Solr 3.5 indexing taking very long - solr

We recently migrated from solr3.1 to solr3.5, we have one master and one slave configured. The master has two cores,
1) Core1 – 44555972 documents
2) Core2 – 29419244 documents
We commit every 5000 documents, but lately the commit is taking very long 15 minutes plus in some cases. What could have caused this, I have checked the logs and the only warning i can see is,
“WARNING: Use of deprecated update request parameter update.processor detected. Please use the new parameter update.chain instead, as support for update.processor will be removed in a later version.”
Memory details:
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms6g -Xmx36g -XX:MaxPermSize=5g"
Solr Config:
<!-- <maxBufferedDocs>1000</maxBufferedDocs> -->
Also noticed, that top command show almost 350GB of Virtual memory usage.
What could be causing this, as everything was running fine a few days back?

Do you have a large search warming query? Our commits take upto 2 mins because of search warming in place. Wondering if that is the case.
The large virtual memory usage would explain this.


Understanding Datastore Get RPCs in Google App Engine

I'm using sharded counters ( in my GAE application for performance reasons, but I'm having some trouble understanding why it's so slow and how I can speed things up.
I have an API that grabs a set of 20 objects at a time and for each object, it gets a total from a counter to include in the response.
With Appstats turned on and a clear cache, I notice that getting the totals for 20 counters makes 120 RPCs by datastore_v3.Get which takes 2500ms.
This seems like quite a lot of RPC calls and quite a bit of time for reading just 20 counters. I assumed this would be faster and maybe that's where I'm wrong. Is it supposed to be faster than this?
Further Inspection
I dug into the stats a bit more, looking at these two lines in the get_count method:
all_keys = GeneralCounterShardConfig.all_keys(name)
for counter in ndb.get_multi(all_keys):
If I comment out the get_multi line, I see that there are 20 RPC calls by datastore_v3.Get totaling 185ms.
As expected, this leaves get_multi to be the culprit for 100 RPC calls by datastore_v3. Get taking upwards of 2500 ms. I verified this, but this is where I'm confused. Why does calling get_multi with 20 keys cause 100 RPC calls?
Update #1
I checked out Traces in the GAE console and saw some additional information. They show a breakdown of the RPC calls there as well - but in the sights they say to "Batch the gets to reduce the number of remote procedure calls." Not sure how to do that outside of using get_multi. Thought that did the job. Any advice here?
Update #2
Here are some screen shots that show the stats I'm looking at. The first one is my base line - the function without any counter operations. The second one is after a call to get_count for just one counter. This shows a difference of 6 datastore_v3.Get RPCs.
Base Line
After Calling get_count On One Counter
Update #3
Based on Patrick's request, I'm adding a screenshot of info from the console Trace tool.
Try splitting up the for loop that goes through each item and the actual get_multi call itself. So something like:
all_values = ndb.get_multi(all_keys)
for counter in all_values:
# Insert amazeballs codes here
I have a feeling it's one of these:
The generator pattern (yield from for loop) is causing something funky with get_multi execution paths
Perhaps the number of items you are expecting doesn't match actual result counts, which could reveal a problem with GeneralCounterShardConfig.all_keys(name)
The number of shards is set too high. I've realized that anything over 10 shards causes performance issues.
When I've dug into similar issues, one thing I've learned is that get_multi can cause multiple RPCs to be sent from your application. It looks like the default in the SDK is set to 1000 keys per get, but the batch size I've observed in production apps is much smaller: something more like 10 (going from memory).
I suspect the reason it does this is that at some batch size, it actually is better to use multiple RPCs: there is more RPC overhead for your app, but there is more Datastore parallelism. In other words: this is still probably the best way to read a lot of datastore objects.
However, if you don't need to read the absolute most current value, you can try setting the db.EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY option, but that seems to only be available in the older db library and not in ndb. (Although it also appears to be available via the Cloud Datastore API).
If you look at the Python code in the App Engine SDK, specifically the file google/appengine/datastore/, you will see the following lines:
max_count = (Configuration.max_get_keys(config, self.__config) or
if is_read_current and txn is None:
max_egs_per_rpc = self.__get_max_entity_groups_per_rpc(config)
max_egs_per_rpc = None
pbsgen = self._generate_pb_lists(indexed_keys_by_entity_group,
base_req.ByteSize(), max_count,
max_egs_per_rpc, config)
rpcs = []
for pbs, indexes in pbsgen:
rpcs.append(make_get_call(base_req, pbs,
My understanding of this:
Set max_count from the configuration object, or 1000 as a default
If the request must read the current value, set max_gcs_per_rpc from the configuration, or 10 as a default
Split the input keys into individual RPCs, using both max_count and max_gcs_per_rpc as limits.
So, this is being done by the Python Datastore library.

