Access is denied while running a C output - c

I am getting an error while running the output(a.exe) of a C program. Command prompt showing "Access is denied". I have reinstalled gcc but same problem is arriving. Here is the screenshot of error

That output is seen, when you try to run a x64 binary on a x86 system.
But there are numerous other possibilities.
Another likely possibility is your Antivirus realtime scanning.
Be sure it does not block access for you.
Provide more details and I'll update this accordingly.


Probem with XCode and C Program

My computer has suddenly stopped opening XCode to display graphs generated by running a previously-tested C program. It's giving me the following error (which it always did before even when it worked), and then just freezes when it immediately used to open the graphs.
(base) [~]$ root plot_hard_RE.C
root [0]
Processing plot_hard_RE.C...
Warning: wrong member access operator '.' plot_hard_RE.C:2:
When I do control - c, it doesn't take me back to root. Instead it just says "There was a crash.
This is the entire stack trace of all threads: ..."
Does any have any ideas on how I can troubleshoot this problem?
I am on a Linux machine but SSH'ing into a server.
Note: When someone else SSH into the server and tries the same command from their machine, it works fine. I think it's a problem with my machine.

Omnimark file processing fails

We have the omnimark script that takes 2gb sgml file size as input and output the file which is around 2.2 gb.The script is called from unix shell script and we are facing issues that sometimes script runs successfully and sometime it just aborted with no error....any idea or suggestions how to debug this?
I have seen this type of issue before in running OmniMark v5.3 when the script bombs due to lack of server resources/memory.
If you've specified writing to a log file, e.g. using -log logfilename.txt, then you would see something like an error code #3000 "insufficient memory error".
If no log file, then initial step would be to run the script in a console session so that any such abort message is visible.
Stilo have a page listing fixes in various versions of OmniMark
This mentions a variety of memory-related issues in various versions of the software (e.g. use of certain translate rules) which may help some investigation.
Alternatively, you could add to the script writing to a debug log file (with a global switch to activate debug on or off (so you don't waste further I/O resources when you don't need to)). Debug log file should be unbuffered. At certain breakpoints in the script add a message. The more verbose the better at narrowing down where/when the error is, but with the size of file I suggest it's a I/O or memory error.
Also depends what version of OmniMark you're using.

Code Blocks compilation error

Whenever I am trying to build and run a program the second time this error is coming on the screen:
cannot open output file C:\Users\Username\Documents\filename.exe Permission denied
You either 1. don't have permissions to write to the directory(unlikely)
or 2. Your executable is still in the memory. Hit CTRL+ALT+DEL select Windows Task Manager and Find+End your executable "filename.exe".
It means The directory your code is in doesn't have write permission. But try moving your code in some write permitted directory. BTW in my windows this problem occurs sometimes. Then when I restart codeblocks it disappears - I am not telling this is a solution.

Compiled C files getting no access error

I'm running the MinGW compiler (gcc port for windows). After messing around with the paths I got it running and compiled a program. Now the executable won't open. If i run it from the command line i get access denied. If i run it from windows explorer i get the same thing but in a popup. Avg is also giving me trojan reports about my own program.
I have no idea of what might be happening with your anti-virus, but I have heard from fellow programmers that antivirus can be very annoying giving false-positives these days. Anyway, check that the program that you generated is indeed giving some sort of "Access denied" error instead of "Access violation". The most likely cause is that your program can not access certain dll's that it needs to run, like libgcc_sj.dll (not really sure about the name), or even some msvcrt??.dll . The easiest way to check for the list of dll's that your program depends upon is with an utility distributed in the Window's SDK called "depends.exe".
Good luck!

ld.exe: cannot open output file ... : Permission denied

I recently installed CodeBlocks with mingw32 on Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit in order to dust off my c skills, but this problem has me somewhat stumped.
I decided to fire off a short Fibonacci generator to make sure my setup was working, but I ran into a hurdle.
The program compiles, links and whatnot like a charm and I get a corresponding executable which runs as expected.
The problems occur if I try to compile again, then I get the following:
c:/codeblocks/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot open output file bin\Debug\Fibonacci.exe: Permission denied
I can't even edit the permissions of the generated executable.
I've checked the usual suspects:
Executable is verily not running.
Path to executable is read/writable to mingw32 (otherwise it wouldn't be able to build in the first place)
I'm not running cygwin in any shape or form.
And now for the funny bit: Usually after a few minutes, any executables generated by mingw32 which are displaying this Access Denied behaviour will automatically vanish without any intervention from me.
I've googled this somewhat, but most of the other results were either vague or inapplicable.
I wonder whether there is some Windows 7 security setting playing havoc with my .exe's, but I'm not that knowledgeable about Win 7 as to know where to begin searching.
Any one have any ideas?
I had exactly the same problem right after switching off some (in my opinion unneccessary) Windows services. It turned out that when I switched ON again the "Application Experience" everything resumed working fine.
May be you simply have to turn on this service? To switch ON Application Experience:
Click the Windows start buttonn.
In the box labeled "Search programs and files" type services.msc and click the search button. A new window with title "Services" opens.
Right click on "Application Experience" line and select "Properties" from popup menu.
Change Startup type to "Automatic (delayed start)".
Restart computer.
Application Experiences should prevent the problem in the future.
Your program is still running. You have to kill it by closing the command line window.
If you press control alt delete, task manager, process`s (kill the ones that match your filename).
If you think the executable is locked by a process, try Process Explorer from SysInternals. In the File/handle, enter Fibonacci.exe and you should see who holds the file.
If it is not enough, you can use Process Monitor (from SysInternals, again) to follow the activity of all processes on your system on Fibonacci.exe.
With a little bit of analysis (call stacks), you'll may find out why the access to the file is denied and what make it disappear.
Problem Cause :
The process of the current program is still running without interuption.
(This is the reason why you haven't got this issue after a restart)
The fix is simple :
Go to cmd and type the command taskkill -im process_name.exe -f
taskkill -im demo.exe -f
demo - is my program name
The Best solution is go to console in eclipse IDE and click the red button to terminate the program.
You will see the your program is running and output can be seen there. :) !!
I had the same behaviour, and fixed it by running Code::Blocks as administrator.
Open task manager -> Processes -> Click on .exe (Fibonacci.exe) -> End Process
if it doesn't work
Close eclipse IDE (or whatever IDE you use) and repeat step 1.
I had a similar problem. Using a freeware utility called Unlocker (version 1.9.2), I found that my antivirus software (Panda free) had left a hanging lock on the executable file even though it didn't detect any threat. Unlocker was able to unlock it.
Got the same issue. Read this. Disabled the antivirus software (mcaffee). Et voila
Confirmed by the antivirus log:
Blocked by Access Protection rule d:\mingw64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\bin\ld.exe d:\workspace\cpp\bar\foo.exe User-defined Rules:ctx3 Action blocked : Create
It may be your Antivirus Software.
In my case Malwarebytes was holding a handle on my program's executable:
Using Process Explorer to close the handle, or just disabling antivirus for a bit work just fine.
i experienced a similar issue. Bitdefender automatically quarantined each exe-file i created by MinGW g++. Instead of the full exe-file i found a file with a weird extension 'qzquar'
When i opened quarantined items in Bitdefender i found my exe-file quarantined there.
I got this error when using the Atom editor and mingw (through a package called gpp-compiler) for C++. Closing the open console window fixed my issue.
