How can I access global variable created by content script in console? - firefox-addon-webextensions

Sometimes I want get global variable value directly by console as page script and page console can.


Local chat in tabs without backend

I'm trying to create a chat in React that will be attached to a browser tab. The message history must be global. I put each message to local storage with a unique name. However, in the second tab, messages appear only after the page is refreshed. If you do not refresh the page, but write something new from the second tab, the values ​​​​in localstorage begin to be overwritten.
I tried to use broadcastmessage, but I ran into the fact that it is called many times, and many identical values ​​come to localstorage at once. I didn't find a solution to this problem.
I also tried using add.edeventListener('storage') but it doesn't work for the current tab.
I also used windows.postmessage, but that didn't work either. Can you suggest how to display messages without reloading the page?

How to migrate an online angular script to local server?

Hi I'm trying to make an offline version of this page: the script is writtin with Angular JS how do I do that?
I saved the page control-s and copied the file to the local server I'm running.
And then I browsed the local ip. the page opened but I get repeated notes ng-repeat shows up as multiple boxes instead of 1 box that edits the same note but in different octaves.
How do I solve this problem please.
You can inspect the front-end code in your browser console. In Firefox it's in the section called "Debugger", in Chrome it's called "Sources". If you use Safari, you need to enable Developer mode first.
Once you have the appropriate view, just click on -> tools/microtuning/ -> index
Hopefully it goes without saying that you shouldn't use large swaths of another person's code without at least giving appropriate credit, or better yet getting the developer's permission, unless there is an explicit open-source license.

How to show Image from local drive in Angular JS [duplicate]

I'm trying to retrieve a picture from my file system after a good storage,(instead of putting it in the database I copy it to the disc and i put the path to the db)
I had store the picture to c:\images\ folder and supposing that the name the complete path is c:\images\mypic.jpg
when I try to retrieve it a set the img src attribute to <img src="c:\images\mypic.jps"> by using some java code
in the browser console I found this error Not allowed to load local resource: file:///C://images//mypic.jpg
Question: how to fix these path problem ? where Should I store the pictures ? and from where should I retrieve them ?
sending tag <img src="c:\images\mypic.jpg"> would cause user browser to access image from his filesystem.
if you have to store images in folder located in c:\images i would suggest to create an servlet like images.jsp, that as a parameter takes name of a file, then sets servlet response content to an image/jpg and then loads bytes of image from server location and put it to a response.
But what you use to create your application? is it pure servlet? Spring? JSF?
Here you can find some info about, how to do it.
In Chrome, you are supposed to be able to allow this capability with a runtime flag --allow-file-access-from-files
However, it looks like there is a problem with current versions of Chrome (37, 38) where this doesn't work unless you also pass the runtime flag --disable-web-security
That's an unacceptable solution, except perhaps as a short-term workaround, but it has been identified as an issue:
You have Two alternatives :
First one is to create a ServletImageLoader that would take as a parameter an identifier of your image (the path of the image or a hash) that you will use inside the Servlet to handle your image, and it will print to the response stream the loaded image from the server.
Second one is to create a folder inside your application's ROOT folder and just save the relative path to your images.
Many browsers have changed their security policies to no longer allow reading data directly from file shares or even local resources. You need to either place the files somewhere that your tomcat instance can serve them up and put a "regular" http url in the html you generate. This can be accomplished by either providing a servlet which reads and provides the file putting the file into a directory where tomcat will serve it up as "static" content.
The concept of http location and disk location is different. What you need to do is:
for uploaded file summer.jpg
move that under a known (to the application) location to disk, e.g c:\images\summer.jpg
insert into db record representing the image with text summer.jpg
to display it use plain <img src="images/summer.jpg" />
you need something (e.g apache) that will serve c:\images\ under your application's /images. If you cannot do this then in step #2 you need to save somewhere under your web root, e.g c:\my-applications\demo-app\build\images
This error means you can not directly load data from file system because there are security issues behind this. The only solution that I know is create a web service to serve load files.
Here is a simple expressjs solution if you just want to run this app locally and security is not a concern:
On your server.js or app.js file, add the following:
app.use('/local-files', express.static('/'));
That will serve your ENTIRE root directory under /local-files. Needless to say this is a really bad idea if you're planning to deploy this app anywhere other than your local machine.
Now, you can simply do:
<img src="/local-files/images/mypic.jps"/>
note: I'm running macOS. If you're using Windows you may have to search and remove 'C:\' from the path string
Do not use ABSOLUTE PATH to refer to the name of the image for example: C:/xamp/www/Archivos/images/templatemo_image_02_opt_20160401-1244.jpg. You must use the reference to its location within webserver. For example using ../../Archivos/images/templatemo_image_02_opt_20160401-1244.jpg depending on where your process is running.

Unable to access authorization.user._id after refreshing once

I have developed a NodeJS app (MeanJS) with Yo generator.
I think there is an issue with the authentication module.
I am trying to access the authentication.user._id value in the HTML page using {{authentication.user._id}} and it works fine for the first time when the user logs in. But as soon as the user refreshes the page, this particular value is gone. All other values in authentication.user are still there, but the "_id" value is gone until I re-login. Why is this happening?
I want the "_id" value to persist even after refreshing the page, since the user is still logged in and it is the same session.
In your core.server.controller.js file you need to add this line of code:
At the begining of the safeUserObject in renderIndex function. Save it, restart the server and try again.

How can I access Angular functions client side in the browser console? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I access the $scope variable in browser's console using AngularJS?
(20 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
For debugging purposes I would like to access my Angular module functions client-side in the console.
Is there a way to access the Angular $scope inside the console of a browser?
If you put a breakpoint, you can examinate the scope value in this execution moment
Also you can install the Batarang extension for Chrome, and you will get direct access to your $scope s in the console browser
Open developer tools window (F12) in chrome --> go to sources tab --> find the js file where your specific function is in --> click on the line number in front to set the breakpoint --> press refresh(F5) in browser, and your browser will stop at the breakpoint.
Then type in the console en you can check the variables/objects witch are in scope of the specific javascript function
