Bitshifting vs array indexing, which is more appropriate for usart interfaces on 32bit MCUs - c

I have an embedded project with a USART HAL. This USART can only transmit or receive 8 or 16 bits at a time (depending on the usart register I chose i.e. single/double in/out). Since it's a 32-bit MCU, I figured I might as well pass around 32-bit fields as (from what I have been lead to understand) this is a more efficient use of bits for the MPU. Same would apply for a 64-bit MPU i.e. pass around 64-bit integers. Perhaps that is misguided advice, or advice taken out of context.
With that in mind, I have packed the 8 bits into a 32-bit field via bit-shifting. I do this for both tx and rx on the usart.
The code for the 8-bit only register is as follows (the 16-bit register just has half the amount of rounds for bit-shifting):
int zg_usartTxdataWrite(USART_data* MPI_buffer,
USART_frameconf* MPI_config,
USART_error* MPI_error)
MPI_error = NULL;
if(MPI_config != NULL){
HPI_usart_data.txdata = MPI_buffer->txdata;
for (int i = 0; i < USART_TXDATA_LOOP; i++){
if((USART_STATUS_TXC & usart->STATUS) > 0){
usart->TXDATAX = (i == 0 ? (HPI_usart_data.txdata & USART_TXDATA_DATABITS) : (HPI_usart_data.txdata >> SINGLE_BYTE_SHIFT) & USART_TXDATA_DATABITS);
return 0;
(the HPI_usart and USART_data structs are the same just different levels, I have since removed the HPI_usart layer, but for the sake of this example I will leave it in)
typedef struct HPI_USART_DATA{
uint32_t txdata;
HPI_usart HPI_usart_data = {'\0'};
const uint8_t USART_TXDATA_DATABITS = 0xFF;
int zg_usartTxdataWrite(USART_data* MPI_buffer,
USART_frameconf* MPI_config,
USART_error* MPI_error)
MPI_error = NULL;
if(MPI_config != NULL){
HPI_usart_data.txdata = MPI_buffer->txdata;
for (int i = 0; i < USART_TXDATA_LOOP; i++){
if((USART_STATUS_TXC & usart->STATUS) > 0){
usart->TXDATAX = (i == 0 ? (HPI_usart_data.txdata & USART_TXDATA_DATABITS) : (HPI_usart_data.txdata >> SINGLE_BYTE_SHIFT) & USART_TXDATA_DATABITS);
return 0;
However, I now realize that this is potentially causing more issues than it solves because I am essentially internally encoding these bits which then have to be decoded almost immediately when they are passed through to/from different data layers. I feel like it's a clever and sexy solution, but I'm now trying to solve a problem that I shouldn't have created in the first place. Like how to extract variable bit fields when there is an offset i.e. in gps nmea sentences where the first 8 bits might be one relevant field and then the rest are 32bit fields. So it ends up being like this:
32-bit array member 0:
bits 24-31 bits 15-23 bits 8-15 bits 0-7
| 8-bit Value | 32-bit Value A, bits 24-31 | 32-bit Value A, bits 16-23 | 32-bit Value A, bits 8-15 |
32-bit array member 1:
bits 24-31 bits 15-23 bits 8-15 bits 0-7
| 32-bit Value A, bits 0-7 | 32-bit Value B, bits 24-31 | 32-bit Value B, bits 16-23 | 32-bit Value B, bits 8-15 |
32-bit array member 2:
bits 24-31 15-23 8-15 ...
| 32-bit Value B, bits 0-7 | etc... | .... | .... |
The above example requires manual decoding, which is fine I guess, but it's different for every nmea sentence and just feels more manual than programmatic.
My question is this: bitshifting vs array indexing, which is more appropriate?
Should I just have assigned each incoming/outgoing value to a 32-bit array member and then just index that way? I feel like that is the solution since it would not only make it easier to traverse the data on other layers, but I would be able to eliminate all this bit-shifting logic and then the only difference between an rx or tx function would be the direction the data is going.
It does mean a small rewrite of the interface and the resulting gps module layer, but that feels like less work and also a cheap lesson early on in my project.
Also any thoughts and general experience on this would be great.

