I have share in messenger functionality.
I have used this API from facebook docs:
<a href=”fb-messenger://share/?link= https%3A%2F%2Fdevelopers.facebook.com%2Fdocs%2Fsharing%2Freference%2Fsend-dialog&app_id=123456789”>Send In Messenger</a>
But I have case when I need share in messenger from messenger default browser,
I you try to click it didn't works from messenger browser
I have a generic template message with a element_share button. When using a desktop browser, the share button is greyed out and on hover the following comes up:
To use this feature, use the Messenger app
I checked the docs and couldn't find anything regarding this. Is there a limitation to the share button on desktop?
I Want to use Uber Ride Requests via click on icon or button in my mobile application which is in ionic-angularJS so if user want he can book his Ride using from my mobile application.
That can be done with a cordova plugin, called StartApp (https://github.com/lampaa/com.lampa.startapp).
You will need to know the schema for both Android and iOS of the app that you want to open.
This link might be useful:
I refer this link http://jeradbitner.com/angular-directive.g-signin/ for the login with gmail in my angular js Web application. but i want to change button style. If any other plugin available or other way for login with gmail please suggest.
I've created a basic web app and it has a little "click here to add to home screen" pop up that appears if it's not in stand alone mode (i.e. not on your home screen already). I have a basic registration system that emails the users links to the app but now noticed that if they open the link from their iOS Gmail app the bottom bar with the options menu doesn't appear but the pop up still will.
Are there any device, browser, or navigator properties I can pull to detect I'm within the Gmail app and not in the Mobile Safari browser app itself? Thanks.
I want a user to be able to click a tweet button on my mobile site, and have the native twitter share dialog popup for IOS5 devices trigger.
Any ideas on doing this?