How to know if a field is an array in elasticsearch? - arrays

I would like to know which field are array in my index in ES 6.8.3.
When I retrieve the mapping of the index via Kibana API :
GET structured_data/_mapping
I only get the kind of the value within the array.
It is a problem because when I want to load the data from spark, if there is an array field, I need to specify it otherwise it will raise an error.
Thanks in advance,

there is no dedicated data type array in Elasticsearch. Look at this link you don't have to specify anything specific in the mapping to store an array of values. Look in your source data if that contains an array, ES should take that array, given all the data inside that array is same data type


How to save bucket names to a string and add new ones after that to an array

i have planner buckets (Tasks, in progress, Backlog) and I want to create a new Bucket depending on elements in a SharePoint list.
But I can't save the bucket names to an array and then add the missing value e.g. like "on hold" and the go trough the array again. It always set my array to blank again.
Maybe you can help me. Here is my PowerAutomate Flow so far:
You could use a couple of Select actions to create two arrays which you can use for the comparison. With a Filter Array you can find the ones which are missing. The output of that Filter Array can be used to loop through and create the missing buckets.
Below is an example of that approach.
1. In both Select actions the Map field is switched to text mode to only get Arrays with values (without keys)
2. In the Filter Array this is used in the From
3. And this is the expression used in the advanced mode
#not(contains(body('Select_-_Existing_Buckets'), item()))

Azure Data Factory Array of Strings mapped in Copy Activity, Cosmos SQL sink only accepts string and not array of strings?

I have an Azure Data Factory Pipeline with a Copy Activity. Source is a JSON file (some generated pipeline variables too) and Sink is a Cosmos SQL Collection. Before Mapping I imported the schema and a particular field from the sink collection has been identified to be of type array [] with string elements.
The problem however is that this field mapping now only accepts a STRING and not an Array of strings. I am not sure if this a bug with ADF or something to do with how I genrated the source variable for this mapping.
If the source variable accessGroups is of string the copy works fine(it shouldn't though right???). However if I substitute this with a variable containing an array of strings I get the following error:
Failed to convert the value in 'value' property to 'System.String' type. Please make sure the payload structure and value are correct. Object must implement IConvertible.
Just to be clear, I am mapping the source variable accessGroups to ['accessGroups'] and not ['accessGroups'][0]. Besides ADF does not allow mapping source variables to individual array elements anyway.
Any one faced this issue before or aware of any workaround?

What type of datastructure is this: a:114:{s:12:"notification";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:8:"email_to";s:24

I'm working with a Wordpress database and want to create some reports on the data. One of the tables contain information which is stored in this format:
a:201:{s:16:"arfmainformwidth";s:3:"550";s:15:"form_width_unit";s:2:"px";s:8:"edit_msg";s:39:"Your submission was successfully saved.";s:12:"update_value";s:6:"Update";s:12:"arfeditoroff";b:0;s:19:" ....}
What I figuered out is that the first letter is the datatype: a = array, s = string ... and the second value is the length.
I saw this format in different other tables from other plugin and want to know how is it called or if there's any type of function which can parse this data. I don't even know how it's called.
I'm working with Wordpress and ARForms. Caldera Forms include this data aswell.
your help would be appreciated
This is the serialized representation of an array. You should be able to unserialize it by calling unserialize() on the string above. This is mostly used when you want to persist a temporary state of an object or you don't want to create database table structures for each and every bit of information.
More to find here:

Swif'ts Array to Realm's Result

I am trying to convert Swift [Object]() array to Realm's Results<Object>!. I know that vice-versa is possible (you can see here) but is it possible to do what I want?
So I want something like result as! [Object].
Result objects are proxies for data stored in the db. You can only get them via queries, but cannot instantiate them yourself (see the docs).
To still get Result objects, you'd have to run a new query for the objects you already have, and use the returned Result... I would not suggest that though.

How to read arrays from a JSON document in EMR hive?

Does Amazon hive jsonserde.jar support arrays? If so, could you please show me a simple example how to read Json arrays with Amazon jsonserde.jar. I want to now how to set the path propertie of SerDe when I define an array column in a table.
I think you 'll be able to find a solution by referring this example.
here is the link....