Since it's a 32-bit MCU, I figured I might as well pass around 32-bit fields
That's not really the programmer's call to make. Put the 8 or 16 bit variable in a struct. Let the compiler add padding if needed. Alternatively you can use uint_fast8_t and uint_fast16_t.
My question is this: bitshifting vs array indexing, which is more appropriate?
Array indexing is for accessing arrays. If you have an array, use it. If not, then don't.
While it is possible to chew through larger chunks of data byte by byte, such code must be written much more carefully, to prevent running into various subtle type conversion and pointer aliasing bugs.
In general, bit shifting is preferred when accessing data up to the CPU's word size, 32 bits in this case. It is fast and also portable, so that you don't have to take endianess in account. It is the preferred method of serialization/de-serialization of integers.


Converting 32 bit number to four 8bit numbers

I am trying to convert the input from a device (always integer between 1 and 600000) to four 8-bit integers.
For example,
If the input is 32700, I want 188 127 00 00.
I achieved this by using:
32700 % 256
32700 / 256
The above works till 32700. From 32800 onward, I start getting incorrect conversions.
I am totally new to this and would like some help to understand how this can be done properly.
Major edit following clarifications:
Given that someone has already mentioned the shift-and-mask approach (which is undeniably the right one), I'll give another approach, which, to be pedantic, is not portable, machine-dependent, and possibly exhibits undefined behavior. It is nevertheless a good learning exercise, IMO.
For various reasons, your computer represents integers as groups of 8-bit values (called bytes); note that, although extremely common, this is not always the case (see CHAR_BIT). For this reason, values that are represented using more than 8 bits use multiple bytes (hence those using a number of bits with is a multiple of 8). For a 32-bit value, you use 4 bytes and, in memory, those bytes always follow each other.
We call a pointer a value containing the address in memory of another value. In that context, a byte is defined as the smallest (in terms of bit count) value that can be referred to by a pointer. For example, your 32-bit value, covering 4 bytes, will have 4 "addressable" cells (one per byte) and its address is defined as the first of those addresses:
| ... | x-1 | <== Pointer to byte before
| BYTE 0 | x | <== Pointer to first byte (also pointer to 32-bit value)
| BYTE 1 | x+1 | <== Pointer to second byte
| BYTE 2 | x+2 | <== Pointer to third byte
| BYTE 3 | x+3 | <== Pointer to fourth byte
| ... | x+4 | <== Pointer to byte after
So what you want to do (split the 32-bit word into 8-bits word) has already been done by your computer, as it is imposed onto it by its processor and/or memory architecture. To reap the benefits of this almost-coincidence, we are going to find where your 32-bit value is stored and read its memory byte-by-byte (instead of 32 bits at a time).
As all serious SO answers seem to do so, let me cite the Standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2018, 6.2.5-20) to define the last thing I need (emphasis mine):
Any number of derived types can be constructed from the object and function types, as follows:
An array type describes a contiguously allocated nonempty set of objects with a particular member object type, called the element type. [...] Array types are characterized by their element type and by the number of elements in the array. [...]
So, as elements in an array are defined to be contiguous, a 32-bit value in memory, on a machine with 8-bit bytes, really is nothing more, in its machine representation, than an array of 4 bytes!
Given a 32-bit signed value:
int32_t value;
its address is given by &value. Meanwhile, an array of 4 8-bit bytes may be represented by:
uint8_t arr[4];
notice that I use the unsigned variant because those bytes don't really represent a number per se so interpreting them as "signed" would not make sense. Now, a pointer-to-array-of-4-uint8_t is defined as:
uint8_t (*ptr)[4];
and if I assign the address of our 32-bit value to such an array, I will be able to index each byte individually, which means that I will be reading the byte directly, avoiding any pesky shifting-and-masking operations!
uint8_t (*bytes)[4] = (void *) &value;
I need to cast the pointer ("(void *)") because I can't bear that whining compiler &value's type is "pointer-to-int32_t" while I'm assigning it to a "pointer-to-array-of-4-uint8_t" and this type-mismatch is caught by the compiler and pedantically warned against by the Standard; this is a first warning that what we're doing is not ideal!
Finally, we can access each byte individually by reading it directly from memory through indexing: (*bytes)[n] reads the n-th byte of value!
To put it all together, given a send_can(uint8_t) function:
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(*bytes); i++)
and, for testing purpose, we define:
void send_can(uint8_t b)
printf("%hhu\n", b);
which prints, on my machine, when value is 32700:
Lastly, this shows yet another reason why this method is platform-dependent: the order in which the bytes of the 32-bit word is stored isn't always what you would expect from a theoretical discussion of binary representation i.e:
byte 0 contains bits 31-24
byte 1 contains bits 23-16
byte 2 contains bits 15-8
byte 3 contains bits 7-0
actually, AFAIK, the C Language permits any of the 24 possibilities for ordering those 4 bytes (this is called endianness). Meanwhile, shifting and masking will always get you the n-th "logical" byte.
It really depends on how your architecture stores an int. For example
8 or 16 bit system short=16, int=16, long=32
32 bit system, short=16, int=32, long=32
64 bit system, short=16, int=32, long=64
This is not a hard and fast rule - you need to check your architecture first. There is also a long long but some compilers do not recognize it and the size varies according to architecture.
Some compilers have uint8_t etc defined so you can actually specify how many bits your number is instead of worrying about ints and longs.
Having said that you wish to convert a number into 4 8 bit ints. You could have something like
unsigned long x = 600000UL; // you need UL to indicate it is unsigned long
unsigned int b1 = (unsigned int)(x & 0xff);
unsigned int b2 = (unsigned int)(x >> 8) & 0xff;
unsigned int b3 = (unsigned int)(x >> 16) & 0xff;
unsigned int b4 = (unsigned int)(x >> 24);
Using shifts is a lot faster than multiplication, division or mod. This depends on the endianess you wish to achieve. You could reverse the assignments using b1 with the formula for b4 etc.
You could do some bit masking.
600000 is 0x927C0
600000 / (256 * 256) gets you the 9, no masking yet.
((600000 / 256) & (255 * 256)) >> 8 gets you the 0x27 == 39. Using a 8bit-shifted mask of 8 set bits (256 * 255) and a right shift by 8 bits, the >> 8, which would also be possible as another / 256.
600000 % 256 gets you the 0xC0 == 192 as you did it. Masking would be 600000 & 255.
I ended up doing this:
unsigned char bytes[4];
unsigned long n;
n = (unsigned long) sensore1 * 100;
bytes[0] = n & 0xFF;
bytes[1] = (n >> 8) & 0xFF;
bytes[2] = (n >> 16) & 0xFF;
bytes[3] = (n >> 24) & 0xFF;
I have been in a similar kind of situation while packing and unpacking huge custom packets of data to be transmitted/received, I suggest you try below approach:
typedef union
uint32_t u4_input;
uint8_t u1_byte_arr[4];
un_t_mode_reg.u4_input = input;/*your 32 bit input*/
// 1st byte = un_t_mode_reg.u1_byte_arr[0];
// 2nd byte = un_t_mode_reg.u1_byte_arr[1];
// 3rd byte = un_t_mode_reg.u1_byte_arr[2];
// 4th byte = un_t_mode_reg.u1_byte_arr[3];
The largest positive value you can store in a 16-bit signed int is 32767. If you force a number bigger than that, you'll get a negative number as a result, hence unexpected values returned by % and /.
Use either unsigned 16-bit int for a range up to 65535 or a 32-bit integer type.

