Mobile Automation Test with Appium and Saucelabs - mobile

I'm a newbie on Appium and Saucelabs. If I understand correctly, the test script must be executed on my machine and the commands are sent in Saucelabs cloud, step by step (via http). If this assumption is correctly, can I executed script for iOS and Android on Windows machine? Mac OSX is required for iOS test?

Appium Studio is an IDE that lets you run iOS or Android on any machine. Mac OSX is not required fr iOS test with Appium.
Are you testing a native app or web app? I work for Testim that helps automate testing. We can emulate the devices from Chrome driver for web app testing. We recently came out with an easy free tool that enables you to record tests and then copy the code that can run on your Playwrite testing framework.
Check it out and let us know how you like it.


what debugging tool you are using for react native app development

Hi guys what debugging tools you use for react native?
i also want to get ram usage of the app what is your recommended app?
I like to use Flipper which is a great debugging tool for react-native. For analyising network requests made by your application, Flipper's network plugin is very useful. For Android there exists a LeakCanary Plugin that enables support for LeakCanary, an open source memory leak detection library for Android, within Flipper.
For monitoring memory usage, I usually use XCode for iOS and Android Studio for Android directly.
For iOS: Start your App using XCode and launch Instruments via Xcode, choose Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Instruments.
For Android: Start your App using Android Studio and open the Android memory profiler.
For performance profiling specifically there is a good documentation in the official react-native documentation.

Codenamone project runs on simulator but not on device

I have built an app with codenameone. Tested on the simulator, everything appears fine. However when I build an app, it does not work well on the device. I use the sqlite database and the app is supposed to download data from the server and put into the local sqlite database. From the behaviour, apparently this is not happening. I have struggled to find a way to debug the app with vey little success.
What is the best wy to proceed?
I have the debug running now on Android Studio. I needed to install build tools version 27 and upgrade the gradle. I should be able to fix this.

Running selenium test through physical device

I work on test automation for a mobile version of a website. I have several tests that I generally run through ChromeDriver or Browserstack. However, what I would really like to do is hook up my phone and run my tests through the phone. I have tried appium but I am starting to realize that it is only used for apps and not mobile versions of websites.. Does anyone have any experience in running tests through a physical device? If so, what tools did you use or do you know of any good online tutorials?
Appium IS for testing websites on mobile devices.
You must pass the appium server the browserName parameter instead of the app parameter.
I suggest reading the appium documentation.
I have used Appium, Selenium Grid and testNG to run parallel tests for websites on real devices, so if you need any further guidance feel free to ask.
Hope this helps,
Yes of course you van use Appium for mobile web application test. In fact you can use native browser or chrome browser in Android. And Safari browser in IOS.
If you want to start the web automation for Android i suggest you to follow the following tutorial with the example code.
I am writing this off the top of my head, not while I am doing it. This often leads to it not being 100% correct. There might have to be made some adjustments.
This is what I have done:
Download and run Appium Server
Install xCode Tools
Run iPhone Simulator
Get your devices ID, in console, type
instruments -s devices
Set capabilities
WebDriverManager.setGlobalExtraCapability("platformName", "iOS");
WebDriverManager.setGlobalExtraCapability("platformVersion", "14.4");
WebDriverManager.setGlobalExtraCapability("deviceName", "iPhone 11");
WebDriverManager.setGlobalExtraCapability("appium:automationName", "xcuitest");
WebDriverManager.setGlobalExtraCapability("appium:udid", "your devices ID");
WebDriverManager.setGlobalExtraCapability("browserName", "Safari");
WebDriver driver = WebDriverManager.getWebDriver();
On the phone you have to set some mode, but I can not find anymore, which one that was. (Please write in comments if you know.)
Run Test
I hope I have not forgotten anything, as this was a process.

Testing ASP.Net 5 UI with a Headless Browser (that works on Windows, Mac, and Linux)

Does anyone know if it is possible to use a headless browser to test the UI of an 5 application that targets dnxcore50? Right now I can build an application that you can develop and run on Windows, Mac, and Linux. However, you can't run the UI tests because they need browser automation solution like Selenium.
You will have exactly the same issues as any other web frameworks.
You could potentially use PhantomJS to do exactly that.
phantomjs has a Windows and OSX build. But at the time of this writing, you would need to compile a Linux version yourself.

Automated UI testing of SilverLight on Mac

I'm looking to do automatic UI testing of SilverLight applications on Mac.
There are a few tools to test SilverLight on windows but I couldn't find any that will run tests on Mac.
Anybody know of such a tool?
I was referred to this
Not the best solution but it is some a start
Microsoft's Test Manager is a very useful tool for PC.
But I'm not sure if its possible for Mac. So you can just test for browsers run on PC. Firefox is also available on Mac as far as I know. I don't think Safari browser behaves diffrent because silverlight is a plugin and most of your code work on this plugin.
