AngularJS localhost redirect to IP Address - angularjs

I started a tutorial regarding AnguarJS for beginners. I have setup my workstation already and ready to test a simple Hello World. Unfortunately, I cannot display this simple message in my localhost. Instead, it display the default IIS image and I've noticed also that my url is the current IP Address. Can anyone pinpoint what I missed here?
Please see below image for reference.

The dev server shows that it is running on port 4200:
As the message says, you need to navigate to http://localhost:4200 (instead of http://localhost, which it looks like is being served by IIS)


What port does the chrome dev tools Inspect devices connect to for local fulfillment?

I am currently trying to develop a local home application, and for the most parts things are working as expected. The Google Home Nest Mini seems to be querying the test endpoint I set up and the ESP I'm using is receiving the discovery broadcast that, but the only issue I'm having is the chrome device debugger (chrome://inspect#devices) isn't finding the runtime of the Home Nest Mini. The debugger found it a few times, but it was inconsistent, and now I can't find it at all. I saw another post that said they found specifying the IP and port of the Home Nest worked, but the ports that I found to be open using nmap don't change anything. Does someone know the port of the debugger service or a dummy-proof way of connecting the debugger?
As additional reference, here are the instructions on setting this up (including the 9222 port as commented above).

Static page with url parameters in loopback

I would like a solution for the following problem:
I have a client in angular running on gulp in this configuration I can navigate throw my page writing in my browser the following:
(for example) localhost:3000/show/05-05-2017/10
I have the same client in loopback and it is working with localhost:3000, the problem is when I want to get the same parameter url with loopback localhost:3000/show/05-05-2017/10 I get an error 404 can not get /show/05-05-2017/10
I would like to know some idea where I could find a solution to that or somewhere to look for.
Thank you!
Are you running both services on the same port 3000 ? If so that can't work only one server per port is possible.
Change the port of one of them and it should work.
I hope this helps.
I could find the solution here:!topic/loopbackjs/qt9CurkKi_s

Google API explorer redirects to

I have googled, and read these issues:
Cannot access API explorer on localhost
How to force loading dynamic, insecure content in Chrome?
and many others but they do not solve my problem.
The problem:
I'm running MacOS and doing my development int Debian VM running in Paralells.
I start up the dev server using the following command: --clear_datastore --host --admin_host app
and I can access the app, endpoints, admin module etc from MacOS using my Debian machine IP eg. etc... everything works fine and as expected except for Google API Explorer.
When I try to access I am redirected to as expected and I get the ssl error as described in the issue above (again as expected) but then I get redirected a couple of more times and end up at
Note: I cannot click on the lock icon in the title bar because of the redirects
I've tried almost everything I can think of and have google extensively to no avail. Hope someone can help me, I suspect it has something to do with the dev server being run inside of a VM, but I am not sure.
there is a shield icon in the rightmost part of the address bar that appears when you access the api_explorer locally in chrome. Click and then select load unsafe script and it will load all the service endpoints you define.loading api_explorer locally

Steroids Connect: What is the URL for the preview QR code?

Running steroids connect ordinarily opens a browser with a big QR code for testing on a real device. But I'm running it on a VPS so it doesn't open a browser.
What is the URL that this opens?
What mr. Jones said! Also, you can run steroids connect --debug to see the URL that it is trying to open in the console log.
Its going to be unique per user but here's mine
You can see in that string an encoded IP LAN address (
You can also see the port (4567)
If that helps then great.

Error when connecting to a CYC KB

I am using openCyc and I am trying to connect to an image of a Cyc KB. I can browse this image on my browser (using chrome) and can successfully ping the address from the command line.
Now, when I try to create a new CycAccess("server", "port) the correct server and port of the image I am browsing on the browser I get an error saying connection refused which is printed out to the terminal.
For the server, it is simply and the port is just for example 6622. Am I formatting this wrong or something?
Why would this happen?
Thank you,
I found out the answer to my question. IDK if this well help anyone else so I am going to post it.
The port that you typically access a CYC Image through the browser is not necessarily the port that you will access it through the OpenCyc API. When I changed the port, it solved my problem.
