DNN - How can I edit Client Dependency files to change mappings for a specific JQuery resource file? - dotnetnuke

I have a Dot Net Nuke (DNN 9.1) site which is hosted on IIS. I have located some resources that have made the website very slow, mostly JS / CSS files. I traced these files are referenced in resource files like below:
which has entriees like below:
<item key="678f2dbfsdg- some key -dtgsdt54fdfgy7" file="" compression="" version="180">
<file name="/Resources/libraries/jQuery/01_09_01/jquery.js" />
<file name="/Resources/libraries/jQuery-UI/01_11_03/jquery-ui.js" />
I need to modify mapings so the minimized version of JS files may be used, to enhance performance (e.g. jquery.min.js), however, its being said that this XML file gets regenerated if modified manually, and my changes will be lost.
Any thoughts or help will be appreciated.
Thank you.

DNN loads minified CSS and JS files based on user config. you need to enable this options, the options are
Enable Composite Files
Minify CSS
Minify JS
In order to change above settings go to Settings (gear icon) -> Servers -> Server Settings Tab -> Performance tab, then find Client Resources Management Mode section (at the bottom of this tab (as of v9.5)) and change the options as you prefer.

The following setting allows CDN references for JavaScript libraries. Thanks to Michael Tobisch
Settings >> Extensions, select JavaScript Libraries from the dropdown list, click the pencil next to the JavaScript jQuery library, select the Extension Settings tab and enter the Url in the Custom CDN setting.


Make a hugo static website site navigate correctly when browsing from the local file system

I understand that the normal workflow with hugo is to generate a static site using the "hugo" command, and then deploy your site by copying the public/ directory to your production web server. I don't want to do that: I just want the html files in the public/ directory to display correctly, and have links that work, when I open them in my web browser. I do not want to run the "hugo server" command.
Specifically, the links that are generated are all missing "index.html" at the end.
For example, a link to the About page will be:
file:///C:/Users/myusername/Documents/HugoTesting/quickstart/public/about/ which will open a view of that directory when I click on it. But it will display the web page properly if I can change the link to: .../public/about/index.html
How can I make that change throughout my site? I already set "relativeUrl" to true in my config file, as it says to do here:
https://gohugo.io/content-management/urls/ as it was necessary to get my index page to display properly. The documentation there says this helps to " make your site browsable from a local file system" so I know it must be possible.
I've tried using permalinks and using frontmatter to try and add "index.html" to all of my links, but hugo is adding an extra '/' to whatever I specify using permalinks, and while the "url" tag in the frontmatter works, it's not feasible for me to do for every url in every page.
I think ugly URLs configuration in Hugo might help you with this, (e.g., example.com/urls.html).
Set uglyurls = true or uglyurls: true in your site’s config.toml or config.yaml, respectively.

React App in Azure Website caching issue, browser serves old version

I have a react app which works perfectly fine.
However we are pushing code after NPM BUILD and deploying the code manually via SFTP
We can see the JS and CSS files have different names.
However the browser keeps downloading css and js files form cache, even if I disable cache in the browser.
I tried deleting all files in FTP, and magically the website keeps working? so it looks all the files are retrieved from the browser cache even if nothing exists in the server
I tried stopping and starting the azure website, but didnt make any difference
I tried cleaning the browser, cache, history, etc, no difference.
I wonder if I need to setup something in web.config, or in Azure website settings to make this works
This seems to be not an issue with Azure app service (Web app), you need to remove the caching of the react app with the following steps
Step 1: adding the following to in index.html
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" />
Step 2: inserting the following to the js
import { unregister } from './registerServiceWorker';
and call
Reference Answer
It depends on how your app is configured, but I would not recommend disabling cache on the JS & CSS. Instead, it's best to add some version-dependent information to the file name so every time the JS or CSS update the file name changes.
Last time I worked on a web project we had it such that our JS & CSS had a content hash at the end. Something along the lines of main.205199ab45963f6a62ec.js instead of just main.js. Also note that you don't even have to manage that hash yourself, as there are ways to get ASP.NET or webpack (etc...) to update the reference in the HTML/JSX for you.
Here's webpack's page about it: https://webpack.js.org/guides/caching/

Spring Devtools triggers restart when changing excluded files

I have a Spring Boot Web Project that uses Joinfaces and Primefaces. The application extends from SpringBootServletInitializer and also generates a war file.
For development I start my Project (in Eclipse) using RunAs -> Spring Boot App. I've added the spring-boot-devtools dependency as described in the Developer Tools Docu. Everything seems to work, except that changes in a xhtml file also triggers the restart.
I've added the spring.devtools.restart.additional-exclude property in my application.yml to exclude also webapp/**. But this seems to have no effect, because a change still triggers the restart.
additional-exclude: webapp/**
My Project structure looks like:
- *.xhtml
But maybe I do not understand how to use the DevTools correct - Starting the application as Spring Boot App might not be the correct usage? Because if I place a file e.g. foo.txt under src/main/resources and update its content the application is also restarted (using the DevTools defaults (which should exclude /resources)).
Eclipse Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
Joinfaces 3.2.1 -> Spring Boot 2.0.2.RELEASE
The solution to my main problem might be relatively easy.
I've added the webapp folder as Source Folder in Eclipse. As soon as I've removed the folder from the list of source folders, the reload was no longer triggered when I changed something in the xhtml files.
This answer gave me the idea, that the source folder might be the problem.
My exclude also did not work. What I did as a workaround is slowing the reload down like this:
poll-interval: 6000
quiet-period: 5000

Error 404 Not Found Loading Bootstrap Glyphicons with Spring MVC

I'm building a maven web application using Spring 3.0.5 MVC, AngularJS 1.5 and Boostrap 3.3.6.
All front-end resources are under webapp/resources/[js,css,fonts].
I've add <mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/" /> to my spring configuration file.
My issue is that i'm not able to get glyphicons-halflings-regular.xxx files. I got a 404 not found error. (exemple with http://localhost:8080/my-app/resources/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff)
I run my app with maven jetty plugin.
any hints?
Thanks in advance
Check that your font files are being copied to the target folder you expect them to be copied to. In your case, you should end up with the *.woff files under ~target/my-app/resources/fonts.
If the files are not in the correct/expected target location, check that you have correctly defined the resources element in your pom, and you're including the *.woff files.
Based on what you've said, I would expect your files to be placed into ~/target/my-app/[js,css,fonts] rather than ~/target/my-app/resources/[js,css,fonts]. If you see them there, then you can either remove the /resources portion of the links, or move the resources under /src/main/resources/resources.
If there are no *.woff files in the target folder at all, check the <resource> element of your pom and make sure you're including all the file types you want. If you need more control, take a look at the copy-resources goal of the maven-resources-plugin here: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-resources-plugin/examples/copy-resources.html
I just noticed that you put your resources under /src/main/webapp/resources. Since this isn't the standard resource source folder, you can either move the resources into /src/main/resources or add the directory /src/main/webapp/resources to your resource list in the pom.

ExpressionEngine - Not sure how to fix this 404 not found error

I am trying to setup a localhost version of our site and have a problem getting this setup correctly.
Both our live and localhost site have this directory structure:
On our live site, CSS files in our templates are accessed like this:
How do I get rid of the 404 not found errors for the CSS and javascript files on the localhost site?
My config file has
$config[‘rewrite_short_tags’] = TRUE;
I'm obviously using assumptions here until further information gleamed...
You're using templates to hold your JS and CSS, rather than external files (Nothing wrong with that), so they're not technically relative URLs - it's pulled from the database so you won't have any more of a path than template group and template. The browser will not be targeting these template files directly, it will be EE providing them.
In your j.group folder I'm assuming you have a file called "jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.min.js.js", which relates to a template group called "j" and a template called "jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.min.js"?
What I'm a bit confused at is "css/c/modal.css", as this is indicating a template group called css, but you've stated your template group is called "c" and the template is "modal.css". Possibly this was a mistake, or you've got a "css" template group and falling into the index template...?
Firstly, check your template folder settings in EE, Design -> Templates -> Template Manager, then "Global Template Preferences". Look for "Basepath to Template File Directory". I'm assuming that you copied the online database to your local, rather than a new fresh install?
If you're using htaccess rewriting, check that is working on your local.
Failing that, try changing the paths to the CSS and JS to use the path variable:
