Application

I have started learning oracle APEX and installed oracle apex 20.2 on my desktop PC just now. I am facing a problem that on running a sample application after install it shows me 404 - Not Found error.
Can anybody help me on this issue?
I had a similar issue when I imported an application. Try this: in application properties untick "Friendly URLs" and run it again.
If you're still getting the issue show the end of your url (all parameters after the server).
I have solved this issue. Actually the issue was with the user rights. I created a new user other the APEX_PUBLIC_USER and then the APEX was not working well because my new user didn't have those rights which APEX_PUBLIC_USER has.
I solved it by configuring the APEX back to the APEX_PUBLIC_USER and it runs well.

Cannot access Apache Zeppelin server from browser

I have a virtual machine running Ubuntu 16.04 and I have downloaded Apache Zeppelin 0.7.0. The problem that I am facing is that when I try to start the Zeppelin server using bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh start it says ok but I cannot access it from the browser(using the default localhost:8080). If I run bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh status it says that the server is already running.
Also, I tried to start the server using bin/zeppelin.sh and this time some information is displayed in the terminal but with no effect.
Any idea will be highly appreciated.
Thank you!
I had the same issue. I was getting errors in my browser console like the screenshot below.
After cleaning the cache, it works.
Following the tutorial from their website (link) I managed to run it. This implies building it from sources. Also, I had to wait a couple of minutes before the zeppelin was available at localhost:8080 (even though in the terminal "server started [OK]" was displayed
[Icant able to connect to the server using zeppelin notebook Can any tell me the solution

App Engine and Cloud Sql Second Generation

I am trying to connect to Cloud Sql 2nd generation by using jdbc connector, by typing:
url = jdbc:google:mysql://project:region:instance/database?user=root
However, when doing this:
All I get is a null value.
I did not experience any trouble with first generation and old connection string, but I am not able to get this one working.
Anything in particular that I should consider like settings, missing code/connector? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks to Vadim suggestion, I could find that there was a problem sending the wrong credentials to the database.
I will post the jdbc connection string here, since I could not find the complete way for the connection string in any page, I just found separate portions to build it.
Here it goes:
url = "jdbc:google:mysql://<your-project-id>:<your-cloud-sql-region>:<your-cloud-sql-instance>/<your-database-name>?user=<your-user>&password=<your-password>";
Hope this can help to save some time!

Cannot run VOLTTRON weather agent

Recently, we have been working on publishing and subscribing weather information for building load prediction. When we try to run the weather agent, there are errors as shown below:
We stick to every instruction in the VOLLTRON 3.0 user guide and it still doesn't work. How to fix that problem? Thank you!
This usually means that there is a problem with the key or a problem connecting with weatherunderground.
You can manually verify your key and connection with:
Replace with your own key
curl http://api.wunderground.com/api/<your key>/conditions/q/37918.json

Error when connecting to a CYC KB

I am using openCyc and I am trying to connect to an image of a Cyc KB. I can browse this image on my browser (using chrome) and can successfully ping the address from the command line.
Now, when I try to create a new CycAccess("server", "port) the correct server and port of the image I am browsing on the browser I get an error saying connection refused which is printed out to the terminal.
For the server, it is simply xxxxx.yyyyy.com and the port is just for example 6622. Am I formatting this wrong or something?
Why would this happen?
Thank you,
I found out the answer to my question. IDK if this well help anyone else so I am going to post it.
The port that you typically access a CYC Image through the browser is not necessarily the port that you will access it through the OpenCyc API. When I changed the port, it solved my problem.
