Error when connecting to a CYC KB - database

I am using openCyc and I am trying to connect to an image of a Cyc KB. I can browse this image on my browser (using chrome) and can successfully ping the address from the command line.
Now, when I try to create a new CycAccess("server", "port) the correct server and port of the image I am browsing on the browser I get an error saying connection refused which is printed out to the terminal.
For the server, it is simply and the port is just for example 6622. Am I formatting this wrong or something?
Why would this happen?
Thank you,

I found out the answer to my question. IDK if this well help anyone else so I am going to post it.
The port that you typically access a CYC Image through the browser is not necessarily the port that you will access it through the OpenCyc API. When I changed the port, it solved my problem.

Related I get "Your connection is not private"

I have a strange error. When I try to load a public blob from Google Cloud Storage in a browser, I get the error "Your connection is not private".
And more strange, when I go to see the certificate, it is emmited to "*.JUEGOILEGAL.ES". For example
When I'm connected to wifi, there is no problem, but when I'm connected to mobile data, the error appears. I'm trying with some different network operators from Spain, and with some it happens, and others not. For example, with some MásMóvil and Pepephone it happens, with Movistar not.
What happens?
I suggest you try the following things:
Open the link in Incognito mode
Clear browser cache and cookies
Temporarily turn off your antivirus, just to check if there an issue there
Change DNS settings. For example to the ones provided by Google ( and

AngularJS localhost redirect to IP Address

I started a tutorial regarding AnguarJS for beginners. I have setup my workstation already and ready to test a simple Hello World. Unfortunately, I cannot display this simple message in my localhost. Instead, it display the default IIS image and I've noticed also that my url is the current IP Address. Can anyone pinpoint what I missed here?
Please see below image for reference.
The dev server shows that it is running on port 4200:
As the message says, you need to navigate to http://localhost:4200 (instead of http://localhost, which it looks like is being served by IIS)

Steroids Connect: What is the URL for the preview QR code?

Running steroids connect ordinarily opens a browser with a big QR code for testing on a real device. But I'm running it on a VPS so it doesn't open a browser.
What is the URL that this opens?
What mr. Jones said! Also, you can run steroids connect --debug to see the URL that it is trying to open in the console log.
Its going to be unique per user but here's mine
You can see in that string an encoded IP LAN address (
You can also see the port (4567)
If that helps then great.

Issue with getting started with beagle bone, cant access

I just started with the beaglebone and I have no prior knowledge of
programming. I tried to follow this link"". In the initial steps after installing the drivers, i fail in the STEP 3 : when i try to connect to i typed the same in the url) , I get the following error The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: "http :// " Access Denied. Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect. Your cache administrator is .......
I read that this step is important to get access to the browser on the board ? if so what should i do? kindly help!!
Try cleaning your browser cache. By the message you've received, it can be a problem with your firewall also, you should disable it and try to reconnect to the bbb.

Unable to access a simple web application (running on Tomcat Server) from another System

I have written a simple web Application which is running(on Tomcat Server) fine on my local system.But when I tried to access from a different system using http:/my_ip_address:8080/Projec1/My_Application. Its showing this error
Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: ""
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
I know many of you must be well versed with this kinda error.But for me its kinda new.I would be happy if you state possible reason and solutions(Please tell me if there is configuration is required in Server step wise)
Thanks All
I forgot tell you all that i found the answer of above question, actually there was proxy setting problem.This is what i did
Open internet option in IE.
Goto LAN setting in Connection option.
In LAN Setting there is advance setting tab, click it.
You will see a Exception box at the bottom.
Type the IP Address form which you want access.
eg. 10.200;*
This setting is to be done on system from where you want to access your web application.
Starting IP address where application is running 10.200.---.--- that is why in exception box it is mentioned as 10.200;*.(your Interanet Server Name)
Hope this will help.
