Why would someone bitwise AND an 8-bit value with a 16-bit mask in C? - c

I am trying to replicate Javidx9's NES/MOS6502 CPU code in C# as an academic exercise and I am having trouble understanding the logic behind the implementation of the Zero-Page Addressing Mode. Specifically, I am looking at this code:
// Address Mode: Zero Page
// To save program bytes, zero page addressing allows you to absolutely address
// a location in first 0xFF bytes of address range. Clearly this only requires
// one byte instead of the usual two.
uint8_t olc6502::ZP0()
addr_abs = read(pc);
addr_abs &= 0x00FF;
return 0;
I struggle to understand why addr_abs &= 0x00FF; is there, uint16_t addr_abs is 16 bits but
uint8_t read(uint16_t a); returns an 8-bit value anyways, so the upper 8 bits (MOS6502 is little-endian) would be 00'd out by default? Am I missing something about how the C compiler/x86 ISA works?

You're correct addr_abs &= 0x00ff isn't needed.
uint16_t x = n where n is an unsigned 8-bit number (which is the case here). x would have it's upper 8 bits cleared. As #tadman stated, there might have been a different method used previously to store the value into addr_abs which didn't clear the upper 8 bits.


Bitshifting vs array indexing, which is more appropriate for usart interfaces on 32bit MCUs

I have an embedded project with a USART HAL. This USART can only transmit or receive 8 or 16 bits at a time (depending on the usart register I chose i.e. single/double in/out). Since it's a 32-bit MCU, I figured I might as well pass around 32-bit fields as (from what I have been lead to understand) this is a more efficient use of bits for the MPU. Same would apply for a 64-bit MPU i.e. pass around 64-bit integers. Perhaps that is misguided advice, or advice taken out of context.
With that in mind, I have packed the 8 bits into a 32-bit field via bit-shifting. I do this for both tx and rx on the usart.
The code for the 8-bit only register is as follows (the 16-bit register just has half the amount of rounds for bit-shifting):
int zg_usartTxdataWrite(USART_data* MPI_buffer,
USART_frameconf* MPI_config,
USART_error* MPI_error)
MPI_error = NULL;
if(MPI_config != NULL){
HPI_usart_data.txdata = MPI_buffer->txdata;
for (int i = 0; i < USART_TXDATA_LOOP; i++){
if((USART_STATUS_TXC & usart->STATUS) > 0){
usart->TXDATAX = (i == 0 ? (HPI_usart_data.txdata & USART_TXDATA_DATABITS) : (HPI_usart_data.txdata >> SINGLE_BYTE_SHIFT) & USART_TXDATA_DATABITS);
return 0;
(the HPI_usart and USART_data structs are the same just different levels, I have since removed the HPI_usart layer, but for the sake of this example I will leave it in)
typedef struct HPI_USART_DATA{
uint32_t txdata;
HPI_usart HPI_usart_data = {'\0'};
const uint8_t USART_TXDATA_DATABITS = 0xFF;
int zg_usartTxdataWrite(USART_data* MPI_buffer,
USART_frameconf* MPI_config,
USART_error* MPI_error)
MPI_error = NULL;
if(MPI_config != NULL){
HPI_usart_data.txdata = MPI_buffer->txdata;
for (int i = 0; i < USART_TXDATA_LOOP; i++){
if((USART_STATUS_TXC & usart->STATUS) > 0){
usart->TXDATAX = (i == 0 ? (HPI_usart_data.txdata & USART_TXDATA_DATABITS) : (HPI_usart_data.txdata >> SINGLE_BYTE_SHIFT) & USART_TXDATA_DATABITS);
return 0;
However, I now realize that this is potentially causing more issues than it solves because I am essentially internally encoding these bits which then have to be decoded almost immediately when they are passed through to/from different data layers. I feel like it's a clever and sexy solution, but I'm now trying to solve a problem that I shouldn't have created in the first place. Like how to extract variable bit fields when there is an offset i.e. in gps nmea sentences where the first 8 bits might be one relevant field and then the rest are 32bit fields. So it ends up being like this:
32-bit array member 0:
bits 24-31 bits 15-23 bits 8-15 bits 0-7
| 8-bit Value | 32-bit Value A, bits 24-31 | 32-bit Value A, bits 16-23 | 32-bit Value A, bits 8-15 |
32-bit array member 1:
bits 24-31 bits 15-23 bits 8-15 bits 0-7
| 32-bit Value A, bits 0-7 | 32-bit Value B, bits 24-31 | 32-bit Value B, bits 16-23 | 32-bit Value B, bits 8-15 |
32-bit array member 2:
bits 24-31 15-23 8-15 ...
| 32-bit Value B, bits 0-7 | etc... | .... | .... |
The above example requires manual decoding, which is fine I guess, but it's different for every nmea sentence and just feels more manual than programmatic.
My question is this: bitshifting vs array indexing, which is more appropriate?
Should I just have assigned each incoming/outgoing value to a 32-bit array member and then just index that way? I feel like that is the solution since it would not only make it easier to traverse the data on other layers, but I would be able to eliminate all this bit-shifting logic and then the only difference between an rx or tx function would be the direction the data is going.
It does mean a small rewrite of the interface and the resulting gps module layer, but that feels like less work and also a cheap lesson early on in my project.
Also any thoughts and general experience on this would be great.
Since it's a 32-bit MCU, I figured I might as well pass around 32-bit fields
That's not really the programmer's call to make. Put the 8 or 16 bit variable in a struct. Let the compiler add padding if needed. Alternatively you can use uint_fast8_t and uint_fast16_t.
My question is this: bitshifting vs array indexing, which is more appropriate?
Array indexing is for accessing arrays. If you have an array, use it. If not, then don't.
While it is possible to chew through larger chunks of data byte by byte, such code must be written much more carefully, to prevent running into various subtle type conversion and pointer aliasing bugs.
In general, bit shifting is preferred when accessing data up to the CPU's word size, 32 bits in this case. It is fast and also portable, so that you don't have to take endianess in account. It is the preferred method of serialization/de-serialization of integers.