Why would someone bitwise AND an 8-bit value with a 16-bit mask in C?

I am trying to replicate Javidx9's NES/MOS6502 CPU code in C# as an academic exercise and I am having trouble understanding the logic behind the implementation of the Zero-Page Addressing Mode. Specifically, I am looking at this code:
// Address Mode: Zero Page
// To save program bytes, zero page addressing allows you to absolutely address
// a location in first 0xFF bytes of address range. Clearly this only requires
// one byte instead of the usual two.
uint8_t olc6502::ZP0()
addr_abs = read(pc);
addr_abs &= 0x00FF;
return 0;
I struggle to understand why addr_abs &= 0x00FF; is there, uint16_t addr_abs is 16 bits but
uint8_t read(uint16_t a); returns an 8-bit value anyways, so the upper 8 bits (MOS6502 is little-endian) would be 00'd out by default? Am I missing something about how the C compiler/x86 ISA works?
You're correct addr_abs &= 0x00ff isn't needed.
uint16_t x = n where n is an unsigned 8-bit number (which is the case here). x would have it's upper 8 bits cleared. As #tadman stated, there might have been a different method used previously to store the value into addr_abs which didn't clear the upper 8 bits.

Structure for an array of bits in C

It has come to my attention that there is no builtin structure for a single bit in C. There is (unsigned) char and int, which are 8 bits (one byte), and long which is 64+ bits, and so on (uint64_t, bool...)
I came across this while coding up a huffman tree, and the encodings for certain characters were not necessarily exactly 8 bits long (like 00101), so there was no efficient way to store the encodings. I had to find makeshift solutions such as strings or boolean arrays, but this takes far more memory.
But anyways, my question is more general: is there a good way to store an array of bits, or some sort of user-defined struct? I scoured the web for one but the smallest structure seems to be 8 bits (one byte). I tried things such as int a : 1 but it didn't work. I read about bit fields but they do not simply achieve exactly what I want to do. I know questions have already been asked about this in C++ and if there is a struct for a single bit, but mostly I want to know specifically what would be the most memory-efficient way to store an encoding such as 00101 in C.
If you're mainly interested in accessing a single bit at a time, you can take an array of unsigned char and treat it as a bit array. For example:
unsigned char array[125];
Assuming 8 bits per byte, this can be treated as an array of 1000 bits. The first 16 logically look like this:
byte | 0 | 1 |
bit | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Let's say you want to work with bit b. You can then do the following:
Read bit b:
value = (array[b/8] & (1 << (b%8)) != 0;
Set bit b:
array[b/8] |= (1 << (b%8));
Clear bit b:
array[b/8] &= ~(1 << (b%8));
Dividing the bit number by 8 gets you the relevant byte. Similarly, mod'ing the bit number by 8 gives you the relevant bit inside of that byte. You then left shift the value 1 by the bit number to give you the necessary bit mask.
While there is integer division and modulus at work here, the dividend is a power of 2 so any decent compiler should replace them with bit shifting/masking.
It has come to my attention that there is no builtin structure for a single bit in C.
That is true, and it makes sense because substantially no machines have bit-addressible memory.
But anyways, my question is more general: is there a good way to store
an array of bits, or some sort of user-defined struct?
One generally uses an unsigned char or another unsigned integer type, or an array of such. Along with that you need some masking and shifting to set or read the values of individual bits.
I scoured the
web for one but the smallest structure seems to be 8 bits (one byte).
Technically, the smallest addressible storage unit ([[un]signed] char) could be larger than 8 bits, though you're unlikely ever to see that.
I tried things such as int a : 1 but it didn't work. I read about bit
fields but they do not simply achieve exactly what I want to do.
Bit fields can appear only as structure members. A structure object containing such a bitfield will still have a size that is a multiple of the size of a char, so that doesn't map very well onto a bit array or any part of one.
know questions have already been asked about this in C++ and if there
is a struct for a single bit, but mostly I want to know specifically
what would be the most memory-efficient way to store an encoding such
as 00101 in C.
If you need a bit pattern and a separate bit count -- such as if some of the bits available in the bit-storage object are not actually significant -- then you need a separate datum for the significant-bit count. If you want a data structure for a small but variable number of bits, then you might go with something along these lines:
struct bit_array_small {
unsigned char bits;
unsigned char num_bits;
Of course, you can make that larger by choosing a different data type for the bits member and, maybe, the num_bits member. I'm sure you can see how you might extend the concept to handling arbitrary-length bit arrays if you should happen to need that.
If you really want the most memory efficiency, you can encode the Huffman tree itself as a stream of bits. See, for example:
Then just encode those bits as an array of bytes, with a possible waste of 7 bits.
But that would be a horrible idea. For the structure in memory to be useful, it must be easy to access. You can still do that very efficiently. Let's say you want to encode up to 12-bit codes. Use a 16-bit integer and bitfields:
struct huffcode {
uint16_t length: 4,
value: 12;
C will store this as a single 16-bit value, and allow you to access the length and value fields separately. The complete Huffman node would also contain the input code value, and tree pointers (which, if you want further compactness, can be integer indices into an array).
You can make you own bit array in no time.
#define ba_set(ptr, bit) { (ptr)[(bit) >> 3] |= (char)(1 << ((bit) & 7)); }
#define ba_clear(ptr, bit) { (ptr)[(bit) >> 3] &= (char)(~(1 << ((bit) & 7))); }
#define ba_get(ptr, bit) ( ((ptr)[(bit) >> 3] & (char)(1 << ((bit) & 7)) ? 1 : 0 )
#define ba_setbit(ptr, bit, value) { if (value) { ba_set((ptr), (bit)) } else { ba_clear((ptr), (bit)); } }
#define BITARRAY_BITS (120)
int main()
char mybits[(BITARRAY_BITS + 7) / 8];
memset(mybits, 0, sizeof(mybits));
ba_setbit(mybits, 33, 1);
if (!ba_get(33))
return 1;
return 0;

