Compiled C files getting no access error - c

I'm running the MinGW compiler (gcc port for windows). After messing around with the paths I got it running and compiled a program. Now the executable won't open. If i run it from the command line i get access denied. If i run it from windows explorer i get the same thing but in a popup. Avg is also giving me trojan reports about my own program.

I have no idea of what might be happening with your anti-virus, but I have heard from fellow programmers that antivirus can be very annoying giving false-positives these days. Anyway, check that the program that you generated is indeed giving some sort of "Access denied" error instead of "Access violation". The most likely cause is that your program can not access certain dll's that it needs to run, like libgcc_sj.dll (not really sure about the name), or even some msvcrt??.dll . The easiest way to check for the list of dll's that your program depends upon is with an utility distributed in the Window's SDK called "depends.exe".
Good luck!


Access is denied while running a C output

I am getting an error while running the output(a.exe) of a C program. Command prompt showing "Access is denied". I have reinstalled gcc but same problem is arriving. Here is the screenshot of error
That output is seen, when you try to run a x64 binary on a x86 system.
But there are numerous other possibilities.
Another likely possibility is your Antivirus realtime scanning.
Be sure it does not block access for you.
Provide more details and I'll update this accordingly.

C error parsing in Eclipe-Indigo is not functioning

I'm trying to migrate some C programs from Windows Server to Linux. To edit the code, I'm using Eclipse-Indigo. The machine on which I'm working has WinXP on it (not my choice, so no comments please). My eclipse workarea is on a samba shared drive which is in my home directory on the Linux server.
Each C program is in a separate makefile project. I have specified the cygwin gcc compiler/parser in the settings for new CDT Projects and selected all relevant error parsers in the makefile project settings.
There are no syntax errors showing and the errors that are listed seem somewhat bizarre. The first error states:
make: *** No rule to make target `../../../../../fiscus/vo/src/mk/'. Stop.
The make script at the end is wrong. There is a value in the name which comes from an environment variable. The path is correct exactly as shown but the script name has hte variable $(WA_PLATFORM) in it. This is not being resolved although I have specified the value in the build environment variables.
The subsequent errors are even weirder. For each subsequent project I get the message:
Program "make" is not found in PATH
This makes me wonder how the first message was generated. Besides, the path on my winXP environment, which I assume is the relevant one here, does indeed have the directory with the make program in it.
Where have I mucked it up? Any hints?
One last piece of information. When I shut down eclipse I get access violation errors for the following:
I find this to be suspicious...
The problem appears to lie in the fact that I was using the samba share as my workarea. Apparently the regular backups made on the server changed something (don't know exactly what, though). The projects were no longer being recognised as makefile projects and certain essential metadata files were not accessible. The permissions certainly were not the problem, since I checked those on the server (everything was set to rwxrwxrwx).
To solve the problem I copied the entire workarea to my local hard drive. I then pointed eclipse at this new workarea. The next step was a bit of a pain, because I had to delete each project (without deleting the source, of course) and then import "Existing code as Makefile Project". This can be done with "File->import..." or with a right-click in the package explorer and select "import...".
The last requirement is to specify the required "include" directories. This can be done with "Project-> Properties-> C/C++ General-> Paths and Symbols". Select the "Includes" tab, choose the language (in this case "GNU C") and add the directories where the headers are defined.
Now it works properly again.

Permission denied - cannot open outputfile

Now and then I get this compilation error when compiling a c-file in Eclipse.
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.7.2/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot open output file main.exe: Permission denied
It happends when I have made a change in the source-code - but not always.
I know how to solve this* but I would like to know WHY it occurs and how to avoid it?
*In eclipse I go to the debugger and terminate the main thread of the program
You said it yourself, it happens because the program being compiled is still running.
In Windows, you can't make changes to the exe file of a program when it's running.
It's fantastically annoying, and one of those things that (to me) make Windows slightly less comfortable than e.g. Linux for development.

Cyclone.exe - Unhandled exception

I am not a programmer. I have some software at work that keeps crashing on me. I used the Visual Studio debugger last time it crashed and found out it was unhandled exceptions.
The first unhandled exception is at 0x0048ADF0 in Cyclone.exe and is an Access violation writing to location 0x00000003.
My research leads me to understand that this is the program trying to write to memory that the process doesn't have permission to.
When running the debug in Visual Studio, after the access violation exception there is a long list of Unhandled exceptions similar to this " 0x776C016E (ntdll.dll) in Cyclone.exe: 0x00000000: The operation completed successfully." with different addresses.
Is there any way I can fix this without being a programmer? Some sort of modification to the app files or settings, or a tutorial or something.
No, there is no way. It's not different from asking if you can drive a car without knowing anything about driving.
Sounds like you need to report the problem to the person or company who provided it. What you need to do, however, is give them enough information to understand the problem and fix it. This includes:
what version of their program are you running
which computer operating system (e.g. Windows) and which version (e.g. 7)
precisely what steps you have to take to make the error occur
whether you have changed anything recently, e.g. by installing Windows Updates or changing your anti-virus protection
precise details of any error messages you see, ideally by copy/paste or by providing a screenshot of the erro
anything else you think might help them to help you
Be prepared for them to ask you additional questions, or try some tests to help figure out the cause and a way to solve it.
Your research sounds about right but I don't think there is much anyone here can do to help (unless they happen to work on the application).
Your best bet would be to look for a "Help" or an "About" screen and contact the people who wrote it with this information

Cygwin Gcc - Access

I'm currently on Windows Vista Basic.
I have recently started on Eclipse, and for that I was required to install cygwin.
After that I made an edit in the PATH environment variable in "My Computer>Properties>Advanced Settings". In order to check the functionality, I started cmd-prompt and types
This gives the following output: ACCESS IS DENIED
I know it's a security permission problem, but I don't know where exactly to do the change in the security settings. Last time I tried it started showing "error-illegal operation" and some error code.
You can not use gcc in your cmd. you must use it in cygwin shell that installed when you install cygwin
You can use gcc without using the cygwin shell !!
But you will probably end up with some configuration problems,
such as not having the correct dll's in the right places.
Another common error that can occur, is if you have multiple instances
of cygwin installed, the search paths get confused and the gcc system
can't find relevant compiler or tries to use the wrong compiler.
All the same this is very possible, I've done it myself hundreds of time,
when testing compilers I have written.
You might want to try invoking 'cc1.exe' for c, or 'cc1plus.exe' for c++,
remember to copy the cygwin dll's into the same directory as cc1 or cc1plus,
Other than that it could be your user account permissions.
Hope this helps.
