camerapreview plugin is not found by my angular js app - angularjs

So I have yet another problem with my home application. I am trying to get a live preview image directly on my html page. I am using VS Community and I linked to to download the right repository. VS then tells me I have downloaded it. However, when I try to plug the line:
cordova.plugins.camerapreview.startCamera(rect, "front", tapEnabled, dragEnabled, toBack)
I get back an error in my javascript which reads as follows:
Cannot read property 'camerapreview' of undefined
I am following the orders of the github post to the letter but I am still getting an error. Any help in solving this problem will be greatly appreciated!

The error message
Cannot read property 'camerapreview' of undefined
tells you that in this statement:
cordova.plugins.camerapreview.startCamera(rect, ...
cordova.plugins is not defined - that's where you need to look.


Error: Property left of ForInStatement is null?

yesterday I was able to create my react babylon app with react-scripts. After updating babylon to 4.1.0 I receive the following error:
./node_modules/babylonjs/babylon.js TypeError:
/git/proconf_sa/node_modules/babylonjs/babylon.js: Property left of ForInStatement expected node to be of a type [“VariableDeclaration”,“LVal”] but instead got null
Any idea what the problem could be? I updated from version 3.1.0-alpha3.7.
I was facing the same problem, however using Angular. I resolved by removing a package that uses svg.js#2.7.1 !!! From what you discover, this error is caused by the discontinued version of svg.js#2.7.1 !!! Look inside your application that there is a package using this and remove it!
If using apexcharts update it, because it depends on svg.js!
(NOTE: Sorry for possible errors in my writing, I'm Brazilian, I'm having to use Google translator to write this)

Basic create-react-app setup throwing error for react-stripe-elements

I've tried this locally as well and gotten the same error, but as you can see in from this basic code snippet in code sand box instance I'm getting this error:
Please load Stripe.js ( on this page to use react-stripe-elements. If Stripe.js isn't available yet (it's loading asynchronously, or you're using server-side rendering), see
This is happening even though I'm simply including the StripeProvider with a key at root. I see that this is clearly not a problem in the jsfiddle example from the docs, which doesn't use create-react-app. Has anyone else run into this issue and found a solution?
You should just need to add a script tag to your index.html:
<script src=""/>

Ionic 2 angular-2-in-memory-web-api 404 error

I've been developing a simple app in Ionic 2 and I tried using mock service (in-memory web API) for fetching data as described in this Angular 2 tutorial. My console reported this error:
TypeScript error: app/app.ts(11,49): Error TS2307: Cannot find module
I tried this solution: angular2-in-memory-web-api 404 error. After running this: npm i angular2-in-memory-web-api --save, I was unable to find the files where I was supposed to use the code provided in the rest of the solution.
How can I fix this? Sorry if the question is not posed quite right, this is my first one. Please ask if any additional information is needed. The problem is pretty much the same as the one for which the solution was provided in the link above, except that using Ionic 2 makes the given solution inapplicable in my case. I'm don't think SystemJS is being used, please see my file structure image.
Image of my file structure.

Getting useful errors from Typescript/Angular2

I am working through the Angular2 TypeScript Heroes tutorial. At some point we actively create an error. Basically the tutorial asks to write some html that calls an undefined variable. It indicates that my console should show:
EXCEPTION: TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined in [null]
However what I get in Safari and Chromium is about 500 lines of stack dumps (This is one page load and it triggered 17 errors!)
I have run through the tutorial from install exactly so my setup should be correct. How can I get a cleaner error? I can infer the issue for sure but I'd rather not have 500 lines of errors for every typo I do. Could end up crashing my browser :)
I am new to TS so perhaps there is a setting I need to adjust some debug setting?

Sencha Command + Error evaluating http://localhost/Production/app.js with message: TypeError: Cannot call method 'substring' of undefined

Im here trying to find out how to solve this little problem.
I've been working with Sencha Touch v2.1 to create all my views and stuff.
After that, i started working with Sencha Command v3.0.0.250 to improved performance in my app, but after Sencha C. do its own business and try to open the index.html (throw IIS) something like that occurrs. (using chrome)
"Error evaluating http:// localhost/Production/app.js with message: TypeError: Cannot call method 'substring' of undefined "
Whats going on? What substring is talking about?
Thanks in advance!
Ensure that you see no warning messages in the Console since you have to add requires following by the classes you will be using before building it.