Solr: To get all records

I am trying to upgrade my Solr 4.x version to 5.2.1 Solrcloud implementation. I had written following code to get all the results from Sorl query which works well in Solr single instance mode.
SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
query.addSort("agent_status", ORDER.desc);
query.addFilterQuery("account_id:\"" + accountId + "\"");
query.set("rows", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
But code will not work well in SolrCloud implemenation.It throws following exception.
2015-08-14 16:44:45,648 ERROR [solr.core.SolrCore] - [http-8080-8] : java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
at org.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue.<init>(
at org.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue.<init>(
at org.apache.solr.handler.component.ShardFieldSortedHitQueue.<init>(
at org.apache.solr.handler.component.QueryComponent.mergeIds(
at org.apache.solr.handler.component.QueryComponent.handleRegularResponses(
at org.apache.solr.handler.component.QueryComponent.handleResponses(
at org.apache.solr.handler.component.SearchHandler.handleRequestBody(
at org.apache.solr.handler.RequestHandlerBase.handleRequest(
I found that it is failing because of query.set("rows", Integer.MAX_VALUE) statement.People suggested me to use pagination.
But, I can not afford doing pagination as there will be too many changes at UI side.
There is one more way where I can first query with some small number & get total number of documents using response.getResults().getNumFound() method & try setting that value to setRows method.But this approach will increase one more call to server.
Is there any other way I can solve this problem?
You can always set your rows to be a large value that would encompass your results. Integer.MAX_VALUE will not work due to the size limits of Java Arrays (see here) and the Lucene Priority Queue (see lines 42 - 58).
Solr-534 requested to have essentially what your asking for; there is some good conversation about why and why-not such a feature would be good.
A better question might be how many documents can the UI hold without becoming unusable? However many documents that is, would be a good value for your query to return.

Solr indexing - does true for useColdSearcher help error "maxWarmingSearchers exceeded"?

cfindex of a large document set (35K docs); is there a benefit to setting useColdSearcher to true to avoid "maxWarmingSearchers exceeded" error?
Running the index rebuild from CF Admin would end with no error explanation. Doing a purge and update of the entire directory was erroring: maxWarmingSearchers exceeded. I wrote a routine to get all the files and individually add them, with a dynamically increasing delay to let Solr finish each document as the index got bigger
<cfset delay=1000>
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#dir#files" name="qFiles" >
<cfoutput query="qFiles">
<cfindex action="update"
<cfset sleep(1000+qFiles.currentRow)>
This mostly worked but would still at some point again get the maxWarmingSearchers error. I ended up having to also log the files indexed and restart the process from the last file added (along with computation to get the sleep long enough). Does temporarily setting useColdSearcher to true in the solrconfig.xml help, and is there some back door way to set that attribute in the cfindex tag or do I have to set it manually and then set it back?
You probably want to pay more attention to your auto commit settings, as well as adjusting the commit settings of the updates themselves. Unless you're specifying settings in the solr config to "warm" the cache, using a cold cache will buy you nothing.
From the comments:
<!-- Use Cold Searcher
If a search request comes in and there is no current
registered searcher, then immediately register the still
warming searcher and use it. If "false" then all requests
will block until the first searcher is done warming.
It doesn't sound like this will help you. You can increase maxWarmingSearchers, but most likely you need to change how often you're doing commits.
Also, keep in mind that only soft commits always a new searcher, hard commits don't necessarily. From the comments for auto commit:
<!-- AutoCommit
Perform a hard commit automatically under certain conditions.
Instead of enabling autoCommit, consider using "commitWithin"
when adding documents.
maxDocs - Maximum number of documents to add since the last
commit before automatically triggering a new commit.
maxTime - Maximum amount of time in ms that is allowed to pass
since a document was added before automatically
triggering a new commit.
openSearcher - if false, the commit causes recent index changes
to be flushed to stable storage, but does not cause a new
searcher to be opened to make those changes visible.
If the updateLog is enabled, then it's highly recommended to
have some sort of hard autoCommit to limit the log size.
In your case, I'd recommend setting openSearcher to false if you're using autoCommit and tune the spawning of new searchers by playing with commitWithin when making the update request.

