What type of datastructure is this: a:114:{s:12:"notification";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:8:"email_to";s:24 - database

I'm working with a Wordpress database and want to create some reports on the data. One of the tables contain information which is stored in this format:
a:201:{s:16:"arfmainformwidth";s:3:"550";s:15:"form_width_unit";s:2:"px";s:8:"edit_msg";s:39:"Your submission was successfully saved.";s:12:"update_value";s:6:"Update";s:12:"arfeditoroff";b:0;s:19:" ....}
What I figuered out is that the first letter is the datatype: a = array, s = string ... and the second value is the length.
I saw this format in different other tables from other plugin and want to know how is it called or if there's any type of function which can parse this data. I don't even know how it's called.
I'm working with Wordpress and ARForms. Caldera Forms include this data aswell.
your help would be appreciated

This is the serialized representation of an array. You should be able to unserialize it by calling unserialize() on the string above. This is mostly used when you want to persist a temporary state of an object or you don't want to create database table structures for each and every bit of information.
More to find here:


How to use Large Object in PostgreSQL to yeild a image field?

How does creating a large object work? Does there need to be a client, because all I am hoping to do is have an image be one column.
I am typing the following commands after creating my table but I just get an error about the path not being correct for the image (even though I have it starting right from the C drive).
CREATE TABLE image (name text,
raster oid);
INSERT INTO image (name, raster)
VALUES ('beautiful image', lo_import('C:Documents/etc/motd'));
I am not running any C code, am I suppose to do that or does this automatically create the object Large Object?
If I am suppose to run some C code where would I do it with respect to PostgreSQL?
Can I do what I want all with PostgreSQL syntax? Is there another way to approach including images as a field?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
According to PostgreSQL documentation, there's two ways to handle large objects (considering Java JDBC):
To use the bytea data type you should simply use the getBytes(), setBytes(), getBinaryStream(), or setBinaryStream() methods.
LargeObject API.
Also, you can covert your image to a base64 string and then insert it directly using, for instance, PgAdmin:
CREATE TABLE image_table (name varchar(255), DATA bytea);
INSERT INTO image_table
VALUES ('my_image.jpg',
decode('paste your byte array string here', 'base64'));
Full sample code here.

python encoding characters in jinja2

It's a similar one with one of my other questions. I try to solve all the side effects of the first one.
I have stored few non-ascii characters on my database. If I make few "encoding-decoding" stuffs, I managed to work with the database queries. But I have another problem.
If I use the
in one of my entities ( looks like this -> u'\u0395\u03c0\u03b9\u03c3\u03c4\u03ae\u03bc\u03b5\u03c2')
I can see it without any problem. But, I have a javascript which create a graph and needs a list with those strings. If I pass the list to the javascript like it is from the database, the javascript doesn't work at all. If I use the
tag2 = tag.encode("utf-8")
for every entity on the list and then pass the new list, I see all the non-ascii characters like this one -> ÎÏιÏÏήμεÏ

VB.Net - Excel application get showing values of an range

I'm trying get an Excel Range and copy into an array of objects with Vb.Net.
This is not a problem. I use the following code:
Dim vValues(,) As Object = ExcelApp.Range(vRange).Value
And works fine; but I have a the following case:
In the column "C"; the value has a specific format and internally has another value.
My question is:
Somebody know the way to get the information exact as the user see?
I'm trying to get the information without use a For ... Each or some kind of cycle.
I'm also tried to avoid use "text to columns" function.
Both seems right solutions, but would impact the performance with a lot of data.
FYI: Also I can get the information through the ODBC connection; but I'm searching the solution using a Range
Exactly what the user sees is the Text property. But you cannot have an array of that, you will have to query each cell individually.
You are getting a Double value in your array instead of a DateTime value because you have "Time" formatting applied in Excel. If you had a format from the "Date" category, Excel would instead send a proper Variant/Date, not a Double that represents it.
Another option would be constructing the DateTime objects on the .NET side, provided you know in which columns they should be.

SQL Server String Manipulation for URLs?

I need to append a paramter-value 'xval=9' to all non-blank SQL server column values in a multi-million row table. The column contains URLs and they have a random amount of "querystring" parameters appended to the column. So when I append, I may need to append '?xval=9' or I may need to append '&val=9', depending on if parameters already exist.
So the URL values could like like any of these:
'aval' and 'bval' are just samples, really any kind of key/value pair might be on the end of the URL.
What is the smartest pure-TSQL way to manipulate that, hopefully utilizing some kind of indexing?
Do that on Presentation or Model layer, not on Data layer.
i.e. read all data and manipulate using C# or other language you use.
Maybe this should work
SELECT CASE CHARINDEX('?', Url) WHEN 0 THEN Url+'?foo=boo' ELSE Url+'&foo=boo' END AS Url FROM Whatever

How do I store a signature block, including formatting, in a Sql server table?

I've been assigned the task of creating a table that stores an email signature for each username. The question is, how should I store the signature block? I could use a regular varchar type, but then how do I store the formatting metadata?
Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome.
Another idea I had was that you could design a specific email signature template, and then let people specify fields, such as Username, quote, avatar, alignment etc, and then have them modify their signature in a "signature editor". This way you could just store the "data" and not the rendering. so you could store something like follows:
<avatar href="http://url to my image"/>
<quote>A bird in the hand is not in the nest</quote>
and it could look something like:
A bird in the hand is not in the nest
use varchar(max), or whatever length limit is appropriate.
otherwise, the only real concern is that you might want to make sure the html is html-encoded before you stick it in the database. (i.e., replace < with <, etc.) Not sure what you're using, but some tools have a setting so you don't have to do it manually.
other things you can do besides / in addition to html-encoding
1) restrict the formatting tags to some pre-defined set (i.e., search/replace tags you don't want before doing the insert. You can manage this in your db stored procedure, or better yet, in your front-end (if you have control over that).
2) disqualify attempts to insert data if they include certain tags (like '<script>', etc.)
HTML, RTF, XML. The stanard choices are multiple.
Note: "email signature" is NOT "digital signature". The term digital signature has a specific meaning and means a SIGNATURE to make sure - for email - it comes from th real sender and has not been tampered with.
I'd suggest going with your initial thought -- varchar(max). This will allow you to store signatures that are ASCII based. This includes plaintext, RTF or HTML signatures.
If users want to embed images (i.e. not a link to an image), then you'd have to determine a way for the caller to convert those images to Base64 or other before storing and after reading from your table.
Based on what I'm finding, you have basically two options:
1) Convert your formatted signature data to Binary and store it as a BLOB.
2) Instead of saving the signature itself in the DB, save them as files somewhere and store a reference to that file location in the DB.
