Error: Property left of ForInStatement is null? - reactjs

yesterday I was able to create my react babylon app with react-scripts. After updating babylon to 4.1.0 I receive the following error:
./node_modules/babylonjs/babylon.js TypeError:
/git/proconf_sa/node_modules/babylonjs/babylon.js: Property left of ForInStatement expected node to be of a type [“VariableDeclaration”,“LVal”] but instead got null
Any idea what the problem could be? I updated from version 3.1.0-alpha3.7.

I was facing the same problem, however using Angular. I resolved by removing a package that uses svg.js#2.7.1 !!! From what you discover, this error is caused by the discontinued version of svg.js#2.7.1 !!! Look inside your application that there is a package using this and remove it!
If using apexcharts update it, because it depends on svg.js!
(NOTE: Sorry for possible errors in my writing, I'm Brazilian, I'm having to use Google translator to write this)


watchInternal is not a function in react-hook-form

I'm getting an error while using react-hook-form 7.8.2, I used useWatch in one of my components.
I just needed to update to the latest version of react-hook-form.(at this moment 7.25.0)
I couldn't find the reason. I'm just leaving this here for those who came across this weird error.
In my case, that package wasn't installed

Error: 'ForwardRef' is not exported by node_modules\#material-ui\utils\node_modules\react-is\index.js

I'm building React project with Material UI through storybook and facing this error (attached snap)
In my case, I was able to resolve this by removing the use of #rollup/plugin-node-resolve from my rollup.config.js, as it turns out I didn't need it.
That being said, if you do need the node-resolve plugin for other reasons, you may have to monitor the following issues:
I saw this error in the midst of upgrading from MUI 4 to 5 as it relates to my Storybook site. I had followed the upgrade process they outlined, but tried to build before uninstalling MUI 4. This is what convinced that error to stop showing in my case.

Accordion component in AEM throwing error while building the project

Recently I was using the out of box accordion component in my AEM project (6.5). The component is working fine in author and publish mode. But when I'm trying to build the project using Maven, I'm getting the below error.
**${ in accordion.expandedItems}: extraneous input 'in' expecting {'}','.','&&','||','[','#'}**
There are no other detailed information regarding the error. What am I doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance.
You might reference an older version of HTL/Sightly in your pom.xml that has no support for in relational operator (which was added in version 1.4 of the spec).

camerapreview plugin is not found by my angular js app

So I have yet another problem with my home application. I am trying to get a live preview image directly on my html page. I am using VS Community and I linked to to download the right repository. VS then tells me I have downloaded it. However, when I try to plug the line:
cordova.plugins.camerapreview.startCamera(rect, "front", tapEnabled, dragEnabled, toBack)
I get back an error in my javascript which reads as follows:
Cannot read property 'camerapreview' of undefined
I am following the orders of the github post to the letter but I am still getting an error. Any help in solving this problem will be greatly appreciated!
The error message
Cannot read property 'camerapreview' of undefined
tells you that in this statement:
cordova.plugins.camerapreview.startCamera(rect, ...
cordova.plugins is not defined - that's where you need to look.

TypeError in after update to qooxdoo 1.5

After updating to qooxdoo 1.5 I am seeing this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got #<HTMLDocument>
Strange thing is, that I am not using the* classes at all. This is with a source-all build and "qx.debug" set.
As for including the* classes, this comes from using the source-all job, which includes, well, all known classes, also the* ones. Try using the normal source job, which only includes the classes necessary for your app.
As for the error, please open a bug report at Please specify the OS and browser you are using when you get the error. If possible, supply a minimal Application.js (or a Playground link) that reproduces the error. Cheers.
