Is it possible to configure React application to use container's environment variables in Kubernetes? - reactjs

To begin with - let us suppose we have a React application. We want to build it and deploy to 3 environments - dev, test and production. As every front-end app it needs to call some APIs. API addresses will vary between the environments. So they should be stored as environment variables.
As every modern, progressive developer we want to use containers. In particular Kubernetes.
We want to build our web application and deploy it on K8S cluster. The container image should be built and kind of sealed for changes, then before deployment to each particular environment the variables should be injected.
But it seems there's one great impossibility here. When it comes to .NET apps for example, when we have .dll compiled, it reads a config file in the runtime. It's not a case with React. After we generate build we have just static files. The variables are changed to static values in the process of building React app. It seems there's no way to update it after that point - or is it?

The way you are trying to solve your problem is not correct.
You don't need to know anything about the addresses of the backend services in your react app. Only the frontend server/gateway that is serving your react app needs to know about the backend services. Any request from the react app should be proxied via the gateway.
See API gateway pattern -

You can use config map to store the API endpoint address and refer it as environment variable in the pod.
If you want to change some values while the pod is running you can mount the config map and any change to it will be synced in the pod


Adding Environment Variables to Azure Static Web App Release Task

My react frontend SPA has some environment variables I would like to pass at deploy time using the Static Web App Deploy task in Azure ADO.
If I'm doing this in a pipeline, it's simple to add directly to the YAML
However, within the "Releases", I don't see where I can add these env variables since I can't directly edit the YAML file.
My questions are:
Is this not possible? Is this limitation due to the fact the Deploy Static Web App is technically still in "Preview"?
Is it possible to write a custom Task/YAML code to run during the release? I would prefer to keep the CD in the Releases section so I can keep approvals/rollback functionality, rather than just make a multi-stage pipeline
Is there a better or more correct way to pass these environment variables? They are not secrets, just for example the API URL. Passing as env variables would allow me to break up deployment into dev/prod and pass different values for each environment.
Thank you!

Is there a way to dynamically inject sensitive environment variables into a serverless React frontend application using Azure/Github Actions?

I'm sort of restricted to Azure since that is what the client is already using.
But basically, we have this React website which is your typical react-scripts no server website, which means that there's nowhere in Azure Static Webapps to set environment variables for a frontend application.
I saw this on Azure Static Webapps Configuration, but subject to the following restrictions, won't work for my use case because there is no backend API for my frontend application - the backend associated with the frontend is published separately to Azure App services. And I need the secrets on the frontend to use some npm packages that require them, which I would prefer to do on frontend instead of backend.
Are available as environment variables to the backend API of a static web app
Can be used to store secrets used in authentication configuration
Are encrypted at rest
Are copied to staging and production environments
May only be alphanumeric characters, ., and _
I was doing some more research, and this seems to sort of be up the alley of what I'm looking for:
Essentially, I really want to avoid hardcoding secrets into the React code because that's bad practice.
I personally see a few different (potential) options:
Create an endpoint on the backend Spring Boot api that simply serves all environment variables
This is the most trivial to implement but I have concerns about security with this approach. As my frontend has no access to any kind of secrets, there's no way for it to pass a secure token to the backend or anything to authenticate the request, so someone could conceivably have chrome network inspect element tab open, see that I'm making a request to /getEnvironmentVariables, and recreate the request. The only way I can see to prevent this is to have IP restrictions enacted on the backend API, so it only accepts incoming requests from the IP address of my frontend website, but honestly that just sounds like so much overhead to worry about. Especially because we're building the product as more of a POC, so we don't have access to their production environments and can't just test it like that.
Have the Azure Static Webapps Github Actions workflow somehow inject environment variables
So I've actually done something similar with GCP before. In order to login to a GCP service account to deploy the app during continuous build, the workaround was to encode a publicly viewable file that could be freely uploaded to whatever public repo, which could only (realistically) be decrypted using secrets set on the CI/CD pipeline, which would be travis-ci, or in my case, Github Actions. And I know how to set secrets on Github Actions but I'm not sure how realistic a solution like that would be for my use case because decrypting a file is not enough, it has to be formatted or rewritten in such a way that React is able to read it, and I know React is a nightmare working with fs and whatnot, so I'm really worried about the viability of going down a path like that. Maybe a more rudimentary approach might be writing some kind of bash script that could run in the github actions, and using the github actions secrets to store the environment variables I want to inject, run a rudimentary file edit on a small React file that is responsible for just disbursing environment variabless, before packaging with npm and deploying to Azure?
TLDR: I have a window in github actions when I have access to a linux environment and any environment variables I want, in which I want to somehow inject into React during ci/cd before deployment.

