Wrk vs Gatling benchmark test comparison - gatling

With wrk, I runt the following command :
wrk -t10 -c10 -d30s http://localhost:8080/myService --latency -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip"
As a result, I obtain Requests/sec: 15000 and no error
I am trying to reproduce the same kind of test with Gatling. So I have tried the following :
rampUsersPerSec(1) to 15000 during (30 seconds)
But as a result, I obtain errors :
---- Errors --------------------------------------------------------------------
i.n.c.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedSocketException: Can't assign r 573 (42,44%)
equested address: localhost/
i.n.c.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedSocketException: Resource tempo 530 (39,26%)
rarily unavailable: localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8080
j.i.IOException: Premature close 247 (18,30%)
From wrk, I believe my server can handle 15000 request/s but with Gatling it seems not the case. Do you have an idea why such a difference ?

Disclaimer: Gatling's creator here
You're comparing apples and oranges.
With wrk, you're opening 10 connections and looping as fast as possible during 30s.
With your current Gatling set up, you're spawning 225,015 virtual users ((1 + 15,000) / 2 * 30), each one trying to open its own connection.
I recommend you reading this article about picking injection profiles that make sense for your use case.
If you really want to do the same thing as wrk here, you need to wrap your scenario in a during(30) loop and change your injection profile to atOnceUsers(10).
You also have the option of using a shared connection pool.
Then, you can't expect any other to load test tool to be as fast as wrk for this kind of logicless, static test.
Also note that:
there was a mistake in Gatling's JVM configuration that was fixed in Gatling 3.4.0 that hurt performance in this kind of minimalistic
super high throughput tests, see issue
Gatling runs on a JVM, hence with a runtime, so it needs to warm up, boot throughput will be lower than the warm one


batch query is not allowed to request data from "".""

I'm getting started with Kapacitor and have been trying to run the first guide in the Kapacitor documentation, but with data I already have. I managed to define a task, but I can neither enable it nor can I run a backfill. I came across this question, which is similar to my problem, but the answer there didn't help. In contrast to the error message there I get empty strings for database, retention policy, and/or measurement.
In Kapacitor config I set an InfluxDB connection to the local host instance with the name localhost (which has a database mydb and the measurements weather.current.clouds and weather.current.visibility with default retention policy autogen) and created the following weathertest.tick script:
dbrp "mydb"."autogen"
var clouds = batch
|query('select mean(value) / 100.0 as val from "mydb"."autogen"."weather.current.clouds"')
.groupBy(time(1m), *)
var vis = batch
|query('select mean(value) / 10000.0 as val from "mydb"."autogen"."weather.current.visibility"')
.groupBy(time(1m), *)
.as('c', 'v')
|eval(lambda: 100 * (1 - "c.val") * "v.val")
.tag('host', 'myhost.local')
.tag('key', 'weather.current.lightidx')
This is what I came up with after hours of trial and (especially) error. As given in the title, when I try to enable my task with kapacitor enable weathertest, I get the error message enabling task weathertest: batch query is not allowed to request data from ""."". Same thing when I try to record as in the "Backfill" example. Also, in that example there is a start and a stop date for limiting the time frame. The time format given there is wrong and is not understood by Kapacitor. Instead of e. g. 2015-10-01 I have to put in 2015-10-01T00:00Z to make it at least pass the error message regarding time format error.
In the Kapacitor logs there is not a single line regarding these errors, only when I try to remove a record, I get something like remove /var/lib/kapacitor/replay/1f5...750.brpl: no such file or directory and this can be found in the logs. There are lots of info lines in the logs showing successful POSTs to/from InfluxDB for the _internal database with HTTP response result 204.
Has anyone an Idea what I may be doing wrong?
OK, after the weekend I tried again. Without any change it accepted my script now in the failing steps, however, now I was able to find error messages in the log. The node mentioned there was the eval node and pointed towards a type mismatch. When I changed the line
|eval(lambda: 100 * (1 - "c.val") * "v.val")
|eval(lambda: 100.0 * (1.0 - "c.val") * "v.val")
the error messages were gone and the command kapacitor show weathertest showed a rather sane content now.
Furthermore, I redefined, recorded, replayed and deleted the tasks and recordings during my tests over and over again and I may have forgotten to redefine tasks after making changes to the tick script (not really sure). After changing the above, redefining the task and replaying it I finally found the expected data in the InfluxDB instance.

