Is there any automated way to generate a form based database management web app for an Amazon DynamoDB database? - database

I have a table inside a NoSQL database in Amazon DynamoDB. I want to have a user friendly way of managing the database.
I would like to know if there is an automated way to generate a form based web app to manage that database. The web app needs to support crud operations.

For a user friendly way of managing a DynamoDB database, I'd look at the AWS console, NoSQL Workbench, or Dynobase.
For the web app question, the closest thing I can think of to what you are look for is AWS Amplify. Hopefully others have ideas for you.


Use a database like mysql to webflow

I'm currently watching tutorials on how to build website using webflow but I'm curious if it is possible to use a database in webflow.
What are the best database i can use in a web app ?
although you could use a database with webflow, normally I would recommend using a web framework if you are wanting to build a web app. There are solutions that work with webflow that make it possible to connect to mysql databases though, like Zapier.
You could use Zapier to connect your webflow project to a mysql database, but I wouldn't recommend this approach, as it may not be as secure, and you will be spending a lot more money over time on subscriptions.
I am using Webflow for building front ends to web applications, but I am building the web apps in Laravel, which is a php web framework, or in Wordpress, which provides a little more options when working with Mysql databases and providing extra functionality.
Hope this helps!

how can I query to firebase realtime database?

I am developing an Android app using the Firebase.
It uses Firebase Auth, Real-time database, Storage.
And the App has a search feature.
For example, a customer can search another user using this feature.
If there is a user "Yoonho Aaron Kim", user want to search this user using some keyword like "yoonho", "aaron", "kim", etc...
But the Firebase Query doesn't support all of them.
It provides only "startAt", "endAt", "equalTo" methods.
Plus, I cannot use these 3 methods at the same time.
Because of this limitation, I am considering another module like "Cloud SQL", "App Engine".
Is there any good ideas please?
AppEngine is actually not a database engine, it is a "platform to build apps and scale automatically" and as such can connect to different types of databases: Cloud SQL (that you mention) a relational MySQL db (or PostgreSQL) or Cloud Datastore, a NoSQL database.
With Cloud SQL you could indeed perform some queries with a LIKE operator in a WHERE clause. With Datastore you will get the same limitations than Firebase database.
However, switching to AppEngine means that you will stop using Firebase and that you will go for another solution to develop and expose your APIs to your Android app, e.g. use a framework like Google Endpoints ( .

NoSQL, jquery, scalable database cloud service for HTML/CSS/JS phonegap web app

I am developing a web app (HTML/CSS/JS) destined to be used as is and also compiled with phonegap for iOS/Android/and others. I am loging my users using OpenId Connect.
I am looking for a database hosting service. It should be NoSQL, readable/writable by jquery and scalable.
I need to store the user's contact info and other user choices from my app.
I am thinking about using Cloudant with a CouchDb database, but I am really new to this.
Can you help me ?
If you would like to use Amazon Web Services, take a look at Dynamo DB. It is infinitely scalable. You can start for almost free and pay more as and when your data-size and request load increases. It can guarantee you the same low response time even with huge data.
You can use this from JS as well
I have discussed some other options in this other SO thread - Parse, Firebase, Dropbox DataStore etc. Have a look: Storing and retrieving data in the cloud and retrieving via webservices:

Is there a good online database with a web GUI?

I'm trying to find a good online/cloud database that has its own web-based GUI. If possible, I would like to find one that has APIs so I can access the data programmatically, but still has a nice frontend that allows users to log in and edit records. I know Google's Fusion Tables do this, but the interface is clumsy and difficult to use for a real database.
I haven't been able to find anything else like this... can someone make a recommendation?
I know RackSpace Cloud has recently rolled out their Cloud Database service. I have had very good experience with their Cloud service (Cloud Server, and Cloud Files/CDN). However I have no experience with their Cloud Database service.
RackSpace Cloud Database

Google app engine only as database store

I am currently developing a php application hosted in my server. I want to store the database data in a more secure place rather than my own server. Can I use google app engine only to store and retrieve data without creating a java or python app? If thats possible how can I access data? Using a special service or I can directly connect to db like connecting to a mysql server and execute sql commands lik select, insert etc?
Storing your data on App Engine will not magically grant you extra security. If an attacker compromises your server, they will be able to compromise the interface you have to your datastore and do whatever they wish.
A much better approach would be to learn best-practices for secure web development, and endeavour to ensure your app will not be compromised.
They have a module called remote_api, but it has some restrictions. Check it out:
There is no direct way to access datastore in App engine. I assume you use mysql or other relational database for your php application. But app engine provide a schemaless object datastore. In that case you need some java or python app for preparing data to store in datastore. Check below links as well.
