How to interact Users(input form data) Using Salesforce Sites into the SalesForce Application(to Custom objects) - salesforce

First of all I'm really sorry if i'm asking a Dumb Question. But unfortunately i can't find out a way to take inputs for my salesforce Application.
I am developing a simple CV Management app, but i can't figure out how to interact users(input data) to the App? I have created Candidate Custom object, and manually i can create the Candidates, but my requirement is to create records by Candidates themselves.
I followed SalesForce Tutorials and i found out a way to display data using VisualForce Custom Pages. But what i want to## Heading ## do is when i giving a link to the user, he can go to that link and there having form to fill with his personal data, and submit only. But i'm just confused how to user input data map with our Custom Candidate object fields.
when i'm searching i saw some FormAssembly and Custom VisualForce Pages. But Problem is I don't hope to use any 3rd party apps.
Tutorials says that;
In the past, to make data available to the general public, you had to set up a Web
server, create custom Web pages (JSP, PHP, or other), and use the API to integrate
apps with an external website. This is no longer the case, thanks to Sites!
Please if you can, help me Friends, Really Appreciate it & Thank you soo much..

You'll probably want to do something along these lines...
Create a Visualforce page with standard controller set to your custom object which is the "CV Entry" page (to send candidates to)
Create a site in your salesforce org to allow public or restricted access to the page
Setup page authentication/permissions as required


Salesforce noobie - where are the crud pages for custom objects?

I am a very newbie to SF so pardon my ignorance. I am doing the trailheads and logged into developers org. There I quickly created a custom object with some fields. Now how do I get a CRUD page for the custom object. I have been looking through the documentation and trailheads but I finding everything except this simple step. Can someone please suggest how I can get a CRuD page automatically generated from custom object that I can use to add edit and delete records?
You'll need to Create a Tab for your custom object. This tab can be exposed in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning and allows you to create a new record in the object, view list views, and so on.

Rendering a React Widget on third party site

i'm looking for some advice on how I should go about creating my next project. I would like to create an app that allows users to embed widgets on their own personal sites. An example would be, the user could create events on my app, and then copy code to embed on their site that would display the events.
My hope was that I would be able to give them a minfied/uglified script that would handle fetching their data from my app's api, and even possibly allowing someone using the widget to post data to my app. Is that feasible?
What I am really unsure of :
1) How would I handle fetching data from my server? Are there CORS/other concerns I need to handle when fetching it?
2) I dont want users to have to go to a url to render my code, I just want to provide the minfied/uglified/compiled to es5 code to them. How do I go about doing that?

How do you create an admin page in React?

I was wondering if there was a way to create an administration page that can then be used to publish content on a website. This administration page would be used by those who do not understand coding to add news articles or update research information. I was looking at React-admin which uses Material Design, but their admin pages seem more focused on user data and design elements, not contributing content.
Would react-admin still be the best to use or is there an easy way to create this elsewhere?
You can build a simple CMS using React + Firebase. I came across an article, which exactly fits in to your requirements.

Allow customer to edit angular / express / mongo - MEAN stack content

I've recently switched from developing wordpress sites to learning angular, express, mongo, passport etc etc. Wordpress obviously provides a (relatively) simple interface whereby the user can manage their own page content.
My question is, is there a standard procedure for achieving this using the above technologies? I'm currently building my first site proper using MEAN for a friend and I want to give her the means to go in and update images, text, add pages, remove pages etc etc but via a user friendly interface.
I've a feeling I'm going to have to build it myself but before I launch into doing that I was wondering if there was anything glaringly obvious that I'm missing?
Thanks in advance

SEO for a single view AngularJS app

I have a SPA here and I´m wondering what should I do to get it properly indexed by Google bot.
I read a lot on multiple views angularjs apps (hashbanging and that stuff) but my app has just one view / controller.
Should I create an html copy for each of the items being shown and link them together?
Thanks in advance,
In AngularJS, you can compile templates & cache them using a variety of techniques - you'll need to write a process or build into your runtime logic building these templates & binding them to data, writing them out as static files.
Google allows for special handling based on user-agent. I have a friend who says, "This was called cloaking, before Google owned Angular." This is true. You need to setup server logic that re-directs any Google-bot user agent (or other search engine agents you care about) dynamically to one of these static "Search-Bot Friendly" pages.
Although this is more work, there are obviously bonuses to being able to maintain a set of content that search crawlers "see" and a (potentially different) set of content consumed by real users.
This is also the reason why AngularJS as a client-side framework quickly falls down the rank list when search visibility is a primary objective of the project.
