AWS RDS MYSQL import db Access Denied - database

I cannot import a database in AWS RDS because of this commands in my sql file:
SET ##GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED=/*!80000 '+'*/ '';
Are they important ? whiteout them there is no error.
log_bin_trust_function_creators parameter is set to 1 in a custom parameter.
FYI: MySql 5.7 and 8, same error
ERROR 1227 (42000) at line 20: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER, SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation

This is telling MySQL not to put these INSERT statements into the binary log. If you do not have binary logs enabled (not replicating), then it's not an issue to remove it. As far as I know, there is no way to enable this in RDS; I'm actually trying to figure out a way, which is how I found your question.
SET ##GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED=/*!80000 '+'*/ '';
Did you execute a RESET MASTER on the database where the dump originated from? Check here for an explanation of this value: gtid_purged
This is setting the ##SESSION.SQL_LOG_BIN variable back to the original setting; you should've seen another line like: SET #MYSQLDUMP_TEMP_LOG_BIN = ##SESSION.SQL_LOG_BIN;
If you're simply recovering this table into a new database that isn't writing to a binary log (for replication), it's safe to remove these lines. Hope this helps!


Difficulties creating a Firebird database in Delphi

David thinks this is a duplicate. I'm aware of that other question, I'm referring to the answer there. It just doesn't solve my problem; for instance I don't see the CreateDatabase property in the Object Inspector.
I am acquainted with Delphi, but this is the first time I need a database in a project. Using Delphi XE8.
In this answer to another question I found a script to create a database, which I used verbatim:
SET CLIENTLIB 'C:\fb25\bin\fbclient.dll';
CREATE DATABASE 'D:\MyProject.fdb'
USER 'sysdba' PASSWORD 'masterkey'
aParam = 10;
But I'm having problems with FDConnection1. In its parameters I entered a database filename, but I don't see the CreateDatabase property said answer mentions. When I execute
nothing happens.
How can I create my database? And where can I set CreateDatabase=yes?
edit 1: What I tried
I created a VCL application with a TFDScript (FDScript1) and a TFDConnection (FDConnection1). I entered the above script in the FDScript1.SQLScripts property and assigned FDConnection1 to its Connection property.
For FDConnection1 I set DriverName to "FB", entered a ConnectionName and entered a filename (full path) in params.database.
David points out that my assumption that CreateDatabase would be a Property is wrong. Should this then be in the script? (It does already say "CREATE DATABASE".)
The CreateDatabase connection definition parameter has been replaced by OpenMode parameter. I'd would suggest setting it to OpenOrCreate in your case (which creates database if doesn't exist, or uses the existing one):
FDConnection1.Connected := True;
For FireDAC shipped with Delphi XE7 or below, use the mentioned CreateDatabase parameter.

Oracle create db link using a proxy schema

So I want to create a database link in oracle, my username is jefferson and I want to connect trough opms so I was told to do this.
create database link tmpp connect to jefferson[opms] identified by nothing using $something ;
For some reason when I try to use [] syntax it just tells me indentified is missing. Why is this not working, I was told to do it this way but I can't find any help in the official documentation for [] usage or the correct syntax.
You can create a fixed-user database link like this, but you need to enclose the entire proxy user identifier in double-quotes; and because it's now a quoted identifier the case has to match the DBA_USERS username, which is uppercase by default:
create database link tmpp connect to "JEFFERSON[OPMS]" identified by nothing using ... ;
As noted in MOS document 1477939.1 you can't create a connected-user database link (which you aren't trying to do); and the 30-character limit on identifiers applies, so the total length of both usernames plus the square brackets has to be 30 characters or less (which is also fine in your example).
However, as discussed in this related question, this functionality is currently broken in and above because of bug 19191702.

MATLab - Database Handle is Empty

I have the following problem. At work we have personal computers running windows7 with MATLab (including the database toolbox), Oracle and so on. I got a new process I should take care about which involves a MATLab script which connects to the oracle database. The scripts works fine on any computer of the department except of mine. Sadly the IT told me that every PC is configured the same and I have to find the misstake for my one.
So i started "debugging" by checking the connection struct MATLab creates when it connects via
conn = database(instance,username,password)
It appears that the content of the structure is equal to every one else, except that the handle is empty:
val =
Instance: '***'
UserName: '*'
Driver: []
URL: []
Constructor: [1x1 com.mathworks.toolbox.database.databaseConnect]
Message: [1x128 char]
Handle: 0
TimeOut: 0
AutoCommit: 'off'
Type: 'Database Object'
on all other systems the handle is set to:
So my question is: Do I have to configure MATLab or is the driver for the JDBC/ODBC is missing? I already checked systems preferences/adminstration/ODBC sources but it seems to by the same as everywhere else.
Do someone might know how I can track down the source of this issue? Any help or hint is highly apprechiated.
Thanks and best regards
after some research here is the way one can figure it out. It is actually very easy, but I did not try the obvious...
first, if the
connection = database(...)
can not be created, type
in the MATLab console. This message will give you additional feedback on the error. In my case the DNS entries for the oracle Databases where empty. After adding them through system preferences it worked as expected.