logic operators & bit separation calculation in C (PIC programming)

I am programming a PIC18F94K20 to work in conjunction with a MCP7941X I2C RTCC ship and a 24AA128 I2C CMOS Serial EEPROM device. Currently I have code which successfully intialises the seconds/days/etc values of the RTCC and starts the timer, toggling a LED upon the turnover of every second.
I am attempting to augment the code to read back the correct data for these values, however I am running into trouble when I try to account for the various 'extra' bits in the values. The memory map may help elucidate my problem somewhat:
Taking, for example, the hours column, or the 02h address. Bit 6 is set as 1 to toggle 12 hour time, adding 01000000 to the hours bit. I can read back the entire contents of the byte at this address, but I want to employ an if statement to detect whether 12 or 24 hour time is in place, and adjust accordingly. I'm not worried about the 10-hour bits, as I can calculate that easily enough with a BCD conversion loop (I think).
I earlier used the bitwise OR operator in C to augment the original hours data to 24. I initialised the hours in this particular case to 0x11, and set the 12 hour control bit which is 0x64. When setting the time:
which as you can see uses the bitwise OR.
When reading back the hours, how can I incorporate operators into my code to separate the superfluous bits from the actual time bits? I tried doing something like this:
current_seconds = ReadI2C();
current_seconds = ST & current_seconds;
but that completely ruins everything. It compiles, but the device gets 'stuck' on this sequence.
How do I separate the ST / AMPM / VBATEN bits from the actual data I need, and what would a good method be of implementing for loops for the various circumstances they present (e.g. reading back 12 hour time if bit 6 = 0 and 24 hour time if bit6 = 1, and so on).
I'm a bit of a C novice and this is my first foray into electronics so I really appreciate any help. Thanks.
To remove (zero) a bit, you can AND the value with a mask having all other bits set, i.e., the complement of the bits that you wish to zero, e.g.:
value_without_bit_6 = value & ~(1<<6);
To isolate a bit within an integer, you can AND the value with a mask having only those bits set. For checking flags this is all you need to do, e.g.,
if (value & (1<<6)) {
// bit 6 is set
} else {
// bit 6 is not set
To read the value of a small integer offset within a larger one, first isolate the bits, and then shift them right by the index of the lowest bit (to get the least significant bit into correct position), e.g.:
value_in_bits_4_and_5 = (value & ((1<<4)|(1<<5))) >> 4;
For more readable code, you should use constants or #defined macros to represent the various bit masks you need, e.g.:
#define BIT_VBAT_EN (1<<3)
if (value & BIT_VBAT_EN) {
// VBAT is enabled
Another way to do this is to use bitfields to define the organisation of bits, e.g.:
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned ones:4;
unsigned tens:3;
unsigned st:1;
} seconds;
uint8_t byte;
} seconds_register_t;
seconds_register_t sr;
sr.byte = READ_ADDRESS(0x00);
unsigned int seconds = sr.seconds.ones + sr.seconds.tens * 10;
A potential problem with bitfields is that the code generated by the compiler may be unpredictably large or inefficient, which is sometimes a concern with microcontrollers, but obviously it's nicer to read and write. (Another problem often cited is that the organisation of bit fields, e.g., endianness, is largely unspecified by the C standard and thus not guaranteed portable across compilers and platforms. However, it is my opinion that low-level development for microcontrollers tends to be inherently non-portable, so if you find the right bit layout I wouldn't consider using bitfields “wrong”, especially for hobbyist projects.)
Yet you can accomplish similarly readable syntax with macros; it's just the macro itself that is less readable:
#define GET_SECONDS(r) ( ((r) & 0x0F) + (((r) & 0x70) >> 4) * 10 )
uint8_t sr = READ_ADDRESS(0x00);
unsigned int seconds = GET_SECONDS(sr);
Regarding the bit masking itself, you are going to want to make a model of that memory map in your microcontroller. The simplest, cudest way to do that is to #define a number of bit masks, like this:
#define REG1_ST 0x80u
#define REG1_10_SECONDS 0x70u
#define REG1_SECONDS 0x0Fu
#define REG2_10_MINUTES 0x70u
And then when reading each byte, mask out the data you are interested in. For example:
bool st = (data & REG1_ST) != 0;
uint8_t ten_seconds = (data & REG1_10_SECONDS) >> 4;
uint8_t seconds = (data & REG1_SECONDS);
The important part is to minimize the amount of "magic numbers" in the source code.
Writing data:
reg1 = 0;
reg1 |= st ? REG1_ST : 0;
reg1 |= (ten_seconds << 4) & REG1_10_SECONDS;
reg1 |= seconds & REG1_SECONDS;
Please note that I left out the I2C communication of this.