Understanding Datastore Get RPCs in Google App Engine

I'm using sharded counters (https://cloud.google.com/appengine/articles/sharding_counters) in my GAE application for performance reasons, but I'm having some trouble understanding why it's so slow and how I can speed things up.
I have an API that grabs a set of 20 objects at a time and for each object, it gets a total from a counter to include in the response.
With Appstats turned on and a clear cache, I notice that getting the totals for 20 counters makes 120 RPCs by datastore_v3.Get which takes 2500ms.
This seems like quite a lot of RPC calls and quite a bit of time for reading just 20 counters. I assumed this would be faster and maybe that's where I'm wrong. Is it supposed to be faster than this?
Further Inspection
I dug into the stats a bit more, looking at these two lines in the get_count method:
all_keys = GeneralCounterShardConfig.all_keys(name)
for counter in ndb.get_multi(all_keys):
If I comment out the get_multi line, I see that there are 20 RPC calls by datastore_v3.Get totaling 185ms.
As expected, this leaves get_multi to be the culprit for 100 RPC calls by datastore_v3. Get taking upwards of 2500 ms. I verified this, but this is where I'm confused. Why does calling get_multi with 20 keys cause 100 RPC calls?
Update #1
I checked out Traces in the GAE console and saw some additional information. They show a breakdown of the RPC calls there as well - but in the sights they say to "Batch the gets to reduce the number of remote procedure calls." Not sure how to do that outside of using get_multi. Thought that did the job. Any advice here?
Update #2
Here are some screen shots that show the stats I'm looking at. The first one is my base line - the function without any counter operations. The second one is after a call to get_count for just one counter. This shows a difference of 6 datastore_v3.Get RPCs.
Base Line
After Calling get_count On One Counter
Update #3
Based on Patrick's request, I'm adding a screenshot of info from the console Trace tool.
Try splitting up the for loop that goes through each item and the actual get_multi call itself. So something like:
all_values = ndb.get_multi(all_keys)
for counter in all_values:
# Insert amazeballs codes here
I have a feeling it's one of these:
The generator pattern (yield from for loop) is causing something funky with get_multi execution paths
Perhaps the number of items you are expecting doesn't match actual result counts, which could reveal a problem with GeneralCounterShardConfig.all_keys(name)
The number of shards is set too high. I've realized that anything over 10 shards causes performance issues.
When I've dug into similar issues, one thing I've learned is that get_multi can cause multiple RPCs to be sent from your application. It looks like the default in the SDK is set to 1000 keys per get, but the batch size I've observed in production apps is much smaller: something more like 10 (going from memory).
I suspect the reason it does this is that at some batch size, it actually is better to use multiple RPCs: there is more RPC overhead for your app, but there is more Datastore parallelism. In other words: this is still probably the best way to read a lot of datastore objects.
However, if you don't need to read the absolute most current value, you can try setting the db.EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY option, but that seems to only be available in the older db library and not in ndb. (Although it also appears to be available via the Cloud Datastore API).
If you look at the Python code in the App Engine SDK, specifically the file google/appengine/datastore/datastore_rpc.py, you will see the following lines:
max_count = (Configuration.max_get_keys(config, self.__config) or
if is_read_current and txn is None:
max_egs_per_rpc = self.__get_max_entity_groups_per_rpc(config)
max_egs_per_rpc = None
pbsgen = self._generate_pb_lists(indexed_keys_by_entity_group,
base_req.ByteSize(), max_count,
max_egs_per_rpc, config)
rpcs = []
for pbs, indexes in pbsgen:
rpcs.append(make_get_call(base_req, pbs,
My understanding of this:
Set max_count from the configuration object, or 1000 as a default
If the request must read the current value, set max_gcs_per_rpc from the configuration, or 10 as a default
Split the input keys into individual RPCs, using both max_count and max_gcs_per_rpc as limits.
So, this is being done by the Python Datastore library.

JMeter script that loops and increases throughput until failure

Curious if anyone has any ideas on how I might create a jmeter script that will loop the scenario while increasing throughput and load until an error is received.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
You can go the following way:
Set your test to run "Forever" on Thread Group level
Set "Action to be taken on a Sampler error" to "Stop Test"
Add a Constant Throughput Timer to your test plan with very low initial value like 60 requests per minute (= 1 request per second)
Despite "Constant" word in its name, Constant Throughput Timer value can be changed on-the-fly see official documentation for example.

