Agromonitoring POST Request for Polygon Creation - request

So I am trying to follow the documentation with the example for Create a polygon.
This request should return an ID that I should be able to GET as a geoTIFF/PNG or else afterwards.
I am using Postman to try my POST request - see the picture.
The response I get is:
"name": "UnprocessableEntityError",
"message": "Your polygon needs a name"
I followed the example and cannot seem to find the error - my body does define a name.

You need to change the Content-Type from text to JSON. Like this:


query data in a airtable database using url

I want to implement URL for search specific data in my base using filterByFormula
below are my link and I got an error and how to resolve that
my url:“Car (in robot form) will offer a hug when I am stressed out”,{User want}) &api_key=MYKEY
Error :
"error": {
"message": "The formula for filtering records is invalid: Invalid formula. Please check your formula text."
I tried using postman, please help me.
While querying filtered data from Airtable via API, you don't have to use FIND keyword. You can filter data with simple Airtable formula like structure. For example,
{Email} = ''
Above filter retrieve all the records from the table whose Email is simply
To limit number of records retrieve by API maxRecord parameter is available for that. For more info about various parameters please refer my answer here AirTable API Find record by email or official Airtable API Documentation
In your case
API url would be structured like,
For more info about Airtable API encoding, check this
Hope this helps!

Microsoft graph API --> To see if the message is a reply

I am using the graph API to retrieve the mail from mail folders. For example I got a mail, I will change or edit the subject line and store the conversation id for future use. if I got the reply mail for the same email chain I got different conversation id. How to handle this, I need to find out the reply mail.
"subject": "Test",
"conversationId": "AAQkADU1YWM2MjMyLTVkOGQtNDdiMy05YWM4LTE4NTNlYzg1ZWRiNwAQADofdbq8_JtJkY8M5wnunlU=",
reply msg:
"subject": "Re: Test1",
"conversationId": "AAQkADU1YWM2MjMyLTVkOGQtNDdiMy05YWM4LTE4NTNlYzg1ZWRiNwAQAHu3pWtxNmBFjdfyjYaVGKc=",
I need to find this ts reply message.
I'd suggest you use the In-Reply-To header in that way you can relate multiple replies (to the same replied to message) in a Message chain etc. You can either get the In-Reply-To header by requesting the InternetHeaders (this will return all the headers) or you can request the extended property to just get that one property eg'')/MailFolders('Inbox')/messages/?$select=ReceivedDateTime,Sender,Subject,IsRead,inferenceClassification,InternetMessageId,parentFolderId,hasAttachments,webLink&$Top=10&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=(Id%20eq%20'String%200x1042'))

Microsoft Graph API - Get directory objects from a list of ids - Bad request

I need to get a list of groups that the user is a member of using Microsoft Graph API.
For this, I am using the endpoint POST /users/<userId>/getMemberGroups (doc). This works fine but the problem is that the response is only a list of group object ids. I need to get group properties too. I could just loop through the list and query API for GET /groups/<groupId> but this takes too long when the user has multiple groups.
Then I found POST /directoryObjects/getById (doc) which turns that list into what I need. I have followed the doc page exactly but I am getting the following error:
Request_BadRequest - Specified HTTP method is not allowed for the request target. (HTTP status 405)
What am I doing wrong? Is the method getById bugged? If it is, is there any alternative way to turn a list of group object ids into groups or to get full list of user groups?
The API Get directory objects from a list of ids you mentioned should work, I test it in the MS Graph Explorer, it works fine.
Make sure you use POST method, I can reproduce your issue with another method.
You could refer to the informations below and try again.
Request URL:
Request Body:
"ids": [
"types": [

Coinbase Pro API GET request returning 400 for /fils and /orders when supplying query parameters

I am attempting to make a GET request for the /fills and /orders endpoints and it works if I do not add query parameters, however, if I add the query parameter "product_id=ETH-USD," I then receive a 400 response with an empty message. Is there anything else I need to do to the Authorization Header when making a GET request with query parameters?
400 Response:
So the answer to my question is yes, the Authorization header needs the Body section even for the GET request. The Body section, in this instance, should have ?product_id=ETH-USD in the header signature.

Error handling messages for restfull API serving SPA?

We are facing problems working with django rest framework when it comes to error handling. auto-generated errors are json objects that looks like
{"age": "this field must be an integer"}
Clients need something more user friendly like :
age field must be an integer.
Any solution to handle this ?
you can make your own file and put your own readable error with your own error code for example like this....
HTTP_MY_ERROR = {"error_desc": "your own readable error",
"error_code": 99}
now you can send your function response as...
return Response(error_codes.HTTP_MY_ERROR, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