c Code that reads a 4 byte little endian number from a buffer

I encountered this piece of C code that's existing. I am struggling to understand it.
I supposidly reads a 4 byte unsigned value passed in a buffer (in little endian format) into a variable of type "long".
This code runs on a 64 bit word size, little endian x86 machine - where sizeof(long) is 8 bytes.
My guess is that this code is intended to also run on a 32 bit x86 machine - so a variable of type long is used instead of int for sake of storing value from a four byte input data.
I am having some doubts and have put comments in the code to express what I understand, or what I don't :-)
Please answer questions below in that context
void read_Value_From_Four_Byte_Buff( char*input)
/* use long so on 32 bit machine, can still accommodate 4 bytes */
long intValueOfInput;
/* Bitwise and of input buffer's byte 0 with 0xFF gives MSB or LSB ?*/
/* This code seems to assume that assignment will store in rightmost byte - is that true on a x86 machine ?*/
intValueOfInput = 0xFF & input[0];
/*left shift byte-1 eight times, bitwise "or" places in 2nd byte frm right*/
intValueOfInput |= ((0xFF & input[1]) << 8);
/* similar left shift in mult. of 8 and bitwise "or" for next two bytes */
intValueOfInput |= ((0xFF & input[2]) << 16);
intValueOfInput |= ((0xFF & input[3]) << 24);
My questions
1) The input buffer is expected to be in "Little endian". But from code looks like assumption here is that it read in as Byte 0 = MSB, Byte 1, Byte 2, Byte 3= LSB. I thought so because code reads bytes starting from Byte 0, and subsequent bytes ( 1 onwards) are placed in the target variable after left shifting. Is that how it is or am I getting it wrong ?
2) I feel this is a convoluted way of doing things - is there a simpler alternative to copy value from 4 byte buffer into a long variable ?
3) Will the assumption "that this code will run on a 64 bit machine" will have any bearing on how easily I can do this alternatively? I mean is all this trouble to keep it agnostic to word size ( I assume its agnostic to word size now - not sure though) ?
Thanks for your enlightenment :-)
You have it backwards. When you left shift, you're putting into more significant bits. So (0xFF & input[3]) << 24) puts Byte 3 into the MSB.
This is the way to do it in standard C. POSIX has the function ntohl() that converts from network byte order to a native 32-bit integer, so this is usually used in Unix/Linux applications.
This will not work exactly the same on a 64-bit machine, unless you use unsigned long instead of long. As currently written, the highest bit of input[3] will be put into the sign bit of the result (assuming a twos-complement machine), so you can get negative results. If long is 64 bits, all the results will be positive.
The code you are using does indeed treat the input buffer as little endian. Look how it takes the first byte of the buffer and just assigns it to the variable without any shifting. If the first byte increases by 1, the value of your result increases by 1, so it is the least-significant byte (LSB). Left-shifting makes a byte more significant, not less. Left-shifting by 8 is generally the same as multiplying by 256.
I don't think you can get much simpler than this unless you use an external function, or make assumptions about the machine this code is running on, or invoke undefined behavior. In most instances, it would work to just write uint32_t x = *(uint32_t *)input; but this assumes your machine is little endian and I think it might be undefined behavior according to the C standard.
No, running on a 64-bit machine is not a problem. I recommend using types like uint32_t and int32_t to make it easier to reason about whether your code will work on different architectures. You just need to include the stdint.h header from C99 to use those types.
The right-hand side of the last line of this function might exhibit undefined behavior depending on the data in the input:
((0xFF & input[3]) << 24)
The problem is that (0xFF & input[3]) will be a signed int (because of integer promotion). The int will probably be 32-bit, and you are shifting it so far to the left that the resulting value might not be representable in an int. The C standard says this is undefined behavior, and you should really try to avoid that because it gives the compiler a license to do whatever it wants and you won't be able to predict the result.
A solution is to convert it from an int to a uint32_t before shifting it, using a cast.
Finally, the variable intValueOfInput is written to but never used. Shouldn't you return it or store it somewhere?
Taking all this into account, I would rewrite the function like this:
uint32_t read_value_from_four_byte_buff(char * input)
uint32_t x;
x = 0xFF & input[0];
x |= (0xFF & input[1]) << 8;
x |= (0xFF & input[2]) << 16;
x |= (uint32_t)(0xFF & input[3]) << 24;
return x;
From the code, Byte 0 is LSB, Byte 3 is MSB. But there are some typos. The lines should be
intValueOfInput |= ((0xFF & input[2]) << 16);
intValueOfInput |= ((0xFF & input[3]) << 24);
You can make the code shorter by dropping 0xFF but using the type "unsigned char" in the argument type.
To make the code shorter, you can do:
long intValueOfInput = 0;
for (int i = 0, shift = 0; i < 4; i++, shift += 8)
intValueOfInput |= ((unsigned char)input[i]) << shift;