Which NDB query function is more efficient to iterate through a big set of query results?

I use NDB for my app and use iter() with limit and starting cursor to iterate through 20,000 query results in a task. A lot of time I run into timeout error.
Timeout: The datastore operation timed out, or the data was temporarily unavailable.
The way I make the call is like this:
results = query.iter(limit=20000, start_cursor=cursor, produce_cursors=True)
for item in results:
I can reduce the limit but I thought a task can run as long as 10 mins. 10 mins should be more than enough time to go through 20000 results. In fact, on a good run, the task can complete in just about a minute.
If I switched to fetch() or fetch_page(), would they be more efficient and less likely to run into the timeout error? I suspect there's a lot of overhead in iter() that causes the timeout error.
Fetch is not really any more efficient they all use the same mechanism, unless you know how many entities you want upfront - then fetch can be more efficient as you end up with just one round trip.
You can increase the batch size for iter, that can improve things. See https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/ndb/queryclass#kwdargs_options
From the docs the default batch size is 20, which would mean for 20,000 entities a lot of batches.
Other things that can help. Consider using map and or map_async on the processing, rather than explicitly calling process(entity) Have a read https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/ndb/queries#map also introducing async into your processing can mean improved concurrency.
Having said all of that you should profile so you can understand where the time is used. For instance the delays could be in your process due to things you are doing there.
There are other things to conside with ndb like context caching, you need to disable it. But I also used iter method for these. I also made an ndb version of the mapper api with the old db.
Here is my ndb mapper api that should solve timeout problems and ndb caching and easily create this kind of stuff:
with this mapper api you can create it like or you can just improve it too.
class NameYourJob(Mapper):
def init(self):
self.KIND = YourItemModel
self.FILTERS = [YourItemModel.send_email == True]
def map(self, item):
# here is your process(item)
# process here
item.send_email = False
# Then run it like this
from google.appengine.ext import deferred
deferred.defer(NameYourJob().run, 50, # <-- this is your batch
_target='backend_name_if_you_want', _name='a_name_to_avoid_dups')
For potentially long query iterations, we use a time check to ensure slow processing can be handled. Given the disparities in GAE infrastructure performance, you will likely never find an optimal processing number. The code excerpt below is from an on-line maintenance handler we use which generally runs within ten seconds. If not, we get a return code saying it needs to be run again thanks to our timer check. In your case, you would likely break the process after passing the cursor to your next queue task. Here is some sample code which is edited down to hopefully give you a good idea of our logic. One other note: you may choose to break this up into smaller bites and then fan out the smaller tasks by re-enqueueing the task until it completes. Doing 20k things at once seems very aggressive in GAE's highly variable environment. HTH -stevep
def over_dt_limit(start, milliseconds):
dt = datetime.datetime.now() - start
mt = float(dt.seconds * 1000) + (float(dt.microseconds)/float(1000))
if mt > float(milliseconds):
return True
return False
#set a start time
start = datetime.datetime.now()
# handle a timeout issue inside your query iteration
for item in query.iter():
# do your loop logic
if over_dt_limit(start, 9000):
# your specific time-out logic here

Solr 3.5 indexing taking very long

We recently migrated from solr3.1 to solr3.5, we have one master and one slave configured. The master has two cores,
1) Core1 – 44555972 documents
2) Core2 – 29419244 documents
We commit every 5000 documents, but lately the commit is taking very long 15 minutes plus in some cases. What could have caused this, I have checked the logs and the only warning i can see is,
“WARNING: Use of deprecated update request parameter update.processor detected. Please use the new parameter update.chain instead, as support for update.processor will be removed in a later version.”
Memory details:
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms6g -Xmx36g -XX:MaxPermSize=5g"
Solr Config:
<!-- <maxBufferedDocs>1000</maxBufferedDocs> -->
Also noticed, that top command show almost 350GB of Virtual memory usage.
What could be causing this, as everything was running fine a few days back?
Do you have a large search warming query? Our commits take upto 2 mins because of search warming in place. Wondering if that is the case.
The large virtual memory usage would explain this.
