REACT AXIOS not showing nested items - reactjs

I am trying to read Midnight item in the below response
assuming it is data.timings.Midnight , but it is not showing in my react.
Is there away iterate through these nested items and show them ?
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"code": 200,
"status": "OK",
"data": [{
"timings": {
"s": "03:57",
"Ss": "05:46",
"Dh": "12:59",
"Asr": "16:55",
"Sun": "20:12",
"Mag": "20:12",
"Is": "22:02",
"DATAIMintested": "03:47",
"Midnight": "00:59"
"date": {
"readable": "24 Apr 2014",
"timestamp": "1398332113",
"gregorian": {
"date": "15-05-2018",
"format": "DD-MM-YYYY",
"day": "15",
"weekday": {
"en": "Tuesday"
"month": {
"number": 5,
"en": "May",
"year": "2018",
"designation": {
"abbreviated": "AD",
"expanded": "Domini",

You are getting an array in the response. I assume you want to access the zeroeth element in the array. You can do it as below
Axios.get('<your url>')
.then(res => {
const responseData =;
if(responseData && responseData.length > 0){
const midnight = responseData[0].timings.Midnight;

I am guessing it is an array of objects, try to access the array's elements using indexes.Something like
axios.get(url).then(resp => {


How filter and delete object with null or empty property in json query

I have this json :
"meta": {
"status": 200,
"pagination": {
"page": 1,
"perPage": 15,
"hasNext": true
"data": [
"id": "1",
"title": "Movie title1"
"rating": null,
"playProviders": [
"id": "2",
"title": "Movie title2"
"rating": {
"ratingAssessment": "7.1"
"playProviders": [
"HBO", "Netflix"
I want to create a page with a list of movies, I need to fetch movies but only those which have a rating and playProviders, what parameters should I use in this request?
When I filters in the code:
programs.filter((program) => program.rating !== null);
it only gets a few films per page, those that don't have null. For example, 15 are per page and I get 2. How do I filter this? (I am using react typescript)
I don't have access to the API code. I need to filter what is returned by the API or write a query so that you get already filtered data from the API.
programs = [
{rating: 1,
playProviders: ["sf"]
rating: 4,
playProviders: []
programs.filter(function(program) {
if (program.rating !== null && program.playProviders.length !== 0) {
return program;

How to update array inside MongoDB document

Can someone help me with a solution to update an array object inside the MongoDB document, I've tried a couple of methods but still it's to updating, here is my document that I want to update the array in the document.
"title": "Products",
"description": "test",
"image": "bdd8510d75f6e83ad308d5f306afccef_image.jpg",
"_created_at": "2021-06-07T20:51:08.316Z",
"ratingCount": 0,
"ratingTotal": 0,
"placeListSave": [
"objectId": "g70brr45pfi",
"name": "Kale",
"email": "null",
"strBrandLogo": "84de8865e3223d1ca61386355895aa04_image.jpg",
"storeNumber": "56",
"phone": "0815342119",
"createdAt": "2021-06-10T10:19:53.384Z",
"image": "ad1fb7602c2188223fd891a52373cb9d_image.jpg"
"objectId": "0qokn33p773",
"name": "Apple",
"email": null,
"strBrandLogo": null,
"storeNumber": "01",
"phone": "011 393 8600",
"createdAt": "2021-06-11T03:11:17.342Z",
"image": "8cfcbf2bcb5e3b4ea8ade44d3825bb52_image.jpg"
So I only want to update the apple object and change the data, I've tried the following code but doesn't seem to work.
var db = client.db("test");
try {
"title": req.body.product,
}, {
$set: {
"placeListSave.$.storeNumber": req.body.storeNumber,
} catch (e) {
console.log("verify", e);
arrayFilters seems suitable here:
"title": "Products",
"placeListSave.objectId": "0qokn33p773",
$set: {
"placeListSave.$[x].email": "",
"placeListSave.$[x].storeNumber": "test",
"placeListSave.$[x].phone": "test",
"placeListSave.$[x].name": "test"
arrayFilters: [
"x.objectId": "0qokn33p773"
Add array filter called "x" with the objectId for the element that you need to update and use this filter in the $set stage to update the necessary elements.
Hint: To speed up the update you will need to add index on title field or compound index on title+placeListSave.objectId

How can i filter the un matched array elements alone when compare with another array objects in angular 8