How do you compare only certain bits in data type?

I'm trying to learn a bit about emulation and I'm trying to think of how I can decode opcodes. Each opcode is a short data type, 16 bits. I'd like to be able to compare only specific sets of 4 bits. For example: there are multiple opcodes that start with 00, such as 0x00E0.
I'd like to be able to compare each of these values in either bit or hexidecimal form. I was thinking maybe something along the lines of bit shifting to bump of everything else off so that the bits I don't care about would zero out. That may cause issues for the center bits and will require additional steps. What kind of solutions do you guys use for a problem like this?
Use a bit mask, which has the bits set that you care about. Then use the & operator to zero out everything that you don't care about. For instance, say we want to compare the lowest four bits in a and b:
uint16 mask = 0x000f;
if ((a & mask) == (b & mask)) {
// lowest 4 bits are equal
This is simple bit manipulation. You can mask the relevant bits with
int x = opcode & 0x00f0;
and compare the resulting value
if (x == 0x00e0) {
/* do something */
you can easily create the mask of "nbits" and and shift "pos" number of bits and do comparision
uint32_t mask = ~((~0) << nbits);
if( (num(mask << pos)) == 0x00e0 ) {
/* Do something */

Bit set/clear in C?

How do I write to a single bit? I have a variable that is either a 1 or 0 and I want to write its value to a single bit in a 8-bit reg variable.
I know this will set a bit:
reg |= mask; // mask is (1 << pin)
And this will clear a bit:
reg &= ~mask; // mask is (1 << pin)
Is there a way for me to do this in one line of code, without having to determine if the value is high or low as the input?
Assuming value is 0 or 1:
REG = (REG & ~(1 << pin)) | (value << pin);
I use REG instead of register because as #KerrekSB pointed out in OP comments, register is a C keyword.
The idea here is we compute a value of REG with the specified bit cleared and then depending on value we set the bit.
Because you tagged this with embedded I think the best answer is:
if (set)
reg |= mask; // mask is (1 << pin)
reg &= ~mask; // mask is (1 << pin)
(which you can wrap in a macro or inline function). The reason being that embedded architectures like AVR have bit-set and bit-clear instructions and the cost of branching is not high compared to other instructions (as it is on a modern CPU with speculative execution). GCC can identify the idioms in that if statement and produce the right instructions. A more complex version (even if it's branchless when tested on modern x86) might not assemble to the best instructions on an embedded system.
The best way to know for sure is to disassemble the results. You don't have to be an expert (especially in embedded environments) to evaluate the results.
One overlooked feature of C is bit packing, which is great for embedded work. You can define a struct to access each bit individually.
typedef struct
unsigned char bit0 : 1;
unsigned char bit1 : 1;
unsigned char bit2 : 1;
unsigned char bit3 : 1;
unsigned char bit4 : 1;
unsigned char bit5 : 1;
unsigned char bit6 : 1;
unsigned char bit7 : 1;
} T_BitArray;
The : 1 tells the compiler that you only want each variable to be 1 bit long. And then just access the address that your variable reg sits on, cast it to your bit array and then access the bits individually.
((T_BitArray *)&reg)->bit1 = value;
&reg is the address of your variable. ((T_BitArray *)&reg) is the same address, but now the complier thinks of it as a T_BitArray address and ((T_BitArray *)&reg)->bit1 provides access to the second bit. Of course, it's best to use more descriptive names than bit1
//Through Macro we can do set resset Bit
#define set(a,n) a|=(1<<n);
#define reset(a,n) a&=(0<<n);
//toggle bit value given by the user
#define toggle(a,n) a^=(1<<n);
int a,n;
int main()
printf("Set Reset particular Bit given by User ");
scanf("%d %d",&a,&n);
int b =set(a,n) //same way we can call all the macro
return 0;
I think what you're asking is if you can execute a write instruction on a single bit without first reading the byte that it's in. If so, then no, you can't do that. Has nothing to do with the C language, just microprocessors don't have instructions that address single bits. Even in raw machine code, if you want to set a bit you have to read the byte it's in, change the bit, then write it back. There's just no other way to do it.
Duplicate of how do you set, clear, and toggle a single bit and I'll repost my answer too as no-one's mentioned SET and CLEAR registers yet:
As this is tagged "embedded" I'll assume you're using a microcontroller. All of the above suggestions are valid & work (read-modify-write, unions, structs, etc.).
However, during a bout of oscilloscope-based debugging I was amazed to find that these methods have a considerable overhead in CPU cycles compared to writing a value directly to the micro's PORTnSET / PORTnCLEAR registers which makes a real difference where there are tight loops / high-frequency ISR's toggling pins.
For those unfamiliar: In my example, the micro has a general pin-state register PORTn which reflects the output pins, so doing PORTn |= BIT_TO_SET results in a read-modify-write to that register.
However, the PORTnSET / PORTnCLEAR registers take a '1' to mean "please make this bit 1" (SET) or "please make this bit zero" (CLEAR) and a '0' to mean "leave the pin alone". so, you end up with two port addresses depending whether you're setting or clearing the bit (not always convenient) but a much faster reaction and smaller assembled code.

