DocuSign Templates in Salesforce Documents - salesforce

I've seen a few questions somewhat related to this, but no clear answer. This documentation makes it appear that Salesforce Documents can be used to grab a document for signature:
However, when looking at the Apex Toolkit, it seems you still need to use the template methods to get a template from DocuSign with the signature tags.
I would ideally like to get this template from Salesforce if possible. Can anyone confirm if this is possible or if it's required the template live in DocuSign proper.
If it CAN live in Salesforce, how would I go about adding the anchor tags for signature and date?

manual tab placement is not available in the Apex Toolkit, but the Apex Toolkit does support anchor tagging you can't supply positional data, but you can use anchor strings to auto-tag a doc on the way out


Is it possible to dynamically add updateable custom tags to documents?

I just started researching on DocuSign a couple days back and was told by DocuSign Customer Support to post questions here on SO. I am running a trial version of DocuSign to evaluate the capabilities and see if it fits our needs. We are using Classic version of Salesforce.
Business Case:
We generate hundreds of documents that need to be sent to different signatories based on certain conditions and once the signatories receive the doc, they need to select a value from a custom tag (dropdown) on the doc which will then be passed back to Salesforce.
Thanks to answers posted on SO, I know how I can dynamically add recipients to a DocuSign doc and also how I can pass values from Custom Tags back to Salesforce.
However is it possible to dynamically prepopulate documents with one or more updateable custom fields or does it have to be manually dragged and dropped onto the document each time we send the doc over?
Any pointers/references to documentation would really be appreciated.
Referencing the API documentation (below), it does look like its possible to add dynamic tabs. There is limited information on wether they can be updated, but I would suggest you try something like POSTMAN or any other REST API client that you can test this on.
Presumably, you can create this on SalesForce if you're inclined. Otherwise, you'll need to use some sever-side language to send the request.

How to Translate lightning components(custom labels) based on languages

I want to add multi language functionality on my lightning component.
I am not able to find anything useful.
As now i am able to translate only currency and timepicker only.But i want to translate all the custom label (like in VF pages)..
Interesting. I'm new to lightning although I have extensive experience with Apex and so far the only way I can see this happening is to do a metadata call from Apex to generate the list of custom labels and its equivalent language and consume that that on the lightning component controller/helper via the init event. I can't find anything in the lightning developer guide on how to dynamically do this like in visualforce page.
Hope someone can confirm too.

Google Analytics support for the amp-pixel tag

The tag amp-pixel is used to count the page views.
Is there a way to use it with Google Analytics?
The GitHub page does not show any implementation.
Update: Use amp-analytics component.
I wrote a gist about this some time ago.
<amp-pixel src="$RANDOM&dt=$TITLE&dl=$CANONICAL_URL&z=$RANDOM"></amp-pixel>
AMP library provides almost all parameters needed for reasonable tracking. Only one missing is the cid, which is used to identify specific users. As you can't use extra javascript on AMP pages, you need to create and populate the identifier on server side.
For more information check the Google Analytics protocol reference.

How to determine (with Salesforce API) in which component a custom field is referenced?

I am new to Salesforce and trying to figure out a way to determine all the components such as ApexPages, ApexClasses, Triggers etc. in which a custom field is referenced.
Is there any API available for this ?
Can metadata API fetch such references of a custom field/object in all components ?
There isn't an elegant way of doing this.
If you have a sandbox, you can attempt to delete the field. If it's referenced in other parts of your org, it will usually not allow you to delete the field and I believe it also gives you a link to where it is referenced. This isn't a complete solution, however, because if you have a field referenced in Javascipt in a VF page or as a field in a dynamic SOQL query (ie. Database.query('Select Id, Custom_Field__c from Account'), Salesforce won't be able to detect that the field is referenced.
A more complete solution requires more effort. I suggest using the Eclipse Plugin or the Ant Migration Tool to download all of your items (Pages, Classes, Triggers) locally. Then you can perform a simple search/find across the text files to find reference to your file.
Finally, a newer option that is probably even easier is to use the Developer Console. It has recently gained the ability to 'Search in Files.' You can open it from inside Developer Console under the 'File' menu option.

How to interact Users(input form data) Using Salesforce Sites into the SalesForce Application(to Custom objects)

First of all I'm really sorry if i'm asking a Dumb Question. But unfortunately i can't find out a way to take inputs for my salesforce Application.
I am developing a simple CV Management app, but i can't figure out how to interact users(input data) to the App? I have created Candidate Custom object, and manually i can create the Candidates, but my requirement is to create records by Candidates themselves.
I followed SalesForce Tutorials and i found out a way to display data using VisualForce Custom Pages. But what i want to## Heading ## do is when i giving a link to the user, he can go to that link and there having form to fill with his personal data, and submit only. But i'm just confused how to user input data map with our Custom Candidate object fields.
when i'm searching i saw some FormAssembly and Custom VisualForce Pages. But Problem is I don't hope to use any 3rd party apps.
Tutorials says that;
In the past, to make data available to the general public, you had to set up a Web
server, create custom Web pages (JSP, PHP, or other), and use the API to integrate
apps with an external website. This is no longer the case, thanks to Sites!
Please if you can, help me Friends, Really Appreciate it & Thank you soo much..
You'll probably want to do something along these lines...
Create a Visualforce page with standard controller set to your custom object which is the "CV Entry" page (to send candidates to)
Create a site in your salesforce org to allow public or restricted access to the page
Setup page authentication/permissions as required
