How to make bootstrap-vue checkbox-group single selection - checkbox

Using checkboxes of bootstrap-vue at
I need to use Grouped switch style checkboxes, like
But I need to select only 1 option and I did not find if there is such options?
I tried :
but it did not help.


How to use CheckBoxes filter in Google DataStudio?

In a Report in Google DataStudio, I have a CSV connector (for the moment).
I would like to use a check box to sort only lines who are under a value on a specific page.
The Facts: I have a field who are listed the time in seconds. I've make a simple filter
Include |MyFieldinSeconds|<=|86400
This way work.
But I whould like to add a checkbox for apply this field or not. For the viewer, this is the hard part. The checkboxes options are "Source of Data" and "Control Field", only booleen.
I've try to solve this by the group selection, by the Filter group option with the filter without success.
Thank You

Conditional dropdowns with react-select and react-final-form field arrays

I'm using react-select with react-final-form and I need to have two selects, where the selected option in the first select dynamically sets the options for the second select. For example, when option One is selected in the first select, the second select gets options One A and One B.
These selects are used in an array. Here is my codesandbox with initial setup
I've found two similar examples, but I don't know how to adapt them to my use case.
First, I've found this example for react-final-form which sets field's value using createDecorator, but it's used for the value of the field and not the options prop.
Second, I've found this example for react-select which sets options dynamically using state, but I don't know how I can adapt it to my case, considering field arrays.
I would appreciate any help.
Interesting, problem. Here ya go. I created a <PickOptions/> component that watches the first field and provides the options to the second. It also clears the second field when the value of the first changes, which seemed like something you'd want. You could also set it to the first option in the array or something...

DecisionTree Selector in AngularJS

I am trying to find a smart way to create a multi-level decision tree selector in angularjs. So, basically what I am looking for is:
If I select Maingroup "GroupA" from a dropdown list, than I should only see the properties from subgroup1 related to GroupA. The subgroup1 should be also a dropdownlist. Then, refining the selection by another dropdownlist, should display only the possible selections based on Maingroup+Subgroup1.
Finally, the value should be displayed.
I have put a screenshot and the json file on github.
Thanks, any suggestion is welcome.
Take a look at angular-ui-tree connected trees demo. The structure can be reused to achieve your goals.

How to count elements on web page?

Open one web page say gmail.
Want to count that how many text field or buttons or checkbox or hyperlinks or other html elements are present.
The solution is very simple . This can be done using simple XPath.
Find the type of element count you need.
eg for text fields: xpath can be : input[type='text']
for radio buttons: xpath can be : //input[#type='radio']
for check box buttons: xpath can be : //input[#type='checkbox']
so find all the elements in the page by using simple command using the above xpath:
will give you the number of elements in the particular web page.
I am using c#. If you use c# as well the followings is the something you want to use. And you decide what tags you need inside the selector. I am using all the tags so far.
ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> webElements = Driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector("input, select, textarea, a, button"))//and keep adding
//then do a simple count. The trick here is the selector and you need to make sure you are adding all the tag names are being used in your application
If you want to count all elements of a page, you can simply use * for that as shown below.
List<WebElement> items = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("*"));
Here is how to know instantly how many items in the list on the website, for example, languages in the wiki, using right-click "Inspect element".

show no result for default value of exposed filters

I want to hide any results which are shown if filter is set to default value ,
is it possible to show no results or to make filter inactive if "-ANY-" is selected?
Or even better not to include this filter in searching result.
You can go to advanced settings of the view and set exposed form settings to input required. Then you users will need to choose at least 1 value in filters to see view results.
I know its late, but for D7, here you have the settings inbuild.