How to make datastore keys mapreduce-friendly(-er)?

Edit: See my answer. Problem was in our code. MR works fine, it may have a status reporting problem, but at least the input readers work fine.
I ran an experiment several times now and I am now sure that mapreduce (or DatastoreInputReader) has odd behavior. I suspect this might have something to do with key ranges and splitting them, but that is just my guess.
Anyway, here's the setup we have:
we have an NDB model called "AdGroup", when creating new entities
of this model - we use the same id returned from AdWords (it's an
integer), but we use it as string: AdGroup(id=str(adgroupId))
we have 1,163,871 of these entities in our datastore (that's what
the "Datastore Admin" page tells us - I know it's not entirely
accurate number, but we don't create/delete adgroups very often, so
we can say for sure, that the number is 1.1 million or more).
mapreduce is started (from another pipeline) like this:
yield mapreduce_pipeline.MapreducePipeline(
'entity_kind': 'model.AdGroup',
'shard_count': 120,
'processing_rate': 500,
'batch_size': 20,
So, I've tried to run this mapreduce several times today without changing anything in the code and without making changes to the datastore. Every time I ran it, mapper-calls counter had a different value ranging from 450,000 to 550,000.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but considering that I use the very basic DatastoreInputReader - mapper-calls should be equal to the number of entities. So it should be 1.1 million or more.
Note: the reason why I noticed this issue in the first place is because our marketing guys started complaining that "it's been 4 days after we added new adgroups and they still don't show up in your app!".
Right now, I can think of only one workaround - write all keys of all adgroups into a blobstore file (one per line) and then use BlobstoreLineInputReader. The writing to blob part would have to be written in a way that does not utilize DatastoreInputReader, of course. Should I go with this for now, or can you suggest something better?
Note: I have also tried using DatastoreKeyInputReader with the same code - the results were similar - mapper-calls were between 450,000 and 550,000.
So, finally questions. Is it important how you generate ids for your entities? Is it better to use int ids instead of str ids? In general, what can I do to make it easier for mapreduce to find all of my entities mapping them?
PS: I'm still in the process of experimenting with this, I might add more details later.
After further investigation we have found that the error was actually in our code. So, mapreduce actually works as expected (mapper is called for every single datastore entity).
Our code was calling some google services functions that were sometimes failing (the wonderful cryptic ApplicationError messages). Due to these failures, MR tasks were being retried. However, we have set a limit on taskqueue retries. MR did not detect nor report this in any way - MR was still showing "success" in the status page for all shards. That is why we thought that everything is fine with our code and that there is something wrong with the input reader.

App engine datastore inconsistent?

This is so weird...
First of all this query works in the datastore viewer, ie. it returns the correct row.
SELECT * FROM Level where short_id = 'Ec71eN'
But if I run this
Level.all().filter("short_id = ", 'Ec71eN').get()
it returns None, if I run this:
db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Level where short_id = '%s'" % 'Ec71eN').get()
it also returns None. If I run this:
level = Level.get_by_id(189009)
it returns the correct row (189009 is the id for the correct row)
Puzzling? What can be wrong here? I have never seen anything like this before, it has worked correctly for at least a couple of weeks in production... I think I have at least two cases now where it dosent work starting today.
UPDATE: This can not be a eventually consistent problem since the row was 7 hours old when I tried the above. I had two rows with same symptoms, strangely booth generated by the same users. They where booth "fixed" after I did a manual fecth of their ids by uploading special case code like:
if short_id==CASE_1_SHORT_ID:
level = Level.get_by_id(CASE_1_ID)
After that the query worked as usual.
Are you using the HRD? Nothing's wrong. You know it's supposed to be eventually consistent right?
Query operations are eventually consistent.
Get-by-id operations are fully consistent.
What you describe is correct datastore behavior. It's a bit odd that the datastore viewer operation returns the correct result, but it might have hit a separate tablet on the datastore operation.
Given that it was created 7 hours ago, the 'eventual consistency' generally should take seconds to minutes.
If eventual consistency IS the problem, run the same query method a bunch of times and see if returns the same result. If it continuously returns the same result with the same method, then it is more than likely not an eventual consistency problem. You should switch to the NDB API for querying data as well - it's 1000 times better and Guido worked on it - so you know it's good. Does NDB show the same inconsistency?