Access database in Physionet's ptbdb by Matlab

I set up the system first by
[old_path]=which('rdsamp');if(~isempty(old_path)) rmpath(old_path(1:end-8)); end
[filestr,status] = urlwrite(wfdb_url,'');
cd mcode
I am trying to read databases from Physionet.
I have successfully reached one database mitdb by
but I want to reach the database ptbdb unsuccessfully by
and get the error
Warning: Could not get signal information. Attempting to read signal without buffering.
> In rdsamp at 107
Error: Cannot convert to double:
init: can't open header for record ptbdb/100
Error using rdsamp (line 145)
Java exception occurred:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: Cannot convert
at org.physionet.wfdb.Wfdbexec.execToDoubleArray(Unknown Source)
The first error message refers to these lines in rdsamp.m:
warning('Could not get signal information. Attempting to read signal without buffering.')
This line if(~isempty(siginfo)) is false means that the siginfo is empty that is there is no signal. Why? No access to the database, I think.
I think other errors follow from it.
So the error must follow from this line
What does the snake mean here in the brackets?
How can you get data from ptbdb by Matlab?
Does this error mean that the connection cannot be established to the database?
that there does not exists such data in the database?
It would be very nice to know how you can check if you have connection to the database like in Postrgres. It would be much easier to debug.
If you run physionetdb("ptdb",1) it will download the files to your computer. You will then be able to see the available records in the <current-dir>/ptdb/
Source: physionetdb function documentation. You are interested in the DoBatchDownload parameter.
After downloading it, I believe every command from the toolbox will check if you have the files locally before fetching from the server (as long as you give the function the correct path to the local files).
The problem is that the data unit "100" does not exist in the database ptbdb.
I run finally successfully after waiting 35 minutes with 100Mb cable broadband:
db_list = physionetdb('ptbdb')
and get not complete data finally to the patient 54 - there should be 294 patients.
'ptbdb/patient001/s0014lre' 'ptbdb/patient001/s0014lre' ... cut ...
The main developer, Ikaro's' answer helped me to wait so long:
The WFDB Toolbox connects to PhysioNet's file server. The databases
accessible through the WFDB Toolbox are not SQL database, they consist
of flat files. The error message that you are getting regarding the
ptdb/100 database is because you are attempting to get a record that
does not exist on the database.
For more information on a particular database or record in PhysioNet
please type:
help physionetdb
This flat file system is really a bottle neck in the system.
It would be a good time to change to SQL.

IronPython stack trace cites a line in "except" block

I'm working on an IronPython (v2.7.3) module that connects to a given SQL Server database on a remote machine, and uses SMO to generate scripts for all of that DB's objects. My 'real' module has the code to generate a script for every defined object type in SMO, from ApplicationRoles to XmlSchemaCollections. The DB I'm working with is on SQL Server 2000. It has a fair number of objects -- 117 tables, 257 SPs, 101 views, etc.
Every time I run my module, I get a stack trace at the point where it's scripting the SPs. I trimmed down to module to script only the tables and the SPs, and it still failed out while scripting the SPs. Here's the trimmed-down version:
import sys, clr
import System.Array
serverName = r'x.x.x.x' #IP address of remote server
pathAssemblies = r'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\SQLServer2008R2\x64'
import Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo as SMO
srv = SMO.Server(serverName)
srv.ConnectionContext.LoginSecure = False
srv.ConnectionContext.Login = 'sa'
srv.ConnectionContext.Password = 'foo' #Password of sa
db = srv.Databases['bar'] #Name of database
scrp = SMO.Scripter(srv)
sys.stdout = open('DBScriptOutput.txt', 'w')
for dbgenobj in db.Tables:
urns = System.Array[SMO.SqlSmoObject]([dbgenobj])
outStr = scrp.Script(urns)
for outLine in outStr:print outLine
print 'Failed out while generating table scripts.'
for dbgenobj in db.StoredProcedures:
urns = System.Array[SMO.SqlSmoObject]([dbgenobj])
outStr = scrp.Script(urns)
for outLine in outStr:print outLine
print 'Failed out while generating stored procedure scripts.'
The puzzle here that has me stumped involves two things that don't seem to make sense:
(1) The stack track itself looks like this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\", line 33, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: ('unknown', '\x00', 0, 1, '')
Line 33 though is the print statement in the except block. The output file has all of the tables' scripts, complete scripts for 235 of the SPs, and part of the script for the 236th. But there's nothing unusual (that I can see anyway) about #236 that should cause the scripting to fail out. Nor can I understand why the stack trace would occur at all citing a simple print statement in the except block.
(2) As a further troubleshooting experiment, I tried running the script with the whole try-except block for the tables commented out. It still fails generating the SP scripts, and generates the same stack trace citing line 33. The difference is this time it successfully generates another 16 lines of the script for procedure #236 before terminating. The overall file size of the output file is significantly smaller though. I could understand if the file stopped at the same size, or if the scripting stopped at the same point in the SP, but neither one of these is true.
So at this point, having (apparently) ruled out a problem character in the SP or a file/memory size limit for the scripting process, I'm stumped.
I've got this problem with procedure that had non-ASCII characters in comments. The simplest solution is to use the codecs module and instead of plain open call. Add this to the import lines:
import codecs
then replace open call with:
sys.stdout ='DBScriptOutput.txt', 'w', 'utf8')
That worked for me.
