How to filter "show tables" - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I would like to filter the output of show tables.
The documentation has one example on how to do this using result_scan(last_query_id()), but for me the example does not work:
show tables;
select "schema_name", "name" as "table_name", "rows"
from table(result_scan(last_query_id()))
where "rows" = 0;
-- SQL compilation error: error line 1 at position 8 invalid identifier 'SCHEMA_NAME'
The column SCHEMA_NAME is actually in the output of show tables,
so I do not understand what is wrong.

Run the following on your account and see what it is set to:
show parameters like 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS_IGNORE_CASE';
If this is set to TRUE, then it is ignoring the quotes in your query, which will then uppercase the column names, which won't match to the lowercase names of the SHOW output.
To resolve for your own session, you can run the following:
You can also change this at a user or account level, if you wish. Setting this value to TRUE isn't recommended for the reason that you are running into.

You can reference the filter column using $<col_n> syntax (#8 for rows).
show tables;
select *
from table(result_scan())
where $8 > 5
That being said, your query worked for me.


Cannot input parameters in SQL code for MS query

I'm creating an Excel report, which other users beside myself could manage.
At the moment I'm struggling with creating the parameters in MS Query, so that they would get the input from a cell in Excel.
Everytime I try to paste my code, where I have changed the original dates with the "question marks" I get the following error.
"Parameters are not allowed in queries that can't be displayed grpahically."
I have tried to create parameters for very simple queries. Like
select *
From dmbase.test
where ID = ?
And there the parameters work, I could add even 10 or more and it would still work.
In addition I have tried to paste the code as it is in SSMS and then later through Data-Properties->Query Properties ->Definitions to change the code and add parameters to the "Command Text" box, but Excel just gives an error.
Also tried to declare variables for my parameters, but that didn't work as well. Gave an error regarding symbols.
declare Parameter1 date(10)
set Parameter1 = ?
declare Parameter2 date(10)
set Parameter2 = ?
I'm not 100% sure that the joins are to blame, but that's my feeling.
My code can be seen below.
dmbase.fContractOpenDetail as cod
left join dmbase.dLocation as loc
on cod.LocationID = loc.LocationID
left join dmbase.dCustomer as cus
on cod.CustomerID = cus.CustomerID
left join dmbase.dCustomerSubSegment as css
on cus.CustomerSubsegmentID = css.CustomerSubSegmentID
left join dmbase.dContractHeaderType as dht
on cod.ContractHeaderTypeAMID = dht.ContractHeaderTypeAMID
cod.CompanyID = '6'
and cod.RentalOutDate between ? and ?
and left(loc.LocationLang,4) = '7201'
order by cod.ContractNumber
I would appreciate if you could say, how I could put parameters in so that I would not get the error of "Parameters are not allowed...".

SQL Server - add to this query to first check for existence of a string

I have an nvarchar field in my database called CatCustom which contains comma-separated 5-character codes. It can contain as little as one code, or as many as 20 codes, separated by commas.
Right now, I use this query to add a new 5-character code to the field in given records (in this case the new code is LRR01):
UPDATE dbo.Sources
SET CatCustom = CONCAT_WS(', ', RTRIM(CatCustom), 'LRR01')
WHERE SourceID IN (1,2,3,4,5,8,9,44,63,45,101,102,222,344)
I need to add to this though: I need the record to be updated only if that 5-character code doesn't already exist somewhere in the CatCustom field, to ensure that code is not in there more than once.
How would I accomplish this?
EDIT: I really don't understand how this can be considered a duplicate of the suggested thread. This is a VERY specific case and has nothing to do with creating stored procedures and or variables. The alleged duplicated thread does not really help me - sorry.
Use STRING_SPLIT function to split the comma separated list and then add Not Exist condition in the WHERE clause like below
UPDATE dbo.Sources
SET CatCustom = CONCAT_WS(', ', RTRIM(CatCustom), 'LRR01')
WHERE SourceID IN (1,2,3,4,5,8,9,44,63,45,101,102,222,344)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM STRING_SPLIT(CatCustom, ',') where value = 'LRR01')
UPDATE dbo.Sources
CatCustom = CONCAT_WS(', ', RTRIM(CatCustom), 'LRR01')
SourceID IN (1,2,3,4,5,8,9,44,63,45,101,102,222,344)
AND CatCustom NOT LIKE '%LRR01%';

