MATLab - Database Handle is Empty - database

I have the following problem. At work we have personal computers running windows7 with MATLab (including the database toolbox), Oracle and so on. I got a new process I should take care about which involves a MATLab script which connects to the oracle database. The scripts works fine on any computer of the department except of mine. Sadly the IT told me that every PC is configured the same and I have to find the misstake for my one.
So i started "debugging" by checking the connection struct MATLab creates when it connects via
conn = database(instance,username,password)
It appears that the content of the structure is equal to every one else, except that the handle is empty:
val =
Instance: '***'
UserName: '*'
Driver: []
URL: []
Constructor: [1x1 com.mathworks.toolbox.database.databaseConnect]
Message: [1x128 char]
Handle: 0
TimeOut: 0
AutoCommit: 'off'
Type: 'Database Object'
on all other systems the handle is set to:
So my question is: Do I have to configure MATLab or is the driver for the JDBC/ODBC is missing? I already checked systems preferences/adminstration/ODBC sources but it seems to by the same as everywhere else.
Do someone might know how I can track down the source of this issue? Any help or hint is highly apprechiated.
Thanks and best regards

after some research here is the way one can figure it out. It is actually very easy, but I did not try the obvious...
first, if the
connection = database(...)
can not be created, type
in the MATLab console. This message will give you additional feedback on the error. In my case the DNS entries for the oracle Databases where empty. After adding them through system preferences it worked as expected.


ANSIBLE - reading hosts and doing something with them

I am new to ansible, to be honest cannot work anything out so trying something this tricky is proving fruitless. Hopefully someone is able to assist?
I will try and explain the totally of what I am trying to achieve to have the full picture.
I have a .net application where the config differs for each environment that it is deployed - which is typical. What I need to do is edit the config file post deployment of an msi. I think I have an understanding of how to run something after the msi.
the config file will be a mix of hosts, and values for each host, but the value will depend on the host type
In a different file I will have something like
The code will need to read the hosttype from each file and then merge the two values into a variable that I can then use to inject into the config file
the hosttypes is dynamic per environment
The output will be something like
"server1" value=values1
"server1" value=values2
"server2" value=values1
"server2" value=values2
"server1" value=values3
"server1" value=values4
"server3" value=values3
"server3" value=values4
"server5" value=values3
"server5" value=values4
Hope that makes sense
As it stands I have absolutely no idea how to loop over the first list, let alone loop over both and join the results together to generate something that can be used.
What I am trying to do is find a way to loop over both these files and effectively merge based of there types. The result of this would be used in the application config.
This may be completely the wrong approach so if there are other approaches then I'd happily to and work through these approaches, just need some thoughts, ideas, suggestions really as to how I should proceed.

AWS RDS MYSQL import db Access Denied

I cannot import a database in AWS RDS because of this commands in my sql file:
SET ##GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED=/*!80000 '+'*/ '';
Are they important ? whiteout them there is no error.
log_bin_trust_function_creators parameter is set to 1 in a custom parameter.
FYI: MySql 5.7 and 8, same error
ERROR 1227 (42000) at line 20: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER, SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation
This is telling MySQL not to put these INSERT statements into the binary log. If you do not have binary logs enabled (not replicating), then it's not an issue to remove it. As far as I know, there is no way to enable this in RDS; I'm actually trying to figure out a way, which is how I found your question.
SET ##GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED=/*!80000 '+'*/ '';
Did you execute a RESET MASTER on the database where the dump originated from? Check here for an explanation of this value: gtid_purged
This is setting the ##SESSION.SQL_LOG_BIN variable back to the original setting; you should've seen another line like: SET #MYSQLDUMP_TEMP_LOG_BIN = ##SESSION.SQL_LOG_BIN;
If you're simply recovering this table into a new database that isn't writing to a binary log (for replication), it's safe to remove these lines. Hope this helps!