Storing a 4-bit value in the middle of an 8-bit register

I need to count from 0 to 10 and store those values in binary format in ADCON0(5:2). How do I point at bit 5 of this register? Bit 5 is named ADCON0bits.CHS3. If I store a 4 bit variable to ADCON0bits.CHS3, will bits 1 - 3 be written to bits 4 - 2 of the register?
Also, are there any 4 bit data types that I could use?
This is all on a PIC microcontroller.
Edit: I need to store 4 bits in the register like so:
unsigned char count = 10 //max value
This is in line with what was assumed below, but I figured I would clear up my question a bit.
When you say you are writing bits 1-3 of your count into positions 4-2 of your register, do you explicitly mean you are reversing the order of the bits? In this answer I will presume that that was not what you meant.
You can express a bit field explicitly as a struct.
Presuming that you are dealing with a 16 bit register, your struct could look something like this:
struct adcon {
unsigned char someflag : 2;
unsigned char count : 4;
unsigned char other_bits : 2;
With each struct member, you specify the number of bits. Then you can operate on the appropriate bits in the register by casting the register to the struct type, and operating on the members of the struct.
(adcon) ADCON0.count = count;
Edit: fixed up the code based on feedback, thanks.
Writing to a bit variable stores the truth value of that variable to the bit. For example, writing:
ADCON0bits.CHS3 = 3;
will set that bit to 1.
If bit5 refers to the bit masked by 0x20 (00100000) and you need to store the 4 bit number in bits masked 0x3c (00111100) then you can use bit shifts and bitwise operations:
// First clear bits 1-5:
ADCON0 &= ~0x3c;
// Now set the bits to correct value:
ADCON0 |= (count << 2); // <-- remember to shift 2 bits to the left
update: As mentioned by Ian in the comments. This sets ADCON0 to an intermediate value before updating. In this case it is OK since it is only selecting the A/D channel and not actually executing the conversion. But in general it's better to do:
unsigned char temp_adcon;
temp_adcon = ADCON0 & ~0x3c;
ADCON0 = temp_adcon | (count << 2);
See the answers for this SO question.
Note that you are doing a read-modify-write operation. You have to be careful of race conditions when doing this. Race conditions may be caused by:
The hardware itself changing bits in the register (e.g. A/D converter operation completes and sets flags). The design of the hardware should provide a means for you to avoid this problem—there are several possible solutions—read the manual for the micro/peripheral to find out.
Your own interrupt routine(s) also writing to the register. If so, when your main (non-interrupt) code writes to the register, it should be done within an "interrupts disabled" context.
I'm not sure about the exact register ADCON0, but often you can read the register, mask the 4 bits and insert your count and then use that value to write back to the register.
Just in case, masking is performed with an AND operation and inserting is an OR operation with the count shift over 2 bits in your case.