Storing a 4-bit value in the middle of an 8-bit register

I need to count from 0 to 10 and store those values in binary format in ADCON0(5:2). How do I point at bit 5 of this register? Bit 5 is named ADCON0bits.CHS3. If I store a 4 bit variable to ADCON0bits.CHS3, will bits 1 - 3 be written to bits 4 - 2 of the register?
Also, are there any 4 bit data types that I could use?
This is all on a PIC microcontroller.
Edit: I need to store 4 bits in the register like so:
unsigned char count = 10 //max value
This is in line with what was assumed below, but I figured I would clear up my question a bit.
When you say you are writing bits 1-3 of your count into positions 4-2 of your register, do you explicitly mean you are reversing the order of the bits? In this answer I will presume that that was not what you meant.
You can express a bit field explicitly as a struct.
Presuming that you are dealing with a 16 bit register, your struct could look something like this:
struct adcon {
unsigned char someflag : 2;
unsigned char count : 4;
unsigned char other_bits : 2;
With each struct member, you specify the number of bits. Then you can operate on the appropriate bits in the register by casting the register to the struct type, and operating on the members of the struct.
(adcon) ADCON0.count = count;
Edit: fixed up the code based on feedback, thanks.
Writing to a bit variable stores the truth value of that variable to the bit. For example, writing:
ADCON0bits.CHS3 = 3;
will set that bit to 1.
If bit5 refers to the bit masked by 0x20 (00100000) and you need to store the 4 bit number in bits masked 0x3c (00111100) then you can use bit shifts and bitwise operations:
// First clear bits 1-5:
ADCON0 &= ~0x3c;
// Now set the bits to correct value:
ADCON0 |= (count << 2); // <-- remember to shift 2 bits to the left
update: As mentioned by Ian in the comments. This sets ADCON0 to an intermediate value before updating. In this case it is OK since it is only selecting the A/D channel and not actually executing the conversion. But in general it's better to do:
unsigned char temp_adcon;
temp_adcon = ADCON0 & ~0x3c;
ADCON0 = temp_adcon | (count << 2);
See the answers for this SO question.
Note that you are doing a read-modify-write operation. You have to be careful of race conditions when doing this. Race conditions may be caused by:
The hardware itself changing bits in the register (e.g. A/D converter operation completes and sets flags). The design of the hardware should provide a means for you to avoid this problem—there are several possible solutions—read the manual for the micro/peripheral to find out.
Your own interrupt routine(s) also writing to the register. If so, when your main (non-interrupt) code writes to the register, it should be done within an "interrupts disabled" context.
I'm not sure about the exact register ADCON0, but often you can read the register, mask the 4 bits and insert your count and then use that value to write back to the register.
Just in case, masking is performed with an AND operation and inserting is an OR operation with the count shift over 2 bits in your case.