ColdFusion 9.01 -> Lucee and <cfinsert> / <cfupdate>

I’ve inherited a big application which is running on CF 9.01.
I’m in the process to port it to Lucee, but have some problems with and
I know that I should replace it with , but this application has ~1000 source files (!!), and replacing all those tags is currently not obvious for timing reasons.
Lucee is throwing errors like:
“An object or column name is missing or empty. For SELECT INTO
statements, verify each column has a name. For other statements, look
for empty alias names. Aliases defined as “” or are not allowed.
Change the alias to a valid name.”
At first, I thought there were problems with date field, because Lucee is handling them differently than CF 9.01, but this is not the case.
So, I created a test table (on MS-SQL Server 2008R2):
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[LuceeTest01](
[Field1] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Field2] [nvarchar](50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
In Lucee, I’m using as datasource: Microsoft SQL Server (Vendor Microsoft), called “one”
This is my test application:
<cfset Form.Field1 = "Field1">
<cfset Form.Field2 = "Field2">
<cfinsert datasource="one"
formfields="Field1, Field2">
When I run this, I get the same error. Any idea why?
Full trace here:
Curious. I tried using “jTDS Type 4 JDBC Driver for MS SQL Server and Sybase” as datasource driver, and now the error is:
The database name component of the object qualifier must be the name
of the current database.
This traces back to this statement:
{call []..sp_columns 'LuceeTest01', '', '', 'null', 3}
When I try this in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, I get the same error.
However, when I specify the database name (‘one’ as third argument), no error in MS SQL SMS.
EXEC sp_columns 'LuceeTest01', '', 'one', 'null', 3
Shouldn’t Lucee take this argument from the datasource configuration or something?
As suggested by #Redtopia, when "tableowner" and "tablequalifier" are specified, it works for the jTDS driver. Will use this as workaround.
Updated sample code:
<cfset Form.Field1 = "Field1">
<cfset Form.Field2 = "Field2">
<cfinsert datasource="onecfc"
Bug filed here:
I personally would refactor CFINSERT into queryExecute and write a plain InsertInto SQL statement. I wish we would completely remove support for cfinsert.
Consider using
Form.Field1 = "Field1";
Form.Field2 = "Field2";
// Don't forget to setup datasource in application.cfc
INSERT INTO LuceeTest01 (Field1, Field2)
VALUES (?, ?)
[form.field1, form.field2]
I am 99% confident that this is a Lucee / JDK / JDBC Driver bug and not a fault in your config.
I initially suspected some low-hanging fruit such as your leading whitespace in ' Field2'. Then I saw your comment showing that you had tried with that trimmed and your Edit1 with the different error when using a different DB Driver. So I set to work trying to reproduce your issue.
On Lucee and MS SQL Server 2016, armed with your sample code and two new datasources - one each for jTDS (MSQL and Sybase) driver and Microsoft SQL Server (JDBC4 - Vendor Microsoft) on SQL, I was unable to reproduce either issue on either driver. Even when selectively taking away various DB permissions and changing default DB for the SQL user, I was still only able to force different (expected) errors, not your error.
As soon as I hit the admin update to Lucee and re-ran the tests, boom I hit both of your errors with the respective datasources, with no other change in DB permissions, datasource config or sample code.
Good luck convincing the Lucee guys that this anecdotal evidence is proof of a bug, but give me a shout if you need an extra voice. Whilst I don't use cfinsert/cfupdate in my own code, I have in the recent past been in the position of supporting a legacy CF application of similar sounding size and nature and empathise with the logistical challenges surrounding refactoring or modernising it!
I tried the tablequalifier suggestion from #Redtopia in a comment above. Adding just the tablequalifier attribute did not work for me with either DB driver.
Using both tablequalifier="dbname" and tableowner="dbo" still didn't work for me with the MS SQL Server driver, but does seem to work for the jTDS driver, so it's a possible workaround meaning changing every occurrence of the tag, so ideally the Lucee guys will be able to fix the bug from their end or identify which Java update broke it if Lucee itself didn't.

DSN-less Connection MS Access front end and SQL server backend

I don't normally program in MS Access VBA so forgive my question if it's stupid.
So I'm using MS Access 2010 as a front end and SQL Server 2014 as a backend. (I don't have a choice in frontend interface so please no suggestions on alternate options).
I'd like to programatically link SQL server's backend to my MS Access frontend. I read here at DJ Steele's DSN-less connection page that I can use the code he provided here to make a DSN-less connection to SQL server as a backend.
So I copied that into a VBA Access module and opened another module and ran this code to run the DJ Steele code in an attempt to connect to a small SQL Server database I made:
Option Compare Database
Sub runThis()
FixConnections "AServerNameHere", "MS_Access_BackEnd_Test"
End Sub
As far as I can tell from the VBA debugger it gets to
Set dbCurrent = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
then that value seems to be empty. I'm not sure how else to proceed with this since as far as I was able to find this is one of the few full examples of a DSN-less connection I could find.
I'd like to not use the DSN method of linking a SQL server to a database since that would require me to go visit people and their computers in order to make the links. (And who'd want to to that? LOL)
I've also looked at similar questions that were linked to me while writing this question and this was close to what I wanted, but it kept giving me "Compile error: Constant expression required" for input of:
LinkTable "MS_Access_BackEnd_Test", "Table_1"
LinkTable "MS_Access_BackEnd_Test", "Table_1", , "AServerNameHere"
Again I'm not familiar with MS Access VBA so forgive the question if it's lame.
Looking at DJ Steele's code, I got it working apart from the line
' Unfortunately, I'm current unable to test this code,
' but I've been told trying this line of code is failing for most people...
' If it doesn't work for you, just leave it out.
tdfCurrent.Attributes = typNewTables(intLoop).Attributes
which I had to comment out.
Using Set dbCurrent = CurrentDb() does essentially the same thing as Set dbCurrent = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0) but the latter is meant to be a lot faster ... which these days means it takes 10 microseconds instead of 100 :-o
You still need dbCurrent as a reference to the current Access front end which is where the linked table objects live, even if the data is coming from elsewhere.
Edit: working for me
I added a debug.print line to monitor what's going on
' Build a list of all of the connected TableDefs and
' the tables to which they're connected.
For Each tdfCurrent In dbCurrent.TableDefs
Debug.Print tdfCurrent.Name, tdfCurrent.Connect
If Len(tdfCurrent.Connect) > 0 Then
If UCase$(Left$(tdfCurrent.Connect, 5)) = "ODBC;" Then
and then
? currentdb().TableDefs("dbo_Person").Connect
ODBC;DSN=TacsData;APP=Microsoft Office 2003;WSID=TESTXP;DATABASE=TacsData;Trusted_Connection=Yes;QuotedId=No
FixConnections "TESTXP\SQLEXPRESS", "TacsData"
dbo_Person ODBC;DSN=TacsData;APP=Microsoft Office 2003;WSID=TESTXP;DATABASE=TacsData;Trusted_Connection=Yes;QuotedId=No
? currentdb().TableDefs("dbo_Person").Connect
ODBC;DRIVER=sql server;SERVER=TESTXP\SQLEXPRESS;APP=Microsoft Office 2003;WSID=TESTXP;DATABASE=TacsData;Trusted_Connection=Yes

Access database in Physionet's ptbdb by Matlab

I set up the system first by
[old_path]=which('rdsamp');if(~isempty(old_path)) rmpath(old_path(1:end-8)); end
[filestr,status] = urlwrite(wfdb_url,'');
cd mcode
I am trying to read databases from Physionet.
I have successfully reached one database mitdb by
but I want to reach the database ptbdb unsuccessfully by
and get the error
Warning: Could not get signal information. Attempting to read signal without buffering.
> In rdsamp at 107
Error: Cannot convert to double:
init: can't open header for record ptbdb/100
Error using rdsamp (line 145)
Java exception occurred:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: Cannot convert
at org.physionet.wfdb.Wfdbexec.execToDoubleArray(Unknown Source)
The first error message refers to these lines in rdsamp.m:
warning('Could not get signal information. Attempting to read signal without buffering.')
This line if(~isempty(siginfo)) is false means that the siginfo is empty that is there is no signal. Why? No access to the database, I think.
I think other errors follow from it.
So the error must follow from this line
What does the snake mean here in the brackets?
How can you get data from ptbdb by Matlab?
Does this error mean that the connection cannot be established to the database?
that there does not exists such data in the database?
It would be very nice to know how you can check if you have connection to the database like in Postrgres. It would be much easier to debug.
If you run physionetdb("ptdb",1) it will download the files to your computer. You will then be able to see the available records in the <current-dir>/ptdb/
Source: physionetdb function documentation. You are interested in the DoBatchDownload parameter.
After downloading it, I believe every command from the toolbox will check if you have the files locally before fetching from the server (as long as you give the function the correct path to the local files).
The problem is that the data unit "100" does not exist in the database ptbdb.
I run finally successfully after waiting 35 minutes with 100Mb cable broadband:
db_list = physionetdb('ptbdb')
and get not complete data finally to the patient 54 - there should be 294 patients.
'ptbdb/patient001/s0014lre' 'ptbdb/patient001/s0014lre' ... cut ...
The main developer, Ikaro's' answer helped me to wait so long:
The WFDB Toolbox connects to PhysioNet's file server. The databases
accessible through the WFDB Toolbox are not SQL database, they consist
of flat files. The error message that you are getting regarding the
ptdb/100 database is because you are attempting to get a record that
does not exist on the database.
For more information on a particular database or record in PhysioNet
please type:
help physionetdb
This flat file system is really a bottle neck in the system.
It would be a good time to change to SQL.
