Is there a good online database with a web GUI? - database

I'm trying to find a good online/cloud database that has its own web-based GUI. If possible, I would like to find one that has APIs so I can access the data programmatically, but still has a nice frontend that allows users to log in and edit records. I know Google's Fusion Tables do this, but the interface is clumsy and difficult to use for a real database.
I haven't been able to find anything else like this... can someone make a recommendation?

I know RackSpace Cloud has recently rolled out their Cloud Database service. I have had very good experience with their Cloud service (Cloud Server, and Cloud Files/CDN). However I have no experience with their Cloud Database service.
RackSpace Cloud Database


Is there any automated way to generate a form based database management web app for an Amazon DynamoDB database?

I have a table inside a NoSQL database in Amazon DynamoDB. I want to have a user friendly way of managing the database.
I would like to know if there is an automated way to generate a form based web app to manage that database. The web app needs to support crud operations.
For a user friendly way of managing a DynamoDB database, I'd look at the AWS console, NoSQL Workbench, or Dynobase.
For the web app question, the closest thing I can think of to what you are look for is AWS Amplify. Hopefully others have ideas for you.

Google Cloud Datastore vs Cloud SQL

I am building a mobile app with Google Cloud as back-end. It stores information about restaurants including their menu. I would need to search based on the menu items and geo location.
I am fairly confused about which Google Cloud solutions to use. Initially I have planned to use Google App Engine with Cloud Datastore for storing data, but later found out, it doesn't support geolocation search, and even if I use the App Engine search api, I won't get 'like' text search. About using cloud SQL, I am worried about its price. I am also thinking about using Google Compute Engine and installing required MongoDB or SQL in it and use some custom search libraries.
So my question is which of the below should be an feasible and economical solution for storing large amount of data and searching using text and geo-location
GAE with Cloud Datastore
GAE with Cloud SQL
GCE with MongoDB or SQL installed
Any other feasible solutions are also welcome
Google has a page to give high-level guidance on what storage option to choose on GCP, called Choosing a storage option.
Specifically for Cloud Datastore:
Description: A scalable, fully-managed NoSQL document database for your web and mobile applications.
Good for:
Semi-structured application data
Hierarchical data
Durable key-value
Common Workloads:
User profiles
Product catalogs
Game state
Specifically for Cloud SQL:
Description: A fully-managed MySQL database service that is built on the strength and reliability of Google’s infrastructure.
Good for:
Structured data
OLTP workloads
Common Workloads:
Websites, blogs, and content management systems (CMS)
Business Intelligence (BI) applications
ERP, CRM, and eCommerce applications
As you can see, your use case could border either option. Restaurants + Menus is very similar to product catalogs.
Cloud Datastore would require less ops work/thoughts on your side. For example, you don't need to think about what type of VM instance and memory size it should use. However, to do analytics on data rather than just serving the menus, you'd probably want to do daily dumps into BigQuery.
Cloud SQL will require a little more thought at the beginning, and at small sizes will be a little more expensive than Cloud Datastore. It does give you more flexibility on the analytics side in that it doesn't really need you to dump into BigQuery.
Running a different database on GCE is certainly an option if you want more control. The trade-off here will be in requiring much more active ops work on your behalf, such as installing, patching, tuning, etc.

php with google app engine or amazon-ec2

What is better to code with php in google app engine or in amazon-ec2.
I think it is better in amazon-ec2 because they support datastore with php and google app engine doesn't, what do you think ?
While its not possible to access the appengine datastore, google has a new preview service for "cloud datastore", google "cloud datastore from php" and you will see how to use it.
You really cant compare AWS with appengine as one requires managing servers and scalability manually and their noSQL solution (dynamoDB) is a joke compared to google's datastore, for example in dynamoDB you must provision your writes beforehand and even if you are all day changing provisioning, it takes sometimes hours to propagate the new setting.
I had never use Google App Engine, but several times AWS systems, and sure, as AWS EC2 could be used as Linux Server Instance, I recommend you that provider. And coz' it seems that you use PHP, they have strong API for this langage. Have fun with AWS.

Google app engine only as database store

I am currently developing a php application hosted in my server. I want to store the database data in a more secure place rather than my own server. Can I use google app engine only to store and retrieve data without creating a java or python app? If thats possible how can I access data? Using a special service or I can directly connect to db like connecting to a mysql server and execute sql commands lik select, insert etc?
Storing your data on App Engine will not magically grant you extra security. If an attacker compromises your server, they will be able to compromise the interface you have to your datastore and do whatever they wish.
A much better approach would be to learn best-practices for secure web development, and endeavour to ensure your app will not be compromised.
They have a module called remote_api, but it has some restrictions. Check it out:
There is no direct way to access datastore in App engine. I assume you use mysql or other relational database for your php application. But app engine provide a schemaless object datastore. In that case you need some java or python app for preparing data to store in datastore. Check below links as well.

Hosting/transferring a web site on Google App Engine

I have my website currently hosted on paid server, but i want to transfer it on GAE.
How can i do it? Can anyone please help me in this case.I'd appreciate your help.
1) First you will have to adapt your website to the GAE framework (python with django or the new Java environment). You can test your work by downloading the SDK of GAE which offer a local server.
2) Then create an account on and upload your application on, test it.
3) If you have a domain name, create a google apps account on this domain, and finally bind this domain with your GAE website. Here is the Google doc.
If it is just a static website which does not need server side scripts or a database, then you might want to look into Google Sites instead of Appengine. You can find out more about Sites here:
If you do have some server side logic going on, you will need to convert it to either python or java and convert your relational database to Google's Data API which does not support the SQL your current database uses. You can read more about the APIs and what is supported with the Data API and tutorials at:
In response to sanorita's comment "Actually, it's generated html and not plain html. and google appengine is for static data... right?":
AppEngine can host static data, but that is far from its intent.
The purpose of AppEngine is to allow developers to easily deploy their dynamic applications on Google's infrastructure. In the end, assuming you have programmed your app in effective ways to handle scaling (basically just noting that writes to the database are expensive, and contention is the root of all evil) you can handle nearly any amount of traffic.