React local workspace setup to connect to REST API server

Let's say I have a React app and want to connect locally to my local Tomcat server (for ultimately consuming REST endpoints from my React app). I have 2 questions;
Is there a standard local workspace setup recommended by React to point to our localhost running backend services?
Is there an easy/configurable setup, where I have both options e.g. switch from connecting to actual backend service TO say using mock
endpoint responses on my local i.e. by a simple config change ?
Note: I am trying to avoid hardcoding any absolute URLs on my client-side i.e. In my client side code, I would just have the endpoint defined as "mycontext/my/endpoint" and say if my React app is running on say http://localhost, then it should automatically construct the full endpoint as http://localhost/mycontext/my/endpoint
You can define environment variables, which could include the address of the API server you'd like to use. Then you would simply change that variable any time you wish to hit a different API server (be it localhost or remote).
If you are using Create React App to bootstrap your setup, you can also use the proxy setting in your package.json.

implement a chat system with react - configuration required

Some years ago I implemented a websocket (Ruby based) on a intranet website to create a one direction message system. Admin types a message and all the clients that are registered on that channel get the message.
It is working well but now that I'm approaching REACTJS I am thinking about replacing the Ruby websocket with a React component.
Starting from an Apache webserver running php and a Ruby websocket in parallel to it what do I have to do to set up an environment running react?
Install Node on Ubuntu?
Install NPM?
What else?
On react side I'm currently learning the basics and I have not approached yet the differences in terms of application beside a compiled app and the dev version. So I expect that also the compiled version will require the same environment as when I am developing. Am I right?
React is solely a front-end/client-side technology, so it has very little to do with the server.
If you develop a React app using something like create-react-app, the development environment they provide allows you to disregard the backend/server-side while you develop. It does this by serving the files on a local webserver.
If you have a server that makes a web socket available, your React component can connect to it and use it.
After development the React code must be transpiled, and all you need is to serve the static files. For example you might end up with a chat.html file that uses styles.css and connect.js, and you'll need a server to respond to requests for those files.
So I would say that if you already have an exposed web socket, you do not need a new production environment on your server.
*If you intend to build a new websocket on Node or if you need to build yourself an additional REST API that's going to require setting up a Node environment on your server*

Moving Instances Across Projects in Google App Engine Projects

How do I move instances from one project to the next?
Problem: I have frontend production instance and backend production instance in 2 separate project. I would like to have my production instances (both frontend and backend) in the same project.
How do I move instances from one project to the next within Google App Engine?
You could have the 2 apps run as 2 separate services inside the same project. To do that you'd have to deploy the app from the project that will disappear as another service in the project that will remain. Some code changes might be required, depending on how the app is coded. Typically they're small changes, though.
IMHO it would be simpler to keep the project currently hosting the frontend and move the backend over from the project to be retired. The reason is that the frontend is typically better fitted to play the default service role and it is already setup as such, changes should be smaller. Performing the move in the other direction would mean both services would need to changed.
You might need a dispatch.yaml file to route incoming packets, unless the URL mappings of the services are really well done. Not a big deal.
If you're using custom domains, with a bit of care it is possible to make the move (almost) transparent - by having the new service up and running before retiring the old project. DNS propagation time becomes rather irrelevant - both old and new services being simultaneously ready during the transition.
Note: technically you wouldn't be "moving" instances, you'd just stop the ones serving the project to be retired and start new ones for the service added to the project to be kept.
More or less related:
Change runtime from Python to Go in App Engine standard environment
Can a default service/module in a Google App Engine app be a sibling of a non-default one in terms of folder structure?