Split function in hive does not seem to be working on caret symbol

The data in my column user_likes is as follows: anime^sitcom^scifi. I am trying to get the first item in the user likes column as output.
My query is as follows:
SELECT split(user_likes,"\\^")[0] as likes from user_data_consolidated
but the output of this query is:
SELECT substr(user_likes,1,((locate('^',user_likes )-1)))
as likes from user_data_consolidated

NVarchar Prefix causes wrong index to be selected

I have an entity framework query that has this at the heart of it:
SELECT 1 AS dummy
FROM [dbo].[WidgetOrder] AS widgets
WHERE widgets.[SomeOtherOrderId] = N'SOME VALUE HERE'
The execution plan for this chooses an index that is a composite of three columns. This takes 10 to 12 seconds.
However, there is an index that is just [SomeOtherOrderId] with a few other columns in the "include". That is the index that should be used. And when I run the following queries it is used:
SELECT 1 AS dummy
FROM [dbo].[WidgetOrder] AS widgets
WHERE widgets.[SomeOtherOrderId] = CAST(N'SOME VALUE HERE' AS VARCHAR(200))
SELECT 1 AS dummy
FROM [dbo].[WidgetOrder] AS widgets
WHERE widgets.[SomeOtherOrderId] = 'SOME VALUE HERE'
This returns instantly. And it uses the index that is just SomeOtherOrderId
So, my problem is that I can't really change how Entity Framework makes the query.
Is there something I can do from an indexing point of view that could cause the correct index to be selected?
As far as I know, since version 4.0, EF doesn't generate unicode parameters for non-unicode columns. But you can always force non-unicode parameters by DbFunctions.AsNonUnicode (prior to EF6, DbFunctions is EntityFunctions):
from o in db.WidgetOrder
where o.SomeOtherOrderId == DbFunctions.AsNonUnicode(param)
select o
Try something like ....
SELECT 1 AS dummy
FROM [dbo].[WidgetOrder] AS widgets WITH (INDEX(Target_Index_Name))
WHERE widgets.[SomeOtherOrderId] = N'SOME VALUE HERE'
This query hint sql server explicitly what index to use to get resutls.

Db2 select certain columns not working after set Integrity

Im learning DB2 and I had a problem while testing some options in my db.
I have 2 tables like this:
IdCountry -- PK
IdState -- PK
IdCountry -- FK to Country.IdCountry
And I am using queries like:
SELECT IdState, Name
FROM Tables.State
WHERE IdCountry = ?
Where ? is any working IdCountry, and everything worked fine.
Then I used set integrity in my db2 control center using the default info in the options and the process was successful but now my query isn't giving me any results.
I tried using :
FROM Tables.State
Where IdCountry = ?
and it gives me back results.
While making tests to the table I try adding new States and they appear in the query using column names instead of *, but old records still missing.
I have no clue about what's happening, does anyone have an idea?.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for my poor English.
I'm assuming here that you're on Linux/Unix/Windows DB2, since z/OS doesn't have a SET INTEGRITY command, and I couldn't find anything about it with a quick search on the iSeries Info Center.
It's possible that your table is still in "set integrity pending" state (previously known as CHECK PENDING). You could test this theory by checking SYSCAT.TABLES using this query:
WHEN 'C' THEN 'Integrity Check Pending'
WHEN 'N' THEN 'Normal'
WHEN 'X' THEN 'Inoperative'
END As TblStatus
If your table shows up, you will need to use the SET INTEGRITY command to bring your table into checked status:
