Use a database like mysql to webflow - database

I'm currently watching tutorials on how to build website using webflow but I'm curious if it is possible to use a database in webflow.
What are the best database i can use in a web app ?

although you could use a database with webflow, normally I would recommend using a web framework if you are wanting to build a web app. There are solutions that work with webflow that make it possible to connect to mysql databases though, like Zapier.
You could use Zapier to connect your webflow project to a mysql database, but I wouldn't recommend this approach, as it may not be as secure, and you will be spending a lot more money over time on subscriptions.
I am using Webflow for building front ends to web applications, but I am building the web apps in Laravel, which is a php web framework, or in Wordpress, which provides a little more options when working with Mysql databases and providing extra functionality.
Hope this helps!


Is there any automated way to generate a form based database management web app for an Amazon DynamoDB database?

I have a table inside a NoSQL database in Amazon DynamoDB. I want to have a user friendly way of managing the database.
I would like to know if there is an automated way to generate a form based web app to manage that database. The web app needs to support crud operations.
For a user friendly way of managing a DynamoDB database, I'd look at the AWS console, NoSQL Workbench, or Dynobase.
For the web app question, the closest thing I can think of to what you are look for is AWS Amplify. Hopefully others have ideas for you.

Is Google Firebase a good alternative for my back-end development?

I recently found out about Google Firebase and how it can be used to help streamline back-end development. I would normally use PHP and MySQL for my back-end development. I have a few different apps that I'll be starting within the next few months, but I would like to develop my back-end a little faster and be able to manage it a little easier. Is Firebase a good alternative if I don't have super complex back-end needs?
because it's a cloud-hosted database.
Usually, the Data is stored as JSON and synchronized in realtime to every connected client which is good for your back-end development . Imagine you are building a cross-platform apps for Android, and JavaScript SDKs, all of your clients share one Realtime Database instance and automatically receive updates with the newest data.
You have everything explained here
Cloud Functions for Firebase

Where do I keep the application logic in an offline-first web app?

I'm trying to build an offline first web application using couchdb and pouchdb as the backend/frontend databases, AngularJS as the frontend framework and expressjs/nodejs as the backend server. The problem is that what I'm used to is the backend-MVC mindset of building web apps, and not to SPAs, offline-first design, or having only json apis on the application server.
The problem I see with the design I'm considering is that I don't see any role of the nodejs server except serving static files. The frontend would get data from the pouchdb database which would sync with the couchdb database backend. I need an offline-first application capable of working locally when there's no connectivity and syncing when connectivity is available, so this is important.
But where do I implement the important bits of application logic that I need in the backend, like form input validation or user access control? I found some ways to embed logic in couchdb databases (like using filters as shown here) but somehow writing application logic in the database doesn't feel right.
What part of the big picture am I missing here?

Which offline database is suited for a lightweight Chrome App?

I'm starting to learn how to build an app in google chrome.
I want to my app to be operated offline only and its database is offline, this is because I will just use my app inside our office...
Is there a database is very simple way to connect to a database (eg: like I'll just copy paste it in my app folder)? I would prefer that the database has a very simple documentation on how to use it..
your recommendations would be of great help.
You can use HTML5 Local storage and similar technology to save the database offline, but it would be different on different machines.

Is it ok to have GWT for the admin and to choose another java framework for the website?

My project has a website (frontend) and an admin (backend).
I would like to do the whole project (front/back-end) with GWT, but I have some reason to have my website running without javascript.
These reasons are :
portability on mobile phone.
a best practice recommend to have a website running without js.
So I can t do the website with GWT...and I also need a MVC, internationalization...and other stuff existing in a classical web framework. I will develop my application on google app engine.
Does it make sense to use 2 frameworks (GWT for the admin and Spring MVC for the website) ?
Thanks you,
It is not uncommon to use different tools and frameworks for internal admin tools and external websites. In many places I have worked admin tools have been desktop based because they are quicker to develop.
so, if it works for you, go for it!
