How to Import Java Class from ViewController in Model Impl Class in Oracle adf? - oracle-adf

I am using Jdeveloper 12 ... I have a custom Java Class in ViewController Project in oracle adf...
How can I access and use that class in the VO Impl class in Model ??

In the Model project go to Project Properties > Dependencies and then click the green + to Add.
Expand the View Controller Project and Select "Build Output". Rebuild the app and now you can import the packages from the View Controller Application Sources.


ADF Tester Model not load

I am working with JDeveloper 12.2.1 and when I try to run the Application Module to test the view object instance the ADF tester model windows does not load. Here a print screen:
The ADF tester windows appear only when there is not any view object instance in the data model. Can you help explain why this is or resolve it? I can not work or test the application module.

I am getting error while importing model in maya

I bought a model in fbx form and I want to do some animation on that model . When I tried to import the model in Maya software I got an error:
1.The imported scene has no initial binding position (Bind Pose) for the skin. The plug-in will compute one automatically. However, running the 'Go To Bind Pose' command may create unexpected results.
2. The plug-in does not support the following material types:
Material will be imported as a Phong material.
You have missed to export the Bind Pose.
Export that along with the model and you will get your error fixed.
No default Bind Pose is assigned by default so you should export along with the model.
Try using baking method to export.

how to change default package naming for entity, view, and application Module in JDeveloper ADF

how to make package name for entity be entity.pkg automatically for new entities, and to be view.pkg for views and AM.pkg for application module without interact by me every time I start "create business component from table" wizard.
If you create a new Jdeveloper workspace from scratch, before running the wizard, go and change Preferences → ADF BC Components → Packages.

Wizard before showing the shell wpf

I have a wpf application, which has file menu and can open and save projects. I am using Prism and MEF.
Now I need to have a wizard showing the user:
To continue as usual
MRU history so that he can load the project to the work area by double clicking.
MRU service is also in a module(dll), which we add to the catalog in mefbootstrapper.
What would be the best way to achieve this?
As commented above, there would be no need to show the Wizard before loading the Shell:
Using OnDemand modules as you mentioned, you could create an initial generic ShellView, perform the Bootstrapper tasks and finally show the Wizard with the Shell and Bootstrapper already initialized, and the Wizard would then decide the flow of the app according to the user choice.
As the Modules would be loading OnDemand, you would not be initializing unnecessary Modules or objects.

How to integrate the iCarousel -Fading demo project into my project in iOS 6.1

My requirement is to display the Table view as cover flow.I found the Imageview as cover flow using following link.
But when I downloded and edit the code of UIImageView with UIView in the downloded app,It is working good.But when I create the new application and trying to set the same functionality it does not displayed any thing.
Please tell me How to integrate the iCarousel/Fading Demo project to my own app.
In this link How could i use iCarousel in my project?
they are saying "iCarousel.m class calls that function from its dataSource class. set delegate and datasource of iCarousel object. At sample application, dataSource and delegate is set by interface builder." How can I do it.
When I debugging it
- (UIView *)carousel:(iCarousel *)carousel viewForItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index reusingView:(UIView *)view
this method is not executed.
Thanks in advance.
Did you copy the xibs or make new ones? If you made new ones maybe you forgot to wire up the dataSource and delegate of the iCarousel views in the XIB to your view controller's properties..?