I have a two array response and I would like to compare the two responses and have to filter the unmatched array elements into a new array object.
Condition to compare the two response and filter is: we have to filter when code and number are not matched exactly with the response two then we have to filter such an array element into a new array object which I need as an output.
The Array element present in the Response two example is also present in the Response of Array One example which I don't want and I need to filter the array elements which is not matched with the Response of Array One.
Final Output which we filtered from the response two array will be like below which is unmatched with the response 1 array object:
"unmatchedArrayRes": [
"code": "08",
"number": "2323232323",
"id": "432",
"value": "value432"
Response of Array One
"MainData": [
"DataResponseOne": [
"viewData": {
"number": "11111111111111",
"code": "01"
"name": "viewDataOne"
"viewData": {
"number": "22222222222222",
"code": "01"
"name": "viewDataTwo"
"viewData": {
"number": "3333333333333",
"code": "02"
"name": "viewDataThree"
"DataResponseTwo": [
"viewData": {
"number": "5555555555555",
"code": "9090"
"name": "viewDataFour"
"viewData": {
"number": "6666666666666",
"code": "01"
"name": "viewDataFive"
"viewData": {
"number": "8888888888888",
"code": "01"
"name": "viewDataSix"
Response Two Example :
"compareRes": [
"code": "01",
"number": "11111111111111",
"id": "123",
"value": "value123"
"code": "9090",
"number": "5555555555555",
"id": "345",
"value": "value567"
"code": "08",
"number": "2323232323",
"id": "432",
"value": "value432"
"metaData": "343434343434"
First, create a combined list of all the view items from response one.
const combinedList = [];
res1["MainData"].forEach(data => {
// console.log(data);
for( let key in data) {
// console.log(key);
data[key].forEach(innerData => {
In the above method, It is done in such a way that it can handle multiple viewData responses like DataResponseOne, DataResponseTwo, and so on.
And then filter second response Items like this:
const unfilteredListItems = res2["compareRes"].filter(data => {
return !combinedList.some(listItem => {
return listItem.code === data.code && listItem.number === data.number;
Working Stackblitz link:

How do I sort this array by date?

I'm trying to sort the dates from this external API in my latestResults array by latest on top to oldest on bottom but can't seem to figure out how.
Right now they're displayed with the oldest date first and it's working fine, but it's in the wrong order for me.
I tried using result in latestResults.reverse() but that just reverses the 7 items currently in the array.
<div v-for="result in latestResults" v-bind:key="result.latestResults">
<small">{{ result.utcDate }}</small>
import api from '../api'
export default {
data () {
return {
latestResults: [],
limit: 7,
busy: false,
loader: false,
methods: {
loadMore() {
this.loader = true;
this.busy = true;
.then(response => { const append =
this.latestResults.length + this.limit,
this.latestResults.sort((b, a) => {
return new Date(b.utcDate) - new Date(a.utcDate);
setTimeout(() => {
this.latestResults = this.latestResults.concat(append);
this.busy = false;
this.loader = false;
}, 500);
created() {
The JSON where I'm getting matches like this that has utcDate:
"count": 205,
"filters": {
"status": [
"competition": {
"id": 2021,
"area": {
"id": 2072,
"name": "England"
"name": "Premier League",
"code": "PL",
"plan": "TIER_ONE",
"lastUpdated": "2021-02-01T16:20:10Z"
"matches": [
"id": 303759,
"season": {
"id": 619,
"startDate": "2020-09-12",
"endDate": "2021-05-23",
"currentMatchday": 22
"utcDate": "2020-09-12T11:30:00Z",
"status": "FINISHED",
"matchday": 1,
"stage": "REGULAR_SEASON",
"group": "Regular Season",
"lastUpdated": "2020-09-13T00:08:13Z",
"odds": {
"msg": "Activate Odds-Package in User-Panel to retrieve odds."

How can I change the attribute in dataset of Fusionchart?

Hi I am implementing a chart in my Angularjs Application, You can see this plunker The thing which I want to achieve is to change the value attribute to profit. How can I do this ? I want to display profit not values.
After 2 days I finally find out the answer. The thing is You cannot change the Fusionchart attribute value but you can change the attribute of your API once you fetched. I used a loop after I fetched the API and replace the 'profit' attribute with value in this way I made the chart. Yes The thing which i had been ignoring was the use of 'variable' instead of scope. If you see this example you would understand Example Here. I am sharing my code May be it helps someone else too.
Give below is my json array which i called tps.json
"index": "1",
"variantoption": "fan-green",
"company": "sk fans",
"quantity": "650",
"profit": "78296",
"loss": "8457",
"year": "2016"
"index": "2",
"variantoption": "fan-white",
"company": "al ahmed fans",
"quantity": "450",
"profit": "78296",
"loss": "8457",
"year": "2016"
"index": "3",
"variantoption": "fan-purple",
"company": "asia fans",
"quantity": "350",
"profit": "78296",
"loss": "8457",
"year": "2016"
"index": "4",
"variantoption": "fan-yellow",
"company": "falcon fans",
"quantity": "250",
"profit": "78296",
"loss": "8457",
"year": "2016"
and here is my controller
$http.get('js/tps.json').success(function (data) {
var chartdata = data;
var arrLength = chartdata.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrLength; i++) {
if (chartdata[i]['profit'] && chartdata[i]['index']) {
chartdata[i].value = chartdata[i].profit;
delete chartdata[i].profit;
chartdata[i].label = chartdata[i].index;
delete chartdata[i].index;
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
var tps = new FusionCharts({
type: 'column2d',
renderAt: 'chart-container',
width: '500',
height: '300',
dataFormat: 'json',
dataSource: {
"chart": {
"caption": "Monthly",
"xaxisname": "Month",
"yaxisname": "Revenue",
"numberprefix": "$",
"showvalues": "1",
"animation": "1"
"data" : chartdata
-Stay foolish stay hungry
