Monty Hall Problem C Monte Carlo Simulation - c

So after seeing another video for the Monty Hall Problem and since I learned about Monte Carlo simulation methods, I thought I would try to find the percentage 66,66% of winning the game if you switch doors. The problem is that I get 50%, and one thing that worried when thinking up the algorithm is if my model was correct. I had 2 random guesses implemented, one for choosing door 1 to 3 with 1 in 3 chances and one for choosing to switch doors with 1 in 2 chances. The if statements were for assigning the doors with the prizes and for the different possibilities for each of those guesses. I don't know if I can reduce that part, but it works for now (I think). Where was my thinking incorrect? And can you suggest a fix to my algorithm? Thank you very much!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main()
int seed=time(NULL);
double u, random[2], suitch=0.0, total=0.0;
int nall=10000000, nright=0, i, door[3], k, j;
for(j=0; j<nall; j++)
for(i=0; i<3; i++)
random[i]=0.0, door[i]=0;
for(i=0; i<2; i++)
door[0]=1, door[1]=0, door[2]=0;
else if(floor(random[0])==1)
door[0]=0, door[1]=1, door[2]=0;
else if(floor(random[0])==2)
door[0]=0, door[1]=0, door[2]=1;
for(i=0; i<3; i++)
else if((floor(random[1])==1)&&(floor(suitch)==0))
else if((floor(random[1])==2)&&(floor(suitch)==0))
else if((floor(random[1])==0)&&(floor(suitch)==1))
else if(door[1]==0)
else if((floor(random[1])==1)&&(floor(suitch)==1))
else if(door[0]==0)
else if((floor(random[1])==2)&&(floor(suitch)==1))
else if(door[0]==0)
printf("%d\t%d\t%lf\t", k, nright, total);
return 0;

I've been looking at your code way too long, unable to see the problem. What an idiot i've been, lol. There is no problem with the code (except for an accidental, and luckily benign, memory overrun). The problem is what are you trying to simulate.
You simulate 10000000 games, where in half of the cases the player decides to keep his door (his chance is 33.3% in this case) and half of the cases where the player decides to switch (his chance is 66.7% in this case). Of course you are getting 50%, cause thats what you are simulating.
Set suitch = 1, permanently, and you'll... get 66.7%
And yea... please make random 3 elements long or stop initing at the beginning to fix the memory overrun, and comment out the former debug for(i=0; i<3; i++), cause you are running the simulation ifs chain 3 times each iteration for no good reason. But thats unrelated :-)


"Big Pig" dice game code goes in infinite loop :C

Hello I'm new to c and i'm currently learning with my university curriculum so i need to abide by these rules: We can't use arrays or global variables.
So i've been trying to make a dice game named "big pig". I'm right now creating the function the computer is going to use to play the game called "play_computer()". There is also a function called "computer_strategy_decider()".Computer_strategy_decider() is supposed to pick from yes or no. I just made a rand function that calls either 1 or 2 to make that work. Play_computer() let's you pick two dices and from there it needs to calculate the score. If you pick only one one, then your score doesn't increase and your game is terminated. If you et two ones you get 25 added. If you get any other double value for example a , is added such as (a+a)*2 or 4*a. And lastly if you get two random numbers the computer gets to decide if it wants to continue. That's where the computer_strategy_decider() comes in..
The problem comes with the play_computer() function. Everything seems to be working well when the computer rolls two different values and doesn't continue. It terminates ok. But if it wants to continue it goes in an infinite loop. The infinite loop also has the same dice values.
The same loop happens when doubles are rolled. Something in my code doesn't loop properly. I don't know whether it is something to do with rand() or not. I don't think it's rand() since i use rand() on computer_strategy_decider(). My theory is it's hopefully something small i have missed.
My code was working an hour ago before i added some changes so that's why im frustrated haha.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int computer_strategy_decider(){
int deci;
deci=1+ (int) rand() % 2;
return deci;}
int play_computer(round_number,strategy){
int roll_1,roll_2,cntrl_var=0,score_comp=0;
char answ;
printf("\nRound %d-- My Turn:",round_number);printf("\n---------------------------------");
roll_1 = 1 + (int) rand() % 6;
roll_2 = 1 + (int) rand() % 6;
printf("\nI got --> [Dice 1]: %d [Dice 2]: %d",roll_1,roll_2);
if(roll_1==roll_2 && roll_1!=1){
printf("\nScore: %d",score_comp);printf("\nDoubles! Roll again!");}
else if(roll_1==1 && roll_2==1){
printf("\nScore: %d",score_comp);printf("\nDoubles! Roll again!");}
else if(roll_1==1 || roll_2==1){
printf("\nYou got a single one! End of your turn!");}
printf("\nScore: %d",score_comp);
printf("\nDo you want to continue (Y/N)?");
if (strategy==1){
else if (strategy==2){
if (strategy==1)
else if (strategy==2)
printf("\nMy Score: %d",score_comp);
return score_comp;}
int main(){
int round_no=1,deci;
I put the srand in the while loop and that caused the srand to be called multiple times. So i put the srand above the loop. That fixed it!

Digital Clock C Code Won't Show the Correct Time

In my college programming class, I’m coding this digital clock in C. I can’t figure out why the correct time isn’t showing up. The minutes and seconds both stay stuck on the number 60.
Here’s the code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main ()
int h=0,m=0,s=0;
printf("enter time in format of hh mm ss");
scanf("%d%d%d", &h,&m,&s);
for (h;h<12;h++) {
for (m;m<60;m++) {
for (s;s<60;s++) {
for (double i=0;i<99999999; i++) {
goto start;
well, there are a few issues:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main ()
int h=0,m=0,s=0;
printf("enter time in format of hh mm ss");
scanf("%d %d %d", &h,&m,&s);
for (;h<12;h++) {
for (;m<60;m++) {
for (;s<60;s++) {
for (double i=0;i<99999999; i++) {
goto start;
try and avoid goto if possible - there are only a few places this construct should be used... this is not one of them
the for loop makes no sense - since it increases and decreases the same value - it will be stuck in an infinte loop
the scanf statment %d%d%d without specifiyng the number of digits will not work, either go with my code example or try %2d%2d%2d
you are not validating your input
in the for loops what is the purpose of the variable in the first section
sleep - will produce somthing which will look nice but it is not accurate - I suggest reading more about time functions...
IMPORTENT NOTE: this example is bad coding but I hope it can give you a starting point.. as is, this is simply put... bad

How to find the problems of reallocation when it is not done

Consider the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_NUM 5
#define MAX_INCR 5
int main(void)
char check = 'y';
int max_number = MAX_NUM;
double *array_input = NULL;
int i = 0;
double buffer = 0.0;
int count = 0;
array_input = malloc(5 * (sizeof(double)));
printf("Please enter the numbers into the array: ");
for(i = 0; i < max_number; i++)
scanf("%lf", &buffer);
*(array_input + i) = buffer;
if(count == max_number)
printf("\nDo you want to input more?(y/n) ");
if((check = tolower(getchar())) == 'y')
max_number += MAX_INCR;
//realloc(array_input, max_number);
for(int j = 0; j < max_number; j++)
printf("\nThe value is: %lf", *(array_input + j));
return 0;
(freeing the memory is not done to keep the code consise)
Now, the reallocation is not done in here deliberately but the output of the program is exactly what it should be.
e.g. 5.3, 4.2, 5.6. 7.4, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7.8, the program outputs these numbers as it is, like it should.
How to figure out that there's a possible error in this program?(Example: Someone is given the program but the programmer forgot the reallocation part, it may later cause problems, right?)
The problem with "undefined behaviour" is that you never know. In many cases, just like yours, the program apparently behaves normal, but once you change a little bit, it suddenly crashes, even though the change itself is done correctly. Such bugs often cause security holes, since hackers can exploit them to run their own code.
There are tools to find bugs like that, e.g.
You will never know until exception occurs. That is why people do implement various of testing codes including unit testing and function testing, etc...
Those testings enhance its reliability and quality.
Codes which has security holes are the same.
Programmers who coded could believe that the programmed code is very solid. For example, like the developers who developed remote-drive using network connection secured. However, hackers study the weakness and try many attempts to find the weakness of the system and finally it breaks. After coder finds out its weakness, programmers improve their code from the defect. This is why cyber attack is called spear (who try to attack) and shield (who try to defense).
There are no perfect code. Once it finds its bug, it is needed to improve its quality.

Galton Box/Bean Machine-C

I want to code a simple bean machine program. The program will accept user input for the number of balls and the number of slots, and will calculate the path of each ball. The number of balls in each slot will be printed as a histogram as well.
I tried my best to keep the code short and sweet, yet the best I have managed is 112 lines long. When I ran my code, I received no errors. However, the output seems to have run into some sort of an infinity loop (The '#' symbol which was used to represent numbers in the histogram keeps on printing forever for some reason unknown to me).
Apparently, there is something wrong with my logic somewhere... or a silly little mistake in syntax(but it would have shown up as error, wouldn't it?)... In a nutshell, I cannot figure out exactly what is the problem. (I attempted to walk through the whole code process from start to finish, but my mind kept getting tangled up somewhere in the middle of the code, nowhere near the end of the code either).
Where exactly does my logic go wrong?(Or have I taken the wrong approach to the whole problem?) I do not wish to know the correct code, so that I am able to learn during the whole process of re-editing my code.
Any help (hopefully no model-code answers though), even as a single comment, is tremendously appreciated! :)
This is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <time.h>
//Pls excuse my extensive use of libraries even though I don't really use them
int intchecker(float x)
if (floor(x)==x && ceilf(x)==x)
return 0;
else {
return 1;
int main(){
char line[] = " +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+";
char numbers[] = " 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50";
float balls,slots;
int slotarry[9],tlevel,ballnum,column,lcounter=0,slotsduplicate=1,y;//tlevel-number of levels in the triangle
int r;
printf("==========================================================\nGalton Box Simulation Machine\n==========================================================\n");
printf("Enter the number of balls [5-100]: ");
while (balls>100 || balls<5) {
printf("\nInput is not within the range. Please try again.");
printf("\nEnter the number of balls [5-100]: ");
while (intchecker(balls)==1) {
printf("\nInput is not an integer. Please try again.");
printf("\nEnter the number of balls [5-100]: ");
printf("Enter the number of slots [2-10] : ");
while (slots>10 || slots<2) {
printf("\nInput is not within the range. Please try again.");
printf("\nEnter the number of slots [2-10] : ");
while (intchecker(slots)==1) {
printf("\nHow can there be a fraction of a slot? Please re-enter slot number.");
printf("\nEnter the number of slots [2-10] : ");
if (column%5==0){
if (ballnum<10){
r = rand() % 2;
if (r==0){
else {
printf(" ");
char line2[] = "\n +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+";
if (slotsduplicate<10){
if (y==0){
printf(" 0");
for (;y>0;y--){
printf(" %d",slotarry[slotsduplicate]);
return 0;
Note:This is not completely error-free. This is just my first draft. I just wish to find out why there is an infinite loop.
Here's how I found the problem. First of all, I think it is a bit of a code smell to have a for loop without anything in the initial assignment section. Couple that with the fact that it seems to print # forever, and it looks like y has a garbage value at the beginning of the loop to print the #s.
So I ran your code in the debugger and paused it when it started printing loads of hashes. I checked the value of y and sure enough it was some unfeasibly high number.
Then I checked where y comes from and found you get it from slotarray. I printed it in the debugger and found that all the values in it were unfeasibly high or massively negative numbers. Obviously, slotarray wasn't being initialised correctly, so I looked for where it was initialised and bingo!
Stack variables (of which slotarray is one) must be explicitly initialised in C. I fixed your code with a call to memset.
The whole debugging process I have just outlined took something less than a minute.
ETA As #EOF points out, there is another bug in that slotarray is defined to contain nine slots (indexed 0 - 8) but you allow people to enter 10 slots. This is a buffer overflow bug.

Really weird, debug of the program works OK but when i run it i get a weird result

i'm trying to create a 'game' in C programming which throws 2 dices for the user, throws 2 dices for the PC, and whoever gets the bigger sum wins,
when i debug it in visual studio i see good results both in the variable values and the console window, but when i run it without debugging the user and the PC both always get the same value for their dices (user gets 2 and 2, and PC gets 2 and 2, for example).
Can anyone solve it? i looked at it for the last 3 hours and i just can't find what's the problem.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int throwDice();
int diceSum();
int main()
int res1;
printf("It is a tie!\n");
printf("You Won!\n");
printf("You Lost\n");
int throwDice()
int i;
i = (rand()%(6-1)) + 1;
return i;
int diceSum()
int j,a=0,b,c=0,d=0;
int array[4];
printf("You got %d and %d.\nYour opponent got %d and %d.\n",array[0],array[1],array[2],array[3]);
return 0;
return 1;
return -1;
Everytime you call throwDice, you are re-initializing your random number generator with the current time.
The accuracy of time is only 1-second, so in a single run of this program, the time doesn't change, so you get the same results.
You are supposed to call srand ONLY ONCE, near the start of your program.
From the documentation
"Two different initializations with the same seed will generate the same succession of results in subsequent calls to rand."
The random number generator doesn't just pull random numbers out of nowhere. When you seed it you're giving it a good number to start with, and from there it can generate a bunch of random numbers.
The problem is, it will give you a sequence of random numbers, but that sequence will be the same if you give it the same seed twice in a row. That's why it's important that the value you seed it with is relatively random. And hey, the time is pretty random, what are the chances two people will end up running the program at exactly the same time?
What you're doing, is seeding the generator before every call to rand, instead of seeding it at the beginning and letting the random number generator do its job. Since time only returns the time in seconds (see man page), you'll get the same number every time the loop runs until the start of the next second.
